Wind spy

Chapter 331

The last words of the old devils, Kodama and Shifu, were vague and did not give any specific information. This may be the instinct of intelligence work to avoid leaks.

But Chen Mingxiang figured out other meanings. This is very important strategic-level intelligence. In terms of value, it far exceeds the information on the bombing that has just been obtained.

Japan’s war of aggression in China has entered a stage of strategic stalemate, and there can be no major breakthrough in a short period of time, but all countries know that this ambitious island country will not settle down to operate in China’s occupied area!

So the question is, where will the next target be attacked?

As of now, Japan’s strategic orientation has no trajectory to follow. The army insists on going north to attack the Soviet Union, but the navy thinks it will go south to attack Southeast Asia. The United Kingdom and the United States and China’s Shancheng government are racking their brains to speculate on the possibility.

As the head of the Japanese navy’s intelligence agency in the Shanghai market, Kodama and Shifu are definitely the ones who know this core secret. Then, the question is finalized, and Japan will implement the strategy of going south.

"Whether the Japanese army is going to attack Southeast Asia and Southeast Asia is not the most important task for our direct subordinate stations. Moreover, I have only made my own speculation through some signs. There is no evidence to support this inference. The information is too vague. It can’t be provided to Boss Dai as a reference.”

"The key point is that the big bombing issue can't be delayed. You immediately send out this information and remind the bureau's headquarters again. There is less than a month left, and the action must be accelerated."

"This time is different from last time. There is Nanzao Yunzi's inside line that secretly guided the Japanese bombers. If we can't stop it in advance, we will pay an extremely heavy price. These beasts obviously put their minds on ordinary people for the effect of the bombing. Body." Chen Mingxiang said to Wang Zhen.

The air defense system of the mountain city is mainly air-raid shelters. When the alarm goes off, the people will hide in the air-raid shelters closest to them in the shortest time to avoid bombing by Japanese aircraft.

Air-raid shelters also have a volume. Once there are too many people, it will lead to insufficient oxygen and chest tightness and suffocation. The construction of the air-raid shelters of the Shancheng government is relatively not standardized, and the risk estimation is seriously insufficient. The consequences of the attack were disastrous.

"I immediately sent a report to the bureau's headquarters. In addition, the action team pulled the net for a search in the two nights, and nothing was gained. Nan Zao Yunzi and Wan Lilang did not connect with the inside line." Wang Zhen said.

For two consecutive nights, the seven members of the operation team pretended to be members of various industries, and watched back and forth in places where the traitors often showed up, and even set up a booth, but no suspects were found.

"This is normal. Frequent contact will increase the risk of exposure. This is the common sense of our industry. It is the common sense of our industry to ask the brothers to be patient and to be lonely in order to get rich returns."

"My two teams are staring at Wanlilang and Nanzaoyunzi 24 hours a day. You arrange for Anran to be the liaison of the action team and find a place near the activity area where you can make and receive calls. If something happens, she will tell you first, and then she will notify the action team to take targeted measures."

"I know that doing this will make everyone very hard, but there is no way. We don't have enough manpower to implement monitoring. In this way, each person will give five yuan a day as a subsidy. Try to eat better. If I feel too tired, I will find a hotel to rest. Reimburse them."

"However, you must warn them severely. Even if there is no result, you cannot underestimate the enemy's advance. The safety issue is always the first! The direct subordinate stations have their own tasks. Although they are brothers, they have the obligation to help each other, but they are not for Shanghai. The district’s responsibility to provide protection."

"With my advance warning, if there is a mistake again, or even if it is rejected by the opponent, it is their own problem." Chen Mingxiang said.

As the largest branch of the Military Statistics Bureau, Shanghai First District has a huge number of thousands of members. Some of them are senior agents and masters. They also have direct contact with the Loyalty Salvation Army guerrillas on the periphery of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. They are fully capable of responding to any situation. .

Iron strikes still need to be hard, and cannot rely on external forces to protect himself. Moreover, Chen Mingxiang has warned Chen Gongshu once through the bureau headquarters, reminding him that Wan Lilang is in contact with the previous ministry.

If Chen Gongshu doesn't pay attention to it, he and the Shanghai district will be unlucky in the future. Serious consequences have really happened. Boss Dai can't say that his direct reports are not saved.

Besides, the directly affiliated station and the Shanghai First District are two separate units. They have no direct affiliation, nor do they have the authority to share intelligence and perform tasks together.

It is not convenient for Chen Mingxiang to point out the work in the Shanghai area. It is good for others to appreciate it. If they don't appreciate it, there may be a rift between the two sides.

More importantly, as the deputy head of the station directly under Chen Mingxiang, he should be responsible to the brothers at the station directly under him. For the sake of the safety of the Shanghai area, he exposes his traces. Such things cannot be done.

"I will convey these words of yours to the operation team in their original form, reminding them that safety is the prerequisite, but the two senior agents may not be aware of the abnormal situation."

"The bureau headquarters is going to increase the number of staff for our direct stations. It is expected to be in place by the end of May or early June. The specific situation is not yet clear, but the direct stations will be expanded to 30 people. The second batch of personnel is being selected by the end of the year. Hopefully it will reach 70 people."

"According to the structure of the Class C station, we will set up the Operations Section, Intelligence Section, Telecommunications Team, General Affairs Team, and Liaison Team, all of whom are members of the secret training class of the bureau's headquarters, and Secretary Pan personally leads the team to the Shanghai stock market." Wang Zhen said.

"I talked to Secretary Pan about this matter. The nature of the work of the direct station is different from that of other intelligence stations. The number of establishments should not be too large. Thirty people are already a lot."

"You give them a place to live in advance, mainly in the French Concession. It doesn't matter if the price is a little higher. After the personnel are in place, you will not arrange specific tasks for the time being. Let's talk about the environment after getting familiar with it."

"When I see the detailed information of the personnel, I will decide how to arrange it. I hope to form an intelligence network in the Shanghai stock market and will gradually find opportunities to put them in important institutions to work." Chen Mingxiang said.

The news made him frowned. He knew what Boss Dai meant and what the teacher meant. Although it was not a meaning, it was all kind to himself.

Too few people directly under the station is not conducive to the work. For example, in the current situation, I am struggling in personnel deployment, which is not enough.If it hadn't been for the Zhou Guojun group formed before, this time it would definitely be in big trouble.

But if there are too many personnel, the chances of exposure at the directly affiliated station will also increase exponentially, and the students in the secret training class are all novices. Professional skills need not be questioned, but there is a shortage of experience. If you want to become a qualified agent, it takes time to gradually temper.