"Yeah, I knew ... wasn't my brother saying 'dating' a light joke? Did you know you actually want to go out together because you have something to do?"

"... Oh, yes.

"Funny! I mean, I don't really expect anything! What do you say if you're an older brother?"

(Huh, I don't really have any expectations! Because my brother has a beautiful girl, Sakura-in-law, who doesn't fit her height ...? Do you want to get a preview of your date with Sakura's sister-in-law or want to be able to follow her date with Sakura-in-law?



(Why are you so sorry if you're my sister? Apart from yesterday ...

"Well, dating is a joke ... I want you to be with me tomorrow."

-I guess you should have explained it properly? )

"I want to say ... brother! Why is this woman here?"

☆ "Sempai ♪ Good Morning Gojai Maa ~ su"

"What is that !?"

"Why ... because I called you?"

(Ah… Speaking of which, my sister's guy isn't on good terms with Anegasaki sister, so was he in a bad mood?)

☆ "Cahah! What ?? You, maybe ... you misunderstood that you were the only one with Senpai? Pupu! It's a super bra-con? Oh, oh, oh, what are you talking about ?!

Wow, am I ...? I'm angry about why I have to meet you some Sunday! "

"In the first place? I haven't heard from Senpai that you are the same?"

☆ (But this looks interesting ...

(Even though, recently I often get together with my brother's student council to help ... Why there's an older brother and sister without water!)

(But I don't think I'll get along well no matter how long these guys go ... I'd get along if I worked together at the student council, and I thought I'd be reduced to two birds with one job. Is it bad ...?)

"My brother, what exactly is this!"

"Sempai? What is it?"


(Well, what? This, even if I split myself, the air is ...? However, I called them in the same place because I had a business for them-)

“… And for the time being – why not take a break at a coffee shop there?”

Curran ♪ Scar ~ n ♪

"Welcome! How many people are you?"

"Oh, three."

"Now! Naturally, this is your brother's treat!"

☆ "Sempai ♪ It's going to be a good one" "―― ぅ ... three people, are you here?"

(... koitsu, you brought another woman !?)

"Wow! Why are you giving your brother too! You're determined to be yourself!"

☆ "It's a bit unclear, but I don't know what?-Rather?-I'm also a high school student and I'm ashamed to say," Oh brother! But nobody is doing that good! What are you talking about ?! You're really stupid! "

"Oh oh! You guys, let's be a little quiet! You're in a shop here? Look ... you're staring at the clerk there and ...?"

"Juu ..."

(I guess it's a quarrel fight ... good, burn it!)

"Wow ... because this woman ... buoo!"

☆ "Sempai, I'm sorry ♪ tepero" "Huh ... I see. I understand. Because both of you are here, I guess."

(I can't afford it this month, but ... well, it's about tea bills.)

"I'm sorry! Please set juicy cutlet sand and orange juice!"

"Then, I'd like a fresh lemonade and tiramisu!"

"Cho! The only thing I told me was a drink-"

(In addition, both orders cost about 1,000 yen as a set !?)

"My brother ♪"

"Sempai ♪"

☆ "I'll let you go"

"U, yeah ... please like me already."

(They aren't really good friends ...?)

【Next time preview】

"Thank you all for your support!

Recently, I feel like the next announcement is just a lie announcement ... shouldn't the author remember to make a plot soon?

Well, the next "Why"? "

Next time "Sister vs. junior en film" Thank you!

"Okay, we're going to start the usual 'Petalin Janken'! Have you decided what to do? Of course I've decided.

Petapeta / Petalin ♪ Jan / Ken / Pon ♪ "


"I'm waiting for everyone's comments, ratings, and ♪"