Why don't you build a village on top of the world tree

Episode XIII: Meeting of Mayors and Mayors

Today, when autumn deepened, I was visiting Katella City with Richay.

To attend the mayor's meeting and the mayor's meeting respectively.

Even though it has become a skyscraper, the development of takakus was rather rapid and therefore small in population size, for which reason food productivity is slipped out and high due to the effects of varietal improvements. For this reason, Richay and I are supposed to be present to make it easier to target food exports to towns and cities, and to bridge the bridge between the mayors and the mayors in a skyscraper position.

The stories summarised at this meeting will also be shared at the Skyscraper meeting, which will in some cases be held shortly.

"I feel like they're turning me around."

"I think it's conveniently used. However, if we cannot coordinate our opinions at this meeting of mayors and mayors, we will not be able to act as coordinators of the skyscrapers. Let's keep our minds together."

"I know. The schedule..."

Me and Richay can't move when we hold it at the same time, so the two meetings take place a day off the date.

I need to stay in Katella City for about three days and gather my opinions.

Nevertheless, it is our job this time to coordinate and detail the final opinion during the meeting and to compile the results of the meeting, since the type of pre-coordination was done by Mr and Mrs Kruwe of the city of Katella. An early story is the facilitator and secretary.

What precedes it is the town mayor's meeting.

Enter the public hall that the city of Kattella was used when it was still a town, and enter the floor.

"Hey, Mr. Takakus. Congratulations on the skyscraper."

The mayor of the town of Cateo laughs with a number of wrinkled faces.

"Thank you. The management said they rebuilt it. You were brilliant."

"Thanks to your trade with Mr. Takakus. I had Mr. Hedgeway bridge me, too. I've really taken care of you everywhere, but I'm fine now."

"More than anything."

"The population density is slowly easing. I hear you're accepting it from Mr. Takakus. Thanks."

"No, this is where I need manpower."

Lishay slapped me on the shoulder as I waited for the beginning of the meeting while I had a public talk with Mayor Kateo.

If you look around wondering what it is, the town mayors are already here.

"Mr. Takakus, you can deepen your interaction, but you can also ask for a facilitator?

Pointing out to the mayor of Hedgeway, who was grinning with his elbow on his desk, I stood up in a hurry and declared the beginning of the meeting.

The meeting room is engulfed with laughter.

"I don't have any urgent cases. Let's not relax."

As the mayor of Hedgeway follows me, I read the agenda. I felt like I had done it from the beginning......

As the mayor of Hedgeway put it, there is no urgent agenda. Emerging village issues converge, no town is likely to fail in management, and Kyrilgiri awaits the completion of the museum in Takakus.

While we were talking about imports and exports, the mayor of Hedgeway spoke to me.

"Speaking of which, isn't it true that Mr. Takakus has started something new again? Was it wild bird poultry?

"Yeah, I'm not on track yet in the exam phase, but I'm working on it"

This is where Marcto is working on leaving most of the care of rum birds and sinks to other breeders to immerse themselves in the cloud-no-layer.

There is also a tendency to improve by mixing several other types of vegetables in the bait, in addition to the corn, that seem to be undernourished and become thin and fading.

I was impressed that the researchers I invited from Yoinsley were happy with Marcto.

"What's wrong with the poultry plan? It's still in the testing stage, so it's premature to talk about export restrictions like sinks."

"No, no, I'm not talking about export restrictions. If you succeed in poultrying a wild bird that can take its feathers, you need to speak up."

Oh, you know what?

As the starter of Coyote's Breeding Fund, Hedgeway Town has successfully handled yarn and cloth extensively. If feather-related merchandise is to be supplied in a stable manner, did you want to set up a trading system?

"You can't say anything yet. Because we are at a stage where we are rearing several species of wild birds and sorting out what is likely to be poultry."

"We can also provide funding. Call me if you have any trouble."

"Thank you"

Cushions, etc. in duvets would be of considerable use.

Speaking of feathers in this world, they are rum bird feathers, but they are only used to the extent of cheap chairs because hair tips sting on top of easy to accumulate static electricity.

Still, when it comes to poultry in wild birds, the fact that we can talk about assuming the use of feathers regardless of the image of the feathers of lamb birds has long led us to recognize the value of products such as wild bird feathers. It would be proof that he was also keen to study the material.

After all, the mayor of Hedgeway is a doer.

Mayor Hedgeway laughs at me. I guess I also found that I correctly recognized the product value of wild bird feathers.

But I'm not as good of a dealer as the mayor of Hedgeway, it's because I know the finished form of the product itself with quotes from previous life's knowledge that I've come to think of, so it's a little troublesome when I can look at my kind.

"Is there anything else you'd like to discuss additionally?

Looking around at the mayors before finishing the meeting, the mayor of Cateo opened his mouth.

"We're going into winter. If Cyrillic was laying eggs, I think we should make sure we don't miss regular interconnections because hatched objects can attack us. Mr. Takakus is the best fighter, and he has a proven crusade, so I'd like him to act as a liaison center."

"Copy that. Don't the others disagree? Now, as you cross the line, Takakus will put together and share the information as a hub for regular contact. The meeting is now adjourned."

Now, when the mayor's meeting is over, I'll go over the minutes and write down decisions and other paperwork.

I need to get back to the inn and work with Richay.

The day after the town mayor's meeting, he now attends the mayor's meeting.

Flip the embroidered jacket into the wind and head to the public hall, which is the venue. Unlike usual, wearing superior clothes twice every three days diminishes gratitude.

All the mayors, including Mayor Kattella, had already gathered at the venue.

"... we haven't started yet, have we?

When I ask Richay beside me, the snort returns.

I guess all the mayors acted like him five minutes ago. Is it a slave to time?

"Mr. Takakus, there are signs of snow. It's a little early, but can you start?

One of the mayors calls me, and I'll tell you the beginning of the meeting before I take my seat.

Finishing his oral remarks, he sits down in his seat with Richay, making progress on the meeting as he turns the material at hand.

"Now, on the issue of lack of manpower for snow removal, please turn it around because we have compiled it in the dossier about the situation in each village and the town that turns manpower"

Turn the materials to the mayors sitting at the conference desk, looking to Richay.

"Basically, the town closest to the village takes the form of sending people, but depending on the location, you will also get people out of each city"

Since this neighborhood is held, the mayors also promised to cooperate without disagreement.

After that, we will continue to communicate the communication matters in the name of the agenda and move on to the final agenda.

"Finally, then, the opinion is that we should change the venue of our upcoming meeting to Tacax"

I've been filing this agenda. I turn to Mayor Kattella.

"Problems with meeting management, you're not saying, are you? Why would you move the rendezvous point to Takakus?

I know it takes a lot of work and expenses to provide a meeting place, supplies, arrange a place for the mayor or mayor to stay, but I don't see why Mayor Katella would spare that amount of time to turn the opportunity to appeal to the local industry to Tacax.

When I asked him for his sincerity, not only Mayor Kattella, but the mayors surrounding the conference desk looked at me with a strange look.

"Tacax has skyscraped, so isn't it natural to move the rendezvous point?

"... uh, is that all?

No, although it is right as a matter of practice for the region's most developed municipalities to serve as a compiler, the population size of Tacax, albeit skyscraped, does not extend far to the city of Katella.

In industrial terms, I believe it also accounts for a considerable proportion of the world tree north side. But I'm sorry to say it, but it's a big deal.

Nevertheless, Mayor Kattella nodded naturally.

"Do you need another reason?

"I don't think we need any other reason to move the meeting place, as is customary"

"Well, I guess it's settled."

"No, there's a reason not to move it."

"Ho, I want you to hear that"

Mayor Katella urged me to be funny, and I reach out to Richay. Richay offered. He put a piece of paper on my hand.

Receive the paper, scrupulously check the contents, and then give it to Mayor Kattella.

"This is the thing that showed the directions to Takakus from the city and town where the meeting took place"

"Hmm. I see it's one end of the line."

Through his eyes, Mayor Kattella nodded bitterly, turning the paper to the next mayor.

Although it is a simple map of the north side of the world tree, at first glance it can be seen that most of the cities and towns attending the meeting do not have a direct path to Takakus.

It has been six hundred clouds and ten years since the city of Kattera became a meeting city on the north side of the world tree. The roads developed during the years stacked for improved convenience are not sufficient in the number of fingers on both hands and are considered the center of the transport network.

It would be more convenient to make Katella City the host city as it has always been, rather than purposefully gathering in Takakus via Katella City.

"In addition, I am ashamed to say that we are not prepared to accept Takakus. Since many visitors visit the air market to arrange winter support, Akiguchi will also be filled with accommodation, and the public hall that will be the venue for the meeting will not have a meeting room."

The first building in Takakus, the Takakus Public Hall, but even in the village days, the meetings were held in the dining room space. Even with more people, the meeting has been going late at night at the Takakus Theatre, and we're just discussing whether to build what could be termed a Takakus Hall with the burden of conference attendees as a problem.

Not very much, but I don't have room for a town mayor's meeting or a mayor's meeting.

"If that's the case, can't you help it?"

"Right. Things will change in two hundred years, and we'll just have to put it on the agenda again by then."

"That's settled. As Mayor Kattella, let's promise we'll continue to take on the host city."

The story came together, and Richay breathes a sigh of relief behind me.

"What else is on the agenda?

I don't think so.


One after another the mayors expressed no agenda and the meeting was adjourned.