"Hey ~! Is the alchemist of steel, is it true? It turned out to be the limb of steel? Look at this force, is this leg?"

Sca was kicked out, and he stood a few steps. He looked at the slightly proud of Edward Alley. The boy has revealed the limb arm of steel rays, and the steel volleyball arm Clothes have been broken down by Scah into a debris.

"Guess, but unfortunately no rewards."

Edward Alley muttered, then rushed to the Ska again, and he had already warys in his heart. After all, Ska's attack, let him also have a strong sense of crisis.

However, he has not seen the principle of attacking the attack. In fact, this is also normal. It is really difficult to think about the principle of the means in a fierce battle. If he stops down and thinking about it, then he will definitely understand.

"Hey, it is just the steel limb, you think that I have no way?"

Scaned on the upper sunglasses again became a killer without feelings. He decided to extend his hand to Edward Alley, this time he will directly crush the steel limb.


Lingze felt this, no need to continue, so excused to hurt and gas, although Edward Alley did not have any intention to get along with Scatt and gas, he really can't hate Skay on the ground. .


However, Lingze has not simply felt that he can make these two people by language, so he is talking, it is already the ability to launch emperors [earth motivation · heavy pressure], control the impact wave to Edward Irlik and Scar have passed.

A explosion of "Boom" sounded, and the impact wave of Lingzhu issued the two people to successfully physically separated.

"Lingze! What is this?"

The supposed Edward Alley looked at Lingze, he was still moving, killing the murderer of Wen Li parents, he certainly had enough reason to go.

What's more, the other party has been looking for their purpose, that is, you want to kill them, although there is another hidden, these problems do not hinder Edward Allow want to want to do Scar, anyway, he will not Dead hand.

"I don't think you can play him, even the opponent's tricks have not been worn, and your tile practice will only bring you death."

Lingzhu shakes his head, Edward Ellik is rarely winning, but he is a protagonist, but he is basically not dead, but this guy will also change the timeline by him. There will be no so good luck, you can't really do it.

"Don't smash me! I can be very powerful!"

So that Lingze said, "Douding" Edward Alley is a bit unhappy, and he jumped to the lingering.

And Scata grabbed this opportunity, but the ability to use "Decomposition", decompose a hole, this guy seems to have a talent, that is, as long as he breaks down the ground, it will definite into the sewer.

In front of Lingze, Ska fell directly to the sewer, this guy did not have any hesitated, it seems that the words of Lingze said, the impact on him is still very big, he will definitely Go verify.

"You see! This guy is directly away from me!"

Seeing Scaned, "Running", "Evasting", Edward Alley seems to find evidence, he pointed at Ska to Lingze.

"How do you know that he is afraid of you? He is clearly running after I shot, why can't I scare away? I have to know that I have not shot, he is still ready to continue with you. "

A lot of Lingze, a good job, convincing, Azak Magae Garu is next to the head.

"Ah ..."

Edward Alley is blocked, I don't know why, I can only try to transfer the topic.

"Do we want to catch up? This guy is not like a good person, let's grasp it, then prevent him from going to hurt others."

Edward Alley put forward the proposal to chasing the Horse, he certainly didn't want to put away the guy of Scar, from Lingze, Ska was started to kill the murderer of the Lock Bell, his attitude toward It is a big reverse of 90 degrees, and it is directly negative for 90.

"No, we will definitely meet again. We are always companions. After all, our enemies are the same, and their strength is very powerful, we should unite all we can unite."

Lingzhu refused the proposal of Edward Allowed, he was originally to let go of Scar, after all, Ska is not a person who is easily persuaded, and he does not have enough evidence to convince people like Sca.

"You think it is very far."

Azak Magua Garu Tank, but he can understand that from the description of Lingze, they can imagine how powerful from the description of Lingze.

Only "alchemy" is prohibited in order, you can make them ruthless.

"So we have to continue?"

Edward Allowed himself, he didn't have urgent chase, after all, after calm down, he also understood the overall situation is the most important.

"Depart, go to Rissonburg."

Lingze nodded, a horse first returned to the car, Edward and Azak were also rushing up.

Azac launched a car, and a group was started again, and the old hometown of Edward Alley, Lingzhi hopes to meet von Horn Him.

"I haven't come back for a long time?"

The car parked on a hillside, the Lingze and the Ailik brothers also looked forward to Azak Horse, in the pasture, and several scarecrow in the pasture. With the breeze blew the wheat waves, the body of the scarecrow is also slightly swing.

"Yes, I haven't come back for a long time."

Edward Allow's sight is a more far away. He saw the Wen Li's house. His house is already there. In their brothers, they decided to leave their homes, and set foot on the way to restore the body. After the journey, a decisive fire burned out his house, and broke his back.

"I don't know if you have thought of it. Your old man returns home to see your home is gone, it will be a kind of feelings, you can be two big filial sons."

Lingze spitted a sentence, Edward and Hornheim relationship, it is really the relationship between "father's pair of filial piety".

"Hey, that man, since he left home, then we naturally handle the home, he will abandon us, abandon this home."

Although Edward Allow knows that Feng Horn Him is left, there is his own reasons, but for him, Feng Hornheim is all, the consequences of the result are established, that is not he has What reasons can be opened.

"If your father is coming back, we can build a home again."

Alvonis Allici built a sentence, which made Edward Alley disdain "cut", obviously not to help him, at this point, their two people's ideas are still quite big.

"Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"

Several people are talking, Alexander suddenly jumped up from the car, and it rushed to Edward Allow, and Edward Alley, who stood on the hillside, which was directly unstable, directly with Alexander.


Alvonis Alley shouted to catch up quickly, he was not worried about what the brother would have, and he worried that Edward and Alexander rolled into the wheat field, crushed the wheat of others.

"These two brothers are really energetic, this is probably the so-called youth's breath."

Azak Magua Garru took the little girl who wanted to learn Edward Alley from the slope, and he was quite a lot of emotion, and the child had actually needed them. To fight against the darkness of this world, he feels very sad.

"The future is a young man, you are destined to be replaced by young people, don't be too small."

Lingzhu walked down the hillside, he sighed Azak Magae Garu to drive Nina first in the past, and don't worry, they will go right away.

"Oh, now young people."

Azak Magua is shaking his head, can't help but laugh, but he still turned with Nina to go to the car, and was stopped to roll down the hillside behavior, Nina, but the old man followed "Ai Uncle Zach "returned to the car, this little girl is actually quite awkward.

"You two stinky bones! What do you do with my wheat ?!"

On the way, Edward Alley and Alexander, as soon as the Alvonis Allici guess, there were many ripe wheat, but they did not think that in those wheat, they still still There is a person exists, and it is almost hit by Edward Allow and Alexander.

"More than taken !!! How can you be here ?!"

Looking at the little wife who suddenly drilled out from the wheat, Edward Alley was shocked directly.

"If I am not here! I still don't know how you want to treat my wheat! You two stinky kids !!!"

More angry, the poor Alvonis Allow, the poor Alvonis Allow, is inexplicably blamed, and there is a "two stinky boy", one should be Alexander. Talented! What is the relationship with his Alvonis? !

"We don't deliberate, than taken."

Edward Ailik's self-knowledge, only the apology of whisper, and Alvonis did not argue himself, and he is also a hurry.

"Hey, this time I forgive you, see if you haven't come back for so long."

More than Rock Bell did not grab it, she gently revealed this matter, then she looked at the Lingzhu who slowly walked down.

"Is that blinds are your friends? You are so playing, no one goes to see him?"

More than Rock Bell just put down the wheat ears, I saw that the Allici brothers had treating Lingze, but she was born, she dared to imagine that the Allow brothers would have not a lungs. Will treat a blind friend, this is not the brother who she knows, she knows that the brothers are strong, and the love is weak, and the empathy is heavy.

But than Take Keke Bell, I don't know that Lingzhu is not weak, and even he is also likely that he is the strongest here. The possibility is basically up to 99.9 Nine, unless the Ailik brothers use the skill "protagonist".

"Don't blame them, can I need to take care of the blind people, how can the alchemist come to see it with ordinary minister? You didn't have seen Feng Hornheim existed? Is it surprised?"

Lingzhu took the initiative to explain, and he mentioned Feng Hornheim's name, and he understood the particularity of Lingze.

Because she is young, I looked at Triva Alley with Von Horn Him, and when she was married, Feng Horn Him was married Triva Ai. Ellick, it became the same as her next generation.

For those guys who don't get old, than Rock Bell is here to get along with him the longest.

"Do you know the father of these two children? Hornheim guy is still alive? Still also alive? The guy is not like a simple death."

Being up to Linger, Lingzhu is also looking down to her, and I will ask questions than to take it first, and then give an answer.

"Yes, he certainly won't be so easy to die, he can't die solely, with so heavy fate, carrying so many people's life, if he is so quietly dead If you fall, then it is really disappointing. "

Lingzhu said with the words of Rock Bell, with the emperor to look at the little old lady in front of him, he can't help but feel surprised, it is very high than when it is young, how to become "gnome "What?" This difference is not too big.

"Hey, you have these geeks, always like to make some messy things. It is an ordinary person to be ignorant. I really hope that you will be able to stay in peace, come with me, wandering hometown, always have one night warm porridge "

It was complained in Rock Bel, while greeted a few people, I went home with her, and she was obviously "people" as Feng Hornheim.