Lingzhu is happy to train himself to cultivate an emperor, and the other is being trained by Azak Magae, but it is already a bit not Live me.

Even if this guy is extraordinary, it can absorb a lot of attacks, but in the face of Azak Maga, the " ", he has no way, but it can only be gradually Accept fate.

If you want to blame "Bottle of Small people" when designing them, still according to "human" or "biological", which makes him unable to make effective resistance in the absence of complete resurrection.

"Strike" Glanti's body keeps restoration, and Azak Magae Garu is constantly killing him, constantly consuming his power of his "Sin".

"This guy ... can we control him, ask a question and information?"

Edward Alley came to Lingze, asked this question, he didn't say anything about not killing "Machining" Garatany.

"The situation just now, you still want to come again? This time we have no" Sin "as a toll, you intend to pay another arm or a leg?"

Lingze is somewhat speechless. This "Strike" Garati is obviously not easy to control, because he has the "door of ", as long as he opened the skill, there is no thing that can be bound to him.


Edward Alley left a cold sweat, obviously, I also want to understand the key questions in this. He shook his head quickly, he didn't want to come again.

In fact, for the Lingzhu who, it is nothing, because "human body is refined" is dominated by Edward Allow, opened the door is that he opened the door, paying a price is also the price, Lingzhu only followed together However, there is no "truth" that Lingzhu is just now.

Only the foregoing Edward Alley once again saw "Truth", but he did not take anything from that "God", one is because the power of "the stone of the sage" is not enough to let him change back Your own arm and legs, the second is the body of Alvonus, but also to bring the soul of Alvonus to bring back.

The most critical point is that Edward Allow does not want to use the "sage stone" thing, change his own arm, leg and feet and Alvonus's body.

He believes that there is still something else, can reach their goals, use the power of "Sin" to change back to himself and your brother's body, it is something that he can't stand it.

This is not what you have to do, but the problem of their bottom line, the brothers will not accept this kind of thing, use the "sage stone" that is used to refine the life of others. If you change your body, it is too inferior.

"It seems that it is dead."

Azak Magae has suddenly says that he feels that the "Fast" Gratoni he holds down is, it seems that it is no longer restored, this is obviously the power of "the stone of the sage" has already Dissive reactions.

Lingzhu opened the emperor [five views of Wan Yi · Observer] I went over and saw that the "Sterlen Stone" hidden within "Strike" Garati is hidden, and it has produced a crack, and it is thoroughly. Break.


Lingzhu fade, Izak Maga, Jaru, as long as people still have no death, I can't give him any opportunities, after all, "Five" This guy is really dangerous.

"Mozi !!!"

Azak Magae Tsuen is also not polite, it is directly that it starts to make it into a record, pressed the last silk blood in the "Stroking" Garatani, and his trip just now, it is still a lingering.


With the increase in Azak Magu, Garu, "Fast Eating" Grani is finally killed by them. His body is also in the air, and the wind is disappearing in the air. The "Sype Stone" is also the same, and disappears directly after losing energy.

"Danger is lifted, find a place, let you talk to you, tell you the cause of the matter."

After the real determination is safe, Lingze finally met the requirements of the Ailik brothers. He felt that after the brothers saw this all, he was also explained to them, after all, two of them. Von Hornheim's power, but wants to defeat the "small people" indispensable power.

Only "hanging" can defeat "hanging", when "fairy fight", mortal is unqualified, only the possibility of being killed and pool, affecting.


Edward and Alvonus both brothers are very happy, they have been waiting for this moment, keeping the clouds in the clouds, they fight two people, but not what makes people feel very comfortable.

Lingzhu and Azak Maga Tagua returned to their cars with the brothers, this place is enough security, which is slightly squeezed.

It is mainly that the steel armor of Alvonis is too large, but his brother Edward has been used to it. This is nothing to do with them.

"The purpose of this country is to let the" bottle of small people ", that is, the" father "of those people, can pull the" truth ", let himself have replaced its god, all of which, all It is working hard to achieve this goal. "

The first sentence of Lingze, let Edward and the two brothers of the Alvonus are forced. What is this starting?

"Who is the" bottle of small people "? Who is he?"

Edward Allik's appearance, for Lingze, he only felt a big one.

However, the performance of him, Lingze can also be understood that this kind of behavior is changed to the "flood range" for a better understanding, that is, someone wants to pull down the "right" Daozu, then own Become all the "Tiandao", and is also dominated by his will, becoming a real world controller.

This kind of thing is a personal listening, he will feel that someone else is a neuropathy, but in the world of alchemy, this kind of thing is really really doing, and if no one is stopped, it is not good. I really made the guy made things.

"That" bottle in small people "is among an alchemy experiment in the ancient Kesyl Kecy, who is born from your father's blood, and tells you that there is no problem, you have two old brothers. "

Lingze's words, let Edward and Alvonis listen to it, what is this? Why is there two things in their father and them, this is too screaming?

"Guoxer Kecy? Horn Hayim? How long is it? What is going on? Is this going? Is Hornheim not human beings? But we two ... it is human, and the mother said He is our father, should it be ? "

Edward began to doubt itself, these keywords are together, he is really a bit understanding!

"Don't doubt this, you are von Hornheim, von Hornheim is indeed the identity of humanity, but he is a pure humanity, but he is already under the whole body. The creature of "Sinse Stone" is. "

Lingzhu smiled and shook his head, good guy, which directly began to doubt what he was intimate?

"In the original ancient Kesyl Kecy, your father itself is just a slave, because his blood is born in the" bottle of small people ", so he can turn over and get the" bottle of small people " Guide, he has this adventure today, it is possible to drop half of the soul of the Ksyl Kecy. "

Although I know about Feng Hornheim, the kind of loss of everything may not be said to be "adventure", but it is better to say that the curse is more appropriate.

But it has a force that is close to "ignorance", and you can still have a long life. This can be said to anyone, you can say a sense of a sense.

"Long ... long life is not old? The body of the sage is the body? Is it all the life of a country? This ..."

Edward Allik and Alvon Side face, obviously feel unbelievable.

"If I know the land of the land, I will not believe in this reasonable thing."

I saw the expression of the Allici Brothers couldn't believe it. Azak Magae Taru is also a feeling.

However, the reply given by Alvonis Ellik, but he has a little dumb, because the child's acceptance is obviously much better than he imagined.

"After all, even the kind of hell has been experienced, what is the difference between this kind of thing?"

In the face of the doubts of Azak Horse, Alvonis Allows replied, obviously for this brother, their acceptance ability is very strong.

Because of the "human body refining", they have seen the "hell" scene "Hell" scene, and they have seen the truth. "The two encounters are already outrageous.

"This crazy world makes so crazy things, it is not so exaggerated."

Lingzhu felt a sentence, this is really a kind of sorrow, but for him that can cross the world, it should be adapted, because every world has the sorrow of every world, has its own problems.

Unless you cross your daily prior, most of the topics of most of the downs are about "saving the world, saving human beings" this aven-changing theme.

Once humans and the world need people to save, this naturally does not exist all kinds of tragedy.

When I said the tragedy, Lingze thought of a representative tragedy in this world. In this time, he remembers whether it should still be blocked.

"Let's go, go to the Oriental City, we have to find more allies, and there is a old acquaintance, where it is."

Lingze thought, and going to the Oriental City is not simply to save the tragedy. The Oriental Command in the Oriental City is, but there is "Flame Alchemist" Roy Masttan, now that It should also return to the Oriental City, they can just go to the group.

"Oriental city is Roy Mastead?!"

Sure enough, I mentioned the old acquaintances in the Oriental City, I thought about Roy Masttan in the first time. After all, the guy is their leader.

Edward Allow became a "national alchemist", which is under his leadership, so they are very familiar, Roy Mastein also takes care of their brothers, and they have helped them before and after. busy.

"Do you want to find the guy of Roy Mastein? Do you think he is credible?"

Three people present, except for the Lingze, and Roy Mastein are acquaintances, but Azak Magae Trushen is obviously not so trust in Roy Mastein, because Lingze also told it. He, the miller's high-rise is 99.9.99.

"Roy Mastein can not count any military high-level, and he has not eligible to pull into the interest group of people, and then said, he is actually one like you, all the identity of the human column, you Do you know all this? "

Lingzhu's speechless spit, now Roy Mastein has not been transferred to the Central City, but it is not far away from him. At this time, I will tell him everything, it is also convenient for him in the center. City action.

"Hey, that guy can also count a talent. If he trustworth, it should be able to help."

Azak Magae is a recognition of Roy Masttan, although he is the "natural enemy" of Roy Masttan in the attributes of alchemys, but the more this will be more It is easy to recognize each other.

"set off."

After all of the people did not have doubts, Lingzhu greeted, everyone began to act, Azak Magua still served as the driver's position, but this passenger is more than two people than before, they The team is more growing.

After Lingze, I just got a long time after Lingzhi, I was invited by " " "", "" enwell, who has rushed to Rusu, and has just been in the town, and he is There is still no clear cognition.

"Well? What happened here? Two guys in Gratoni? Why will the situation here go to this? What are they doing?"

After the "" envy turned in Ruiro, it was obviously more confused. He is very unexpected about the status of this, this and Last, Garatony told him that it is completely different. what!

"It seems that there is a big event here, I have to figure out what happened, the two guys who have happened to Garat, shouldn't it be dead?"

Enedi blind eyes, he didn't have a sadness, just felt some dangerous foresee, if even the two guys can be killed, then he is here is also very dangerous.