With forty-eight imperial tools, I just want to rely on myself

Chapter 83 What is the real "four guarantees and one"

Speaking of this small caravan that was rescued by Ling Ze and the others, I really didn't know if they were lucky or unlucky.

Although they were unlucky enough to be targeted by the "Longxi Monkeys" as prey, they were lucky enough to meet them. Lingze and the others selected a group of seven people who were heading to the forest where the "Longxi Monkey" kingdom is located.

At first, he was surrounded by the "Longxi Monkeys", and it seemed that his life would be insecure and his wealth would be depleted. Then, suddenly, the situation turned around.

What is the interdependence of misfortune and happiness, false alarm?Maybe this is it.

The merchants of the rescued small caravan are naturally grateful to Ling Ze and their seven children.

After all, Ling Ze and the others really saved the lives and property of these merchants, and they had such a powerful strength, how could these merchants dare to disrespect Ling Ze and them.

The leader of this small caravan is called Govey, a man in his thirties who is very business-minded and good at seeing things.

After seeing the embarrassed expressions of Ling Ze and the others looking at the corpse of the "Longxi Monkey", Govey proactively proposed to buy those "Longxi Monkeys" that had economic value. A lot of things about Ling Ze and the others.

Therefore, in terms of price, Ling Ze and the others did not fight more, they sold it slightly cheaper, and gave the leader of the small caravan some profit.

Knowing that this guy would stay in "Longxi Village" for a while to trade, Ling Ze directly moved him to help deal with the "Longxi Monkey" crusade and the distribution of the trophies afterwards.

Ling Ze knew that they would definitely slaughter a group of "Longxi Monkeys". Even if they could not control their strength and the way of shooting, they would not be able to destroy the heads of every "Longxi Monkey", so there would be a lot of loot needed afterwards. deal with.

Ling Ze didn't really want to waste his time on that kind of thing, so he felt that the chief Govey might be a good candidate to help them in their aftermath.

"I have a big business here, I don't know if you are not interested."

Ling Ze had a direct showdown with Govey and didn't go around any corners. After all, they have a complete advantage in force compared with these merchants, and they are not afraid of what will happen to the other party. In this case, they can say that things are the best. of.

"Oh? What big business?"

Sure enough, Govey suddenly became interested. Although Lingze's blind dress surprised him, he still behaved respectfully. This guy is obviously a person with a great AC number in his heart.

"We are going to kill the Longxi monkeys in the forest. Afterwards, the bodies of the Longxi monkeys can be sold to you."

Ling Ze's words made Govey's eyes widened in an instant. Obviously, Ling Ze's words were also very impactful for him.

"Who are you guys..."

Govey couldn't help but asked this sentence, but he didn't expect to get the answer, instead he began to think about Ling Ze's words seriously.

"The price can be cheaper for you."

Ling Ze and the others do not have high requirements for money, so they can naturally have no scruples, and this directly made Gewei made up his mind.

Seeing Gewei's caravan moving towards Longxi Village again, Ling Ze and the others did not stay any longer, and they continued to set off towards the kingdom of "Longxi Monkey".

When Govey took the caravan to Longxi Village and settled, he would bring people to help Ling Ze and them clean up the mess and carry out the aftermath.

The seven members of the special selection group went all the way, and soon arrived in a forest near Longxi Village.

Standing on the outer edge of the woods, Ling Ze and the others had already heard the sound of "creep, creak, roar", and the sounds were one after another, which seemed very lively.

Two people like Ling Ze and Guy who have good hearing have already heard how dangerous this forest is, because the number of "Longxi Monkeys" is indeed a bit high.

And Tsukushi has already seen those "Longxi monkeys" wandering between the woods. Although they have a huge body like a gorilla, those "Longxi monkeys" are like real monkeys, and they can quickly and freely in the woods. The shuttle seems very flexible and agile.

What's more, the real difference between these "Longxi monkeys" and monkeys and gorillas is that they don't have any strength, but they don't have any offensive weapons.

They are omnivorous animals. They also have sharp teeth and sharp claws. They are not like ordinary gorillas and monkeys. Eighty percent of the recipes are vegetarian.

This is probably the reason why they can ravage this area, otherwise even if they are social animals and have a certain amount of wisdom, they cannot become the overlord of this area if they are not capable of fighting.

"Attract them out, we can't go in."

Ling Ze made his own judgment in an instant, and it was obviously not a wise move to rush into the home of these "Longxi Monkeys".


Tsukushi responded, apparently understanding what Ling Ze meant. She raised the minister [Prometheus] in her hand, and after locking the target, she shot directly.

Although continuous shooting will reduce the accuracy of Tsukushi's minister [Prometheus], ​​she has enough time to adjust. Ling Ze, Aka Hitomi, Nahasiu, Pony, and Cornelia have all The top was in front, and Guy was by her side.

The tactical status that Chikushi enjoys is probably the "one" in the "four guarantees and one", and they are still "six guarantees and one", with five front-row fighters one supporting mage and one ADC.

Several shots from Tsukushi were deliberately missed. Her bullets were shot on the shoulders, torso, and arms of the "Longxi Monkeys", just to anger them as before.

After being attacked and provoked, the "Longxi Monkeys" immediately looked at Ling Ze and the others with fierce eyes.

"Squeaky!! Squeaky roar! Squeaky!"

But it is a pity that they did not directly rush towards Ling Ze and the others as expected. They did not leave the forest immediately, instead they began to roar loudly.

"These guys... aren't they telling the news?"

To be honest, Ling Ze felt that something was wrong, and they seemed to underestimate these "Longxi Monkeys".


Tsukushi shot another shot. With this shot, she directly shot a "Longxi Monkey" called Zhenghuan to death. The bullet passed through the head of the "Longxi Monkey", and nothing appeared. The deviation.


The "Longxi Monkey" fell from the tree, and this directly silenced the other "Longxi Monkeys" who were roaring.

At least the people around the "Longxi Monkey" were quiet. They were obviously shocked when they looked at the companion who fell to the ground.

"Squeaky!! Squeaky roar!!!"

Then they yelled again, this time louder than the last time, and some of those who were stimulated were already roaring and rushing towards Ling Ze on the outer edge of the forest.