"Oh, I played a lot."

"Yeah! I watched the movie, had a meal, and enjoyed visiting the various shops with three people!"

"Yeah ... sodane"

(I'm tired ... After eating, Asakura and Momoi took me from one end to a store inside the shopping center ... The previous date was Asakura alone, but this time there was also Momoi. If you were to be taken twice as often, it was more.)

"It's already eighteen o'clock. After all, it's an issue from the chairman ..."

"Oh, is he and Romeo calling each other more than 30 times?"

"Well then, you said more than 30 times? Did you count on Momoi?"

"Yeah! Well, Ando-kun called Sakura" Juliet "32 times, and Sakura called Ando-kun" Romeo "127 times."

"Eh! Did I call Romeo so much !?"

"Yeah ... you called me"

(At first I tried to make it hard to say, but I got used to it after eating, because the "Romeo" call was usually established ... Asakura-san, can't I get the "Romeo" call today? )

"And that's pretty much the end of Ando-kun?"

"Speaking of which, Romeo is less than one-third of my time."

"Yeah ... that's right."

(That's because I counted it as much as possible.)

"Then, we've cleared the task, and it's time to break up today. Ando-kun, will you send Sakura to the house properly? The" date "is when you get home."

"Oh, let's break up ... Momoi?"

"I'm going to get in the way, so I'll go home alone. Oh! Ando-kun, it's fine to say something like a time to test your liver! Because the sun hasn't yet fallen, But I'm fine. ''

"Well, that's right ... then Momoi-san!"

"Momo, then!"


(Ando-kun, Sakura. Do the rest well ... because I'm cheering)

"Six o'clock has passed but it's not dark yet ..."

"Yes. Is it summer soon?"

(Momoi ... I guess she took care of me and kept me alone, because Momoi's house would go a long way in that direction ...)

(If you have a peach ... use a weird mind! What? ... If you think you're going to be a weird little guy to Ando-kun ...... you'll sneak in and send me a support email after breaking up ...)



((Me, there were eyes !?))

"Oh, oh ..."

"Ufufu ..."

((What do you do ... I'm nervous when I'm alone!)

"But Romeo often goes around here !?"

"Yes, that's right, Juliet! The cinemas we came to today often come to see alone, so we know quite a bit about the roads around here!"

"That's right ..."

"Uh, yeah ..."

(How about! I'm nervous and can't talk well!)

(Mr. Asakura, I'm nervous, but the task is over, but I still can't get out of Romeo ... I can't help but call me Juliet, but I'm just going to call it tomorrow as usual Ando-kun, are you going back to calling?

But, by the way, today's date and issues are ultimately aimed at curing Mr. Asakura's "Daikon Actor Problem ..."

"Hey, Juliet"

"What, Romeo?"

"Today, I actually tried dating for" Romeo "and" Juliet "... but could that be done?"

"Well, how about ... honestly, I also want to do my own performance ... but I'm not confident after all."


"Why? ... I'm going to play Juliet somehow, but it's difficult for me to do it when I play it ..."

(Is it difficult to fulfill the role ... Asakura-san, I was quite concerned about that.)

"Juliet, there's a small park here if you like. Why don't you stop there?"

"Well, park?

(Ando-kun, what is the reason for the park?)

"Hey, here you are. Did you know? There's a park like this."

"Well, it's a really nice park. I didn't know there was a park on such an unpopular road."

"In fact, I like to go on such an unpopular road. Isn't it exciting to find a park in such a surprising place?"

"Yes! It would be fun to find a place or a place you don't know where you live!"

"Yeah! And this park is quiet and calm because there aren't many people ... Is it okay to take a break in this park if you like?"

"Yes, if you find such a nice park, you have to take a break!"

(That's like a real couple talking in the park together.)

(At least I hope Asakura's heart can rest in this park ...)

"That's it! It's a novel, but when it was made into a book, the design of the robot changed completely!"

"Oh, that's it."

"After all! In other novels, I find it interesting, but on the net, I'm sad because I use too many onomatopoeia and criticize it!"

"Oh, there's one."

"And that and that! Recently, if the title includes" Cheat "or" Reincarnation ", it's frustrating to be ridiculed for being called" Naruoto Oto "immediately! What's wrong with the template!"

"That's it."

(Sorry, Asakura-san's something was accumulated even under stress, but it's been Asakura-san's bitches tournament ...)

(Wow, it's already going on a date! Umami is sticking to Ando-kun, so I can't talk about Ranobe violently, and Ando-kun looks at her peach's breasts and she's getting stressed. Finally, I can talk slowly with Ando-kun and Ranobe!

Even so, if Ando-kun, I'm leaning a little ... I wonder if I can only see the peach's chest ... Wow, wow, I'm gonna sneak up on my chest! You can't help it anymore? Because it's crazy! So, but ... Ando is also a boy? Oh, about the valley ... I'll overlook a little!

Huffun ♪)

(Mr. Asakura, your chest is squeaky ... but you can see the bra!

Should I say this ...? )

[Additional ss] Mikashi "If Asakura is reincarnated in another world"

"Uh ... here?"

"I woke up."

"Eh, are you ... chairman?"

"No, I am God, not the chairman"

"No ... chairman, right?"

"I am God."

"But committee ----"


"Oh, yes ... then why is there a God? Where is this pure white space in the first place?"

"Let's explain. This is heaven. You died by hitting your head against a flat wall in the climax of slipping on the banana peel that an angel in heaven has inadvertently dropped onto the ground."

"Well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah! What the hell is that weird !? The banana peel dropped by an angel means that I died because of an angel !?"

"Yes ... no matter what you think, the cause of your death is our mistake. At the very least, the original world is impossible, but I want to reincarnate you in another different world."

"Foo! Reincarnation! No way ... Is there magic in the world?"

"yes, I have"

"Then, some elves and goblins ..."

"yes, I have"

"Oh, and there's Ando-kun--"

"Yes! Of course!"

"You must be kidding!?"

(Ah, ah, ah, ah! I wondered what would happen when I was told I died first, but it was a different world reincarnation !?

"Well, by the way, is reincarnation something cheat-like?"

"Of course! I'll give you whatever you want as a reincarnation benefit within our reach."

"Kita Kita!"

(After all, you can get the cheat ability as promised! And you like whatever you want! What should I ask for? ... After all, if you say what you want ...

"Now, tell me what you want ... I'll grant you one wish for any wish."

(What I want-that's it!)

"Please make it bigger than peach!"

"The wish is beyond my power ...

Impossible! "

"What ...?"


God is gone.

"... What?"