"Don't know how to do it! You can you, you will be free."

Azak Magae Garu face became ugly, at this time his refining formation has been successfully launched, the power of "the stone of the sage" is crazy.

And the change arising is that a huge ice wall is straight to the ground, which is the power of "the stone of the sage", as well as the water in the air, the water flow of the nearby small town river, etc. Compose.

That huge ice wall, according to the advanced route in advance in Azak Maga, as a node, starting around the Central Army's speed, as if it is necessary The Central Military Command, gave a thoroughly sealed in the ice wall.

"It's going to be done immediately, you can't tell him here, I have to see the man to die."

Azak Magae Garu looked at the ice wall slowly, and it was also anxious.

"Who is it?"

When I heard the words of Azak Horse, Lingzhu started speeding, "shrinking", "mad meridian", "jade", etc., he is not saved, open. After the emperor [Shura Incarcies, noble chariots], his body function has enhanced momentum.


Lingzhu was played on the body of Azak Horse, and Izak Magae Garu was only worn in the hands of the hand, but also touched the Lingze.


Azak Magura has been hit by such a strike, directly by Lingzhu, a few meters away.

And he launched "refining", but did not cause any damage to Lingze. Although he did not directly understand the Lingze, it did not produce, this is what he can't think of.

The most important thing is that he found that Lingze seems to be very abnormal, it is very strange, which makes him look at the eyes of Lingze, become a little quirky.

"In your body, there will be no moisture, what is going on?! What is your people ?! Or say, is you not human?!"

Azak Magura has asked his doubts. Lingzhi's body gave him a feeling. It is too strange to be too strange. It is not like a normal human body. It is a living person, but it is like a dry body that doesn't know how long it is.

"After waiting for the security, I will tell you more, you only need to go to me to work with me now."

Lingze touched his fist, although he could not cut this guy with a knife, he could only use his fist to attack, but the attack power of Lingze is not low. After all, he has mastered the skills of "two strong", a record The old fist is going, and it is also the play of the Azac Horse, Garu vomiting blood.

However, Azak Magae is a hipster who operates water, he is also an indirect manipulation, so he is not particularly serious, and there is still a battle ability.

"Touch! Touch! Touch!"

Although Lingzhu is not good at "punch" attack, he and the first occupation are Azak Maqi Garu to the AOE Master, or have a very apparent advantage. After all, he uses the pace of swordsmanship. What can still continue to use, but it has become a punch from the sword.

"Ha ~ this is comfortable."

Looking at the Azak Maqiao Garu, who was unable to move in the ground, Lingzhu patted the picture of the palm, after a man like this , Lingze finally made a chest Depressed.

The "Tiequist" of the young man gave the hammer to the ground, I was very wronged, after all, his "refining" is completely invalid for Lingze.

This makes him like "Tiger without the Tiger", thoroughly lost the deterrent of "nostalgia", can only be hit by Lingzhu, and there is no power.

"Walking, no longer estimates that someone will find it."

Lingze will kneel on the ground's loss of action, and then directly with the "wind power", fluttering on the roof.

"This is the" art alleese "of our Armstrians' family!"

In the face of the ice wall of the Central Military Command, Alex Louis Armstrong Mass and Roy Masttan have repeatedly shaped.

"Rainlessness" Roy Masttan, I have already replaced a pair of dry blur gloves, and now he can finally play all the strengths.


Under Roy Mastet and Armstrong, they quickly solved the crisis of this time.

Because "Bean" Edward Alley, it is obviously noted that the weird in the alley, the three powerful "national alchemists", plus the brother of Brother Edward, is weaker, Alvonus Allik, naturally it is very easy to destroy the refining of Izak Magae Garu.

In Azak Maga, Garu himself has been lost in the case of Lingzhu "personally", and has lost its energy source, and it has also been destroyed "refining" in the closed loop. Naturally, it is no longer possible. Maintain.

Azak Magae Garu's "refining" is originally an unlimited self-repair, cannon bombing what is not destroying the wall of the ice.

Only in the monsibility of the "Flame Alchemist" and the monster of "The Alchemist of the Leader" can destroy the "refining array" hidden under the wall of the ice.

"let me go..."

Being lined in Lingze, Azak Magua is very struggling, but he is not yelling in the "Golden Bradley", may be the Tiequist by Lingze After that, I finally understood that I had a few pounds, or it may be after I saw my own "refining", I knew that my purpose was unable to reach, so I just gave up.


Task [Cross injury] has been completed.

[Optional Target 1: Join the Plan of Azak Magae Garu, the assassination of golden Brad, the goal needs to ensure that Azak Horse can survive, Golden Bradley died.

Optional Target 2: Discourage Ezath Magae Garu to abandon the plan, which needs to ensure that Azak Horse can survive.

Optional Target 3: Kill Azac Horse Enagas.

Optional targets have been completed.

[Reward: Trigrant Enhanced Card.

Do you immediately receive a task reward?


Through the task tips of the system, Lingze is also accurately knowing the idea of ​​Azak Magua Garu, this guy is really a temporary giving up this idea, because it is obvious that this plan has ended in failure.

Lingzhu This wave understanding is also possible. By making the other party's task failure, the other party will give up to continue the plan.

"Even I don't do it, you still want to kill Jin Bradley, you are really a bit too shiny."

Put Ezak Magae plus, Lingze and he sit down on the roof of a little building, and Lingzhu did not hurt, Azak, Alzak, Ma, Garu, so he was resting. After a while, this man has basically slowed over and restored the basic action ability, just under the border pain.

"Hey, there is a" stone of the sage ", you are not my opponent, but your body is really strange, why don't I notice the moisture in your body? And why I feel your body structure Not like human, but it is like a strange creature. "

Look at the appearance of Lingze, I can't see anything else. I can't see that he has any shadow of the corpse. Even standing in a man, Izak Magura Haru has to admit, Ling The shape of the Ze is indeed very good, it is a very handsome man.

"Secret, just like alchemy, this is not able to share it with others, teach the secret to others."

Although Ling Ze will tell him when he is fighting, he can tell the other party. After all, there is no way to explain this kind of thing.

"You just be this is my alchemy ability."

"Alchemy" is actually a very secret story. Everyone studys themselves, or like the Armstrian's family "I will pass on behalf of", or it is an apprentice who is doing others, or to the alchemist of the willingness.

Only a very small number of special geniuses can create their own alchemy, they study themselves from books, or blessing the soul, in short, this kind of ninety-nine is "the pride of the sky".

Most of the ordinary people, even don't know what kind of technology "alchemy" is, and may even see the situation as a miracle, of course, this technology can be somewhat It is considered a miracle, although he shaped a layer of scientific veil.

"Do you make a taboo? Is it made into human body?"

Azac is breathed, he continued to ask Lingze, apparent that this man is really a lot of things.

Or, after violation of the taboos of "human body refining", what happens, he is already aware.

From the current situation of Lingze, whether it is the strange body, or not using the performance of alchemy, he can guess, he is probably "alchemist" It is considered an absolute taboo "human body refining" behavior.

"That's not so much, I can not be so sad, I will change myself, I don't know what the monster is the monster. The kind of improvement is not a bit too much."

Lingzhu shook his head, but was said to be said by Azak Magura, Lingze thought he and a brother who had conducted "human body refining", just asked for a good time to meet This can't be forgotten.

"Since you are so strong, why don't you go to kill Jin Bradley with me, even if I don't play him, don't we do it together? He has already been the same, is there a strong strength? ? "

Azak Magae has not continued, after all, the alchemists will pass the books that record their own "alchemy" books in order to hide their skills, and write into a crash.

Everyone is "alchemist", I have been in listening to people's secrets, I'm not very good, Izak Magura, although she hit a little, but he is not a fool.

"Please don't use our human knowledge, to measure their non-human guys, Golden Bradley although it looks normal, he is actually not a real human, but a special man, he Unlike you think, it is a black hand behind it, and the real big people actually have someone. "

Lingze Station in the edge of the outer building, looked at the light fire of the Central Military Command, waiting for the system to release [World Customs Tasks], he thinks that [world clearance mission] and what he thinks should be eight or nine.

However, I haven't waited until [World Clearance Mission] released, Lingzhi's face is a direct change, he immediately turned to look at Azak Horse, still resting.

"Walk! Golden Bradre!"

Lingzawa has a powerful breath, quickly towards them, through the emperor [five views of the observer], it is the figure of the man of Jin Bradley.

That dress up and the long phase, like a big president of a former Soviet Union, is in a speed of a common man, it is difficult to come to them.

"What ?! He actually dare to come to us ?! Only him alone ?! Let him kill him together!"

I was still shocked by Lingze, shocked in Jin Bradley actually a personalized Azak Magua Garu, after hearing Jin Bradley, I dare to come to themselves one person. Immediately excited again.

"Good guy, you are really not forgetting, keep in mind the mission, is a good comrade, a revolution."

In addition to the direct guidth, Lingze has no other way, but his mission has been completed, this guy is still trying to find it, the Lingze is really not going to continue him again, save personal Lingzhu has a feeling of being in the river of the king of the king.

The most troublesome is this rescued person, but it is still standing with the king of the king, this is the rather of Nima!

Lingze did not say, I chose myself "You gave the way to oil", although the saying goes, "Save people to save, send the Buddha to the west", but this is really helping people, let him directly pass the Buddha. Let everyone have peace of mind.

However, after Lingze turned, he found that Azak Magura guy guy, but did not choose to stay waiting for Jin Bradley, and the other party finally fight, the guy actually followed him Ran!