☆ "Sempa-a, I'll help you to collect Miscon participants today." "Anegasaki ... I'm not saying a word to help you today, but on the premise that I'll help you invite me. Is it becoming ...? "

☆ "Because Senpai is not free at the student council, isn't it?" "I'm still a student council !?"

(It's totally rude! The student council is always busy with some troublesome work.)

"Well, then? Please tell me where the busy Senpai got out of the student council room and where they were going to do what."

"... Ta, just a toilet break dayo ..."

(Huh, really dayo ...? But restroom restoring that only two hours delay in returning to the student council room after going to the bathroom?)

"Where are the fools of Ando? Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"



(Jabbe ... I guess it's a barre that I secretly mixed my work with Ishida's work ...)

☆ "I've heard the voice of Senpai Ishida right now" "Un, Sodane ..."

☆ "Senpai Ishida seems to be calling me, but why don't I go back?" "Another ... isn't it good?"

"Then, I call Ishida Senpai--"

"Ah! Ah! What do you suddenly want to do for your junior's job? What can you do ?? Is there any junior who wants to help you somewhere? I'll be glad to help you with your work ... ??

"Well, what should I do? I don't really need human resources so much.

"Oh, right? Then I'm going to the toilet as it is-"

"Senpa Ishida-"

"Oh, oh, lie, lie, lie! Would you please help me ah ah ah ah ah! "

"Well, is that so ?? ...

☆ Then, I'll let Senpai help me. "" Oh, thank you ... "

(This guy is similar in style to my sister ...)

"So how does Anegasaki intend to increase the number of participants after this?"

☆ "Hey ...? Isn't Senpai thinking about it from now on?" "Well, if you did it, it wouldn't be" Help ", would it be a service yesterday? Went around to persuade, but Miscon is a job of Anegasaki, so you have to do your own work, doesn't it make sense? "

"Let's go ..."

"And you ... I mean, I'm just pushing my work to Ishida and having fun."

"Oh, I was aware of it."

☆ (It's almost time that Senpai doesn't say it!

"But it's difficult to actually get more participants, right?"

☆ "Anegasaki is fairly popular in the class? If you say to your classmates," I'm going to come out, so I'm going to go out with you "..." "Senpai ... I guess if I say that, I'm going to turn a class girl into an enemy instead of being refused. "

"Well, why? What's wrong now?"

"Everything is bad and no good! Is it OK? Now the sentiment spoken by Senpai sounds like this for girls?"

"Hey, Kimoi is superfluous ... so how do you hear it?"

I'm coming out too, so let's go out together

"The paranoia is too great !?"

☆ "Senpai, it doesn't matter what you actually said! What's important is ... how did the other person receive it?" "How did you receive it?"

"Yes! That's right? For example, Senpai Ishida came and ...

"Ando, I don't think you know, so I'll be kind and tell you.

Your boobs will come up when you take a bath!

Well, I don't think it might be a sight you'll never have ...

Ha ha ha! 』

――What do you think about it? "

"If you don't want to take extra care, you'll need to take care!"

(What's kind?

"Uhh ... uhh!"

(Wow ......... Sempai, serious crying, don't pull ...)

"Senpai, did you understand this? In other words, even if I thought this was a scene that Ishida Senpai was serious and had no connection to Senpai, he said kindly ..."

"I see, depending on the recipient, the other party's intentions may be perceived as malicious ...

☆ "That's it"

(But I got frustrated, so I'll get back to Ishida the next time I meet ...)

"Senpai, like Momoi Senpai, do you have any friends who invite you to miscons? Isn't this a pretext to ask a boy to have a girl rather than being invited by a girl?"

"I don't know if that's the case. If you have a lot of my friends, I don't have any trouble ..." ,What do you mean?"

"Well, is it simply a matter of pride? I'm usually interested in girls who are confident about this kind of miscon to some extent, but if they lose, they'll hurt their pride and stop getting out. That's right.

Therefore! If you are invited by a boy, say, "I can't help saying that this girl is definitely here." "

"Oh, that's right ..."

(That's the same theory that Momoi-san participated in as a result of being inspired by me as a condition of participation. It's difficult for girls ...)

"Umm, if this is the case, the fifth person will be stuck.

"That's right ... ok!

For the time being, can I just use the chair's name without permission? "

"Oh, can I do that ?!"

"Eh, because ...

"A boy is an excuse to ask girls if they ask"

――What did you say, Anegasaki? "

"I don't even do that" wish "..."

☆ "Okay, okay! On the day of the show, if you're the moderator, you can't refuse to refuse if you call me. In addition, if you believe in Anegasaki's words, the chairman is" I'm interested but can't get out of my pride. " "I'll just push the chair of the chair." "Senpai, it's not the chest, but the back .... If you push the chest, it's just sexual harassment?"

(Umm, from the perspective of me, I think Chairperson Senpai is a type that is not interested in miscons, but ...

"Senpai, I'll be stabbed someday ..."

【Next time preview】

"Hello everyone, happy! Chairman ♪

I want to talk more about it because it's the first "why" update in the new year ...

Kitchen knife Unfortunately, you have to go buy "" after this.

That's why this next announcement will be over.

Well, the next "Why"? "

Next "Service" Thank you!

"Kuhfu ... I wonder who the next victim is ...

Then we'll start the usual Petaling Janken. Have you decided what to do? Of course I have decided. Then how about?

Petapeta / Petalin ♪ Jan / Ken / Pon ♪ "



Is n’t it choki?

Choki ...

Choki, it might come out really ...?

Goo [! ]

"Khufu ... are you kidding?

Everyone's comments, evaluation, I'm waiting ♪ "