Xing Hui flows, the time is very fast, and the time has been turned over for half a year, and in this half-year period, Lingzhu has always kept awake.

He has been taking treatment in the secret base of Yuxi County, but the body recovery is also good, and the use of emperors [World of Warcraft, the hundred arm giant], the effects of side effects have gradually resolved.

His body is recovering in full state, after all, he has been accepting the nourishing of various drugs, and the precious medicinal materials have still played a lot of effects.

However, this kind of improvement did not make everyone feel happy, because of the problem of Lingze, never in the body, his real problem is that the coma caused by the reason.

"Now you are in a coma, there is no change in symptoms, no response to the sound, there is no feedback on the touch of the limbs, how do we do it in the end, can we wake you?"

Standing on the bed of Lingze, the red looked at Lingzhu was like a face that was asleep. The face didn't have any expression. Lingze is very quiet, quiet, quiet or even some Unlike him.

This is not saying that Lingzhu is very noisy, but the existence of Lingze has always been very strong. When they are usually talking about anything around, they don't open his existence, not like this, lying here The Lingze, as if it will be thoroughly forgotten at any time.

"This can't, you have forgotten me, if you forget it again, then I will not be very angry. When I can say it, I will not think about the way to wake up, I really said. indefinite."

The peace of Heaven is free, thinking about some, and the Lingze's voice pulls her back to reality, she determines that she has not heard the wrong, the voice is not her illusion. sound.

The people who have just said that Lingzhu is not wrong. His voice is almost engraved in the soul of the red, and the red is not wrong. So she gathered the heart and jeopard. Ze.

The man who has been lying in the bed has not responded, it is already a significant change, although Lingze did not open his eyes, but his mouth smile, or exposed him that he was actually awake.

"Lingze!? Are you awake ?! Is this true ?!"

At the bed, her whole body is squatting in bed. Her face is in front of Lingze, staring at Lingze, and I am afraid that everything just now, it is just what she did. Dream.

She has started silently, she didn't dare to use the knife, to stimulate myself, to confirm that I am dreaming, after all, the two knives in her hands are not a good phase. Good as good.

A staminated, a bloodthirsty.

Qi Yan did not know that the Tropel of Lingzhi has [Snow], has completed its upgrade, the current ministers [snow] is not very interested in the average person's blood, so she dare not use it easily Ze's "Demon Knife".

However, this is a very sensible practice, although Lingzhi's ministers [snow] raised, but the red temporary can not count as "ordinary people", this is a thing that needs to be discussed.

"Slow down, slow, I just woke up, don't be too excited, I am afraid that you really send me away."

For exciting red, Lingzhu is quite a little crying, but he can understand the state of the other party, and the red is now very restrained.

After all, he has so unclear coma for as long, and Den's old doctor also tells them:

"Lingze is now in this state, it may wake up at any time, but it is also possible to die at any time."

In such a long time, they have woke up from Lingzhu, in fact, there is no great hope, and this is a concern for Lingzhi, it will suddenly die, but it is over the day. .

Now, Lingze said that wake up and woke up, there is no a little proportion, and the red is of course very surprising.

After all, she was watching the state of Lingzhu today, she was still hurt because of the signs of Lingzhu's no recovery. As a result, Lingze gave her a surprise.

"Well! How do you feel now? Lingze, I feel that my body is so comfortable? Is the spirit? Is there anything uncomfortable? Need me to call Deen's old doctor?"

The Red is moved from Lingze, she looked very concerned about Lingze, and began to ask the Leezi cold.

In fact, she is more than once, I have been thinking about this picture in my heart, she should say something when she wakes up.

But when things really happen, when Lingzhu is really awake in front of her, she wanted to have a mess, I can't disappear, she didn't pay attention to the front thinking lines before. Directly detach it directly.

"I feel much now, I feel that I feel like I am dizzy. Now I feel that I can eat the next cow, it is a little slightly slight, my head is still slightly. But there should be no more important, my intuition tells me that since I have awake, then I am sure it is already safe. "

Ling Ze once again took out the classic circulation, it was used to prove that his healthy exaggeration rhetoric, although this rhetoric is actually not applicable, because he is really able to eat a whole cow. .

He said that it is actually not exaggerated. It is also a statement that is in the statement, but it is good to express him now, and there is no unnecessary misunderstanding that he doesn't make it unnecessary.

"Well! Den's old doctor said so, he said that your body is now very healthy, and as long as you can wake up, it should be completely out of danger."

I nodded for hard, her mouth smiled, but her eyes had some red. At this moment, she felt that she had not had any efforts to do before.

As long as Lingze can wake up, then they collect medicinal materials to Lingzhu, and to hunt to hunt and have a strong tonic to Lingze. All of them are no longer in vain. Significant.

"I have worked hard, Qi Dynasty."

Lingzhu did not have any memories and perception in a coma, but from the state of the red, he also understood what this girl did, understanding their hard work. .

The heart of Lingze is very touched, what is the truth? This is the true portrayal of the truth, although he has never doubts the feelings between these people, whether it is family or love, he has never doubted, not just for the rest, for other The same is true for friends.

"As long as you can wake up, it is worth it, and you will turn this, because we are useless, can't help your busy, if our strength is strong enough, you don't have to go to a desperate By fighting the monster, it should be our thank you. "

The calm smile, there is no feeling that I feel very hard in her heart, the opposite, for the ability to help Lingze, can get the recognition of Lingze to what they do, let her feel very Happy, at least this time, they are not dragging behind.

"Boss! You are finally awake ?!"

Lingzhu and Chiang were talking, Pooh suddenly came in, and after seeing Lingzhu had already wake up, this girl could not help but scream.

In her, she is a purple, she is very hard to catch up with Buni, which is like a rabbit.

"Lingze big brother! I really woke up!"

I saw that Lingzhu was laughing at them. She built a purple and Bini, which was a big stone in my heart, and the last coming in the end is Naha Harm.

This guy didn't come over, but he saw that Lingzhu and Chiang said inside, he was very open, but the other friends were notified.

This used steel straight man, under the tempering of time, and gradually began to understand the people.

It's still a stupid, still as before, she is really a few cows can't pull, Boni, the guy and Naha, is really a pair of veritable joy, and the personality is perfect complementary.

"What about black? Isn't she here?"

Lingzawa has already found the arrival of Naha, and he also knows what Naha is doing, he didn't speak him, but it was not here for the Black Pan, and Lingzhu felt a little strange.

"Black Pan is going to make a task, she should come back soon, have been going out for a while, the difficulty of that task should not be difficult to her, you don't have to worry about her, now the black nih is not a child. She is also a general one who can be unique! "

Naham, Zi Zi, Bini three people, close to Lingze, and then come over, Naham is still explaining to Lingzhu, the reason why the black is not here, they are not worried about black pupils. Sanctuary.

Because, the girl is one of them, and the ability of her emperors is not weak. In these people, they can say that they can defeat the black and dupigo. It is estimated that only two people are both red and linger.

"And there is an emperor to walk with her, although the child may still be a role of a drafer."

Naham said that he can't help but laugh, because when the black pole wants to go to the mission, there is a emperor that is equally anxious to stop her.

The emperor is not bad to get along with the black, and the two people will travel together in her dead.

"Moon? She is similar to the age of the black, but she is not as we are like us, and her body is not particularly good because of the childhood, the development is not particularly good. It is still a big gap on the black and black, but the black dorms are more suitable for new people, and their two should not have any problems. "

Lingzhu did not forget another emperor who made them here, the new owner of the emperor [must be the bow · Huiyi wings], the little genius that shooted talented, gradually been gradually Grow up.

She is also a person in the comparative core circle, she knows that the state before Lingze is also reasonable, and she is urgent to help, it will be more understanding. After all, Lingzhu is a life-saving person. exist.

Lingzhu took the bed and lying in bed for half a year. Although this is a thing that is a closed thing, it is a thin-skinned feeling that the body is can't lie. I haven't moved for a long time, only acting in the care of Kanji.

"No problem? Can you?"

Seeing Lingzhi moves Lake the bed, everyone is approaching, I want to help him, but Lingze is directly dialing them, he is somewhat unilateral:

"You are one, this is why? I am still not very good now, the body can be a little problem, no help."

Everyone is very helpless, naturally, I can only go out of the room with Lingze himself, and after their own group, it is in the yard, and I encountered the black and the banyan girl who completed the task. Two girls.

After seeing Lingze, the black pupo stopped, and her movements were directly stopped. It was obviously very unexpected to the emergence of Lingzhu, and she after the reaction, I saw Lingzhi to her. Waving waving, after seeing the sisters and other people standing around Lingze, she finally reacted, which made the girl's eyes were wet.

"Lingze brother, you wake up."

Work hard to live your emotions, and the black walked to Lingze, let him reach out and touch his head.

And the girl who follows her is a little careful. It is not as close as it is as black, after all, her relationship with Lingze is not so close, she just looks next to it.

"Yeah, I woke up, I have worked hard, you have a lot of busy, I know, there is a moon, thank you, you have grown to the translation of the committee, I am very pleased. You didn't live up to my expectations. "

Lingzhu smiled and alleviated the embarrassment of the marty, while kneading the hair, he praised two people.

"This time we gain very rich! Black Her successfully captured a super dangerous species as a collection!"

I got the praise, I was very happy. She invited the initiative to say, and her words were also concerned. After all, the super dangerous species is still very powerful for them, and these two girls look like it. Easy, I solved the super dangerous species.

"It's not that ..."

Lingzhu was a little thoughts after hearing the super dangerous species, and immediately thought of the super dangerous species of the black and mouth, and the answer of the black and the arrival of the black pole, and his guess is very Close.

"It is also very fortunate, we have completed the task. After getting something you want to get, I chose directly to return, and on the way back, I happened to break into a super dangerous species.

And that super dangerous species, it is obvious because of the cause of serious injuries, has reached that kind of dying, will die at any time, we are very easy to overcome it, turn it into my collection . "

The black poker, although there is a bit different from the original, but the meaning of the difference is almost, this is a short understanding of "Tianzi 's hand", and everyone is not helpful.