With forty-eight imperial tools, I just want to rely on myself

Chapter 148 What is the love of the cross wound (please subscribe!)

"I feel that the process of swordsmanship learning is much faster than I thought. If I continue like this, then I should be able to use this [Optional World Return Card] to go back in advance, but it is a pity that this period of time No more tasks can be triggered."

Ling Ze is sitting on the bank of the stream, fishing in the drizzle. The scenery of the "Xiaoli Mountain" is really good. The environment has not been polluted by industrial manufacturing. It is such a beautiful mountain and water. In this small stream, it is also There are many freshwater fishes living.

Wearing a hat, wearing a dark red samurai suit, and a black ribbon covering his eyes, he flutters behind his head under the breeze, with his long fluttering silver-white hair. There is quite a sense of freedom from outsiders.

For Ling Ze, fishing is simply too simple. The trajectory of fish swimming in the water can't escape his perception. If you really want to catch fish, fishing is actually too simple for Ling Ze. It is the most inefficient method.

If he fished directly with other tools, Ling Ze estimated that it would not take long for him to catch all the fish in this small stream.

Ling Ze is actually resting now. The extreme training method he uses still needs to grasp the amount of training.

Now that there is no Jason's professional team to control the amount of training for him, he needs to control it himself. After the daily training is over, he needs to relax his body and mind in some ways.


Ling Ze pulled the fishing rod up, and caught the little fish that was still alive on the fishing rod, and put them into the wooden barrel on the side. There were already a few swimming in the barrel at this time. The little fish who moved to escape.

Picking up the harvested fish bucket, Ling Ze carried the fishing rod on his shoulders and began to slowly walk up the road to Kenshin's house in Feimun.

He hasn't lived in Kenshin's home in the village during this time. After all, he is now a husband and wife. Although there is no real husband and wife between the two people, they even sleep in separate rooms, but Ling Ze is an outsider. , It's really not easy to mix in.

"Yeah, really energetic, Jianxin, are you farming?"

Ling Ze came to the wooden house of Kenshin Himura. At this time, the rain had gradually stopped. Kenshin Himura was waving his hoe on the clearing in front of the wooden house. The couple seemed to be farming. Grow white radish.

"Why did you come here today? What is that? Did you catch the fish?"

Kenshin Himura and Ling Ze greeted each other. His eyes have softened a lot now. It seems that he has a little more talk. The environment can really change a person subtly, especially for a child with a simple personality. Say.

"Ha, I just hang a few fishes, just as a gift for you, I will add a meal today."

Ling Ze took off the hat and shook, and took off the hat. He and the couple were already familiar with them, but they didn't have any restraints, so he put the fish bucket aside and hung the hat and hat .

"Mr. Ling is really elegant, and he went fishing in the mountains under the drizzle."

Xuedaiba also nodded to Lingze. She was squatting while planting seedlings. Although she was only wearing a neat and strong suit suitable for landing, she also got a lot of mud from walking in the mud, but she had the same feeling. The cold and beautiful temperament can't hide it.

"Hey, really energetic, Jianxin, eh? This is... Mr. Ling Ze?"

Before Ling Ze had time to answer Xuedaiba's words, a Fei Village Jianxin was very familiar, and Ling Ze also remembered the voice suddenly came over. The way he said hello was somewhat similar to Ling Ze.

"Mr. Iizuka?"

Huicun Jianxin put down his hoe. After Ling Ze came over, neither he nor Xuedaiba stopped working, because Ling Ze often came over this period of time. They hadn't been so productive, but Iizuka was different. This is Feicun. After Kenshin lived here in seclusion, Iizuka came to contact him for the first time.

This caused Kenshin Himura to gradually return to a calm heart, causing waves again, although he had been expecting Iizuka to contact him early.

But when Iizuka really appeared again, he found that he was a little repulsive in his heart, and some wanted Iizuka to leave.

"Who are you from? Forget it, it doesn't matter, do you have anything to do?"

Ling Ze turned his head towards the direction Iizuka had walked over. He pretended that he did not recognize the other party, behaving very puzzled, as if he didn't know why the other party knew him.


Iizuka was choked by Ling Ze’s words, apparently something was blocked by Ling Ze’s words, but he didn’t dare to do anything about Ling Ze. Iizuka was scared of Ling Ze’s current reputation, Iizuka didn’t even dare to fart. Put one, let alone stubborn Lingze.

"Go into the house and talk about it."

On the contrary, Kenshin Himura and Iizuka are somewhat emotional. He took the initiative to relieve Iizuka's embarrassment, and welcomed Lingze and Iizuka into the wooden house.

Xuedaiba made two cups of tea, brought them up, and then sat next to Kenshin Himura, looking really like a virtuous wife.

Iizuka couldn't help but sigh with emotion. If there is a bullet screen in the scene where Kenshin Himura and Xuedaiba appear together, the word "good match" must be full on the screen.

"I have something to say."

Kenshin Himura urged Iizuka speechlessly. He was not in a good mood right now, but he was not in a state where he could joke casually.

"I'll go out and plug in the remaining seedlings."

Xuedaiba took the initiative to go out, and she was actually very entangled with her own state now, because she had found that her heart was shaking, because of the shaking of Kenshin Gomura.

So for this kind of jokes that she didn't care about before, she now can't listen to it at all. The more serious and caring things, the less able to be drawn to jokes and jokes by others.

It didn't matter because she didn't care before, but now that she cares now, she can't keep calm anymore.

"Uh, did I say the wrong thing?"

Iizuka slammed his pipe, acting in a daze.

"Of course, people are husbands and wives, how can they be said to be "like husbands and wives"?"

Ling Ze interrupted Iizuka next to him. This guy's acting skills were too clumsy. Although Ling Ze couldn't see his performance at all, the other party's mood swings were a bit too obvious to Ling Ze.

The most important thing is that Ling Ze knew that Iizuka was indeed lying. Naturally, no matter what Iizuka did or did, Ling Ze felt that he was lying.


"Why is Mr. Lingze here? Are you also arranged to take refuge here? Didn't you join our Changzhou Clan?"

Iizuka was targeted by Ling Ze twice in succession. This time he finally asked his own question, but after his question was asked, Ling Ze felt a sudden joy in his heart.


Ding!You have triggered the mission [Cross Injury]!

Introduction to the task:

Drink the wine for the moonlight, and the wind will prevail.At the end of the spring, the red cherry blossoms and the summer stars, Suzhan was drunk and left out, and the sword was sharp and green.

The shadow of the moon is only a shadow, a lonely life.The white plum is stained with blood and jade is condensed, the star frost is all over the sky, and the cross hurts.

[This task is optional:

Optional goal one: save Shedeba.

Optional objective 2: Kill Xuedaiba and Kenshin Himura]

[Reward: One Digu enhancement card.


Looking at the name of this system task, Ling Ze felt a bit disgusting and sad?

"It's also called "Cross Injury"? Does this system really don't know how to work? The scar on Kenshin Himura's face was drawn by me! Combining with Xuedaiba, what kind of hurt "Cross" Hurt"?"

Ling Ze couldn't help but feel a bit cold, but this system task probably didn't expect things to develop to this point, so it inevitably seemed a bit rigid.