Bonny to Lingze, but the inner heart is very desperate, but Lingze is so comforted her. After all, let her have some hearts, after all, just work together, always get better than I do. .

And it's a little breath, but he is not lie, after all, he has already seen it in advance, Naha Taxi really has no idea for the Oreliang, if he really If you are bending, that Lingze is definitely more urgent than Ponny.

Naha, this super reliable brother, if it was turned to be turned by the Oreliang, that Lingzhu is really blown, which is simply nothing to have distinguished.

But good in Naha, the willpower is very firm. Lingze feels temporarily still don't have to worry about this problem.

The most important thing is that in fact, the Oreliang does not have such an idea. Although he comes with the charm of the charm, he is eating, but he is a person who is a normal orientation, let him go to "color induce" Naha repair, people Not willing.

In short, after comforting the Pooney, Lingzhu leaving the base, his handkerchief, that is really no, it is too busy to die, but he is nothing. .

Of course, Lingze is definitely not eating and drinking all day. Most of his time is put on the aspect of improving his strength. After all, he will play with Esdes. The power to compete is already the perfect result.

In this calm transition period, Lingzhu Arranged in the Northern Skylings of Titzmi's lines finally have news.

It is really easy to find someone in the North Ride. In addition, in addition to their northwestern army's intelligence network in Beijing, there is also the all-in-one, the Ning Dao believers, can do lineers, and can act as The intelligence network of the Obelge Assassin Association used by the resource.

Of course, in this matter, the biggest use of the use of the Anti-Dao, these people are all over the country, including those in the countryside of the poor hometown.

Whether it is the intelligence network of the Northwestern Army, or the intelligence network provided by the Obelge Assassin's association, the coverage of the countryside is very weak, after all, is not their goals.

After receiving this news, Lingze has come to the past, which is a very remote small village in the Northern Boy. It is really the kind of poor hionship, and the poor to even the peace is just over-covered. Point.

This is actually understanding, because only in this place, there will be like Titzimi in the three groups, and there is hope for this empire, but also maintain the imperial personality of innocent character.

The real life, the real life in the city, for the various darkness of this empire, there is a great understanding of the sinister sinister people.

And this is actually those nobles, those metamorphic people, will pick up the reason why the people who are very soone will start, because only these simple, homestead, the rural countryside people, will be very easy. Just got their play, becoming their play, killed by their torture.

Reality is very cruel, people treating the poor and those who have not mastered knowledge, this is the sorrow of this world.

After Lingze rushed to the small village, Lingzhi quickly found Tiz Mi and his two small partners.

Because these three people are following an instructor training sword, it is a retired soldier of an empire. It should be hurt, so they must not retreat, the retired soldier's legs don't seem to be very good, just Looking at them in the sword.

"Tiz Mi! Give me seriously! What are you looking for ?! Is there any naked beauty in the side ?!"

Lingze stands on the side, there is no deliberate hidden, and he sees the Titzimi of his figure. Some strangely of this strange stranger. His action was discovered by the instructor, and he was repeated.

There is no way, for this birth near the village, Tuzimi is still very novel, after all, they are closed here, the foreign people are really very small.

"Teachers! There is a stranger there, he seems to have encountered difficulties!"

The instructors gave some names, and they wanted to look at the whip. Titzimi quickly took the news on the emergence of Lingze.

He looked at the eyes of Lingzhu, standing there, just thought that Lingze did something difficult, so he wanted to ask the instructor to take a look, see if you can't help the strange blind. .

"Oh? Stranger? Is it a blind man?"

I saw the direction of Tuzima fingers, and the instructor also saw Lingzhi's figure, but he did not decide to save the Lingze in the first time, because he kept a sense of notorious, how did the blind? here?

"It's not right, we have no near the village near this, and he is such a blind blind, why can you come here? There must be a problem!"

The instructor pulled out the sword, he was alert, and his sword in his hand looked very nice, unlike an ordinary veterans can have weapons.

"Iyias, Shao Yue, Tiz Mi, prepare for fighting."

That instructor is not an ordinary veteran, whether he is a keen consciousness, or his skills.

You must know that Tiz rice is three people, but only follow him, and the strength of Tiz Michara just off, in fact, it is already very powerful in his age.

Can teach Titzimi's disciples, this instructor is less than the people of the Imperial Level, and there is no mistake in the guess of Lingze. This instructor is really an empire.

Because this instructor is seeing his first time, it is "Will n't it be the assassin of the minister?"

This man is obviously persecuted by the minister, and falls in such a small village that is isolated from the world.

"who are you?"

With the three little apprentice of his own, Gulac asked Lingze, he had been prepared to die here. If there is anything wrong, he will let Tiz rice three people. Running the whole village.

"You think of this idea is too innocent. If I am the assassin sent by the Minister, you will not have the opportunity to escape, you should let these three children go back to the village for the first time."

Lingzhu shook his head and said to this general of the empire.

"They won't go, I understand their character."

The original Empire's general said, it was a little bit of Lingzhu. This reason did he didn't think of it, but after thorough thinking, he understood that this Gulacy said that there is no mistake, this Three people's character is indeed like the personality that will throw their instructor running.

"So why?"

From Lingzhu's words, Guls has already understood the lakes of Lingze, that is, his assassin is indeed, but this makes Gulans more doubts, because this person knows him Identity.

However, Guls didn't know that Lingze has just been learned from his response, before Lingze did not know the identity of this guy before.

"In your village, there is also a belief in the peacekeeping, right?"

Lingzhu still has no direct answer to the other party, but continues to put forward his problems and master the initiative of the conversation.

"Yes, what about that? Are you a person in the peace? It is not like it, but this ghost's ghost is very image, what is the purpose?"

Gulas did not relax vigilance, but this can also be understood that he is a fugitive by the imperial wanted, and the minister who is guilty of the national power must be careful. He did not think that in this imperial north of the country. Some people can find him.

"You don't misunderstand, the Gulus general, I am not coming to you, I am looking for your three apprentices."

Lingzhu smiled, but did not laugh at the other side's own passion, after all, he did not discontinory it, normal people will certainly not think that he is coming to find that three young people, after all, the three is the village of the ancestors People, there is no reason to be given by outsiders.

"Looking for us?"

Tsim and Iyias, Saai looked at each other, apparent that they felt very puzzled for Lingze.

Similarly, some of the passionate Gulans have never thought that the clown is herself, he always thought that Lingze is coming to find him, after all, he is also an empire's old general, a lot of people.

But this person is actually coming to find his three apprentices, which makes him slightly somewhat embarrassing, but his heart is slightly loose, not to come to the revenge.

Guls is not small, he just doesn't want because of his own reasons, so that this village is followed.

If this person is really coming to him, it is a lot of probability that it is completely destroyed with this closed village after killing him.

"Titzimi, Shao, Iyias, do you know him?"

Gully, Gula, asked his three apprentices, although he did not especially understanding the three apprenticeship, but in his understanding, these three apprentices seem to be a soil. Rural people should not have contact with people in the outside world.

"I don't know, I have never seen it."

Tsim, Shao, Iyias's reaction did not exceed the imagination of Gulus, and his three apprentices shook their heads, they were all confused.

"I don't know, I'm right, because I am coming to find three, this is not because of what there is a relationship between us, I am coming to them, just because I have a good year, these three children are very good seedlings, nest In this small village, waste their talents. "

Lingze's words, let Gulas and Tiz Mi, Iyaas, the doubts on Shaco face, of course, Titzmi three children have a feeling of recognition, although it is Recognition of strangers.

"You don't deny your words, these three children are indeed a good seedllar, and they will cultivate good words, at least will be the general talents, but why do you know?"

Gulus certainly did not deny this, because he is to look at the three children's heroes, and they will raise their risk, he doesn't want to see these three children's nest in this village, and whiten waste talent .

In fact, the big imperial talents can be too much, but most people are subject to family reasons and knowledge, but only to be in the poor countryside for a lifetime of farmers.

The talent training policy of the empire is still too primitive. It is still the elite aristocratic rule, the class is very solidified, and the ordinary civilians are hard to break their own class, and become a noble class.

"A chance is in front of you, you can help you get out of the current dilemma, you can let your Gulans are re-executive, fighting the sand field, scrubbing their grievances, revenge for their families, allowing these three children to get better education The growth is more faster, out of life, so that the life of the entire village is better. "

Lingzhu did not pay attention to the other party, and he still said, this made Gulace feel very helpless.

"Now I only ask you, do you want to seize this opportunity, this opportunity to change fate once, no longer have a next time, you think about it."

To be honest, Lingze's words are very huge for these four people, especially for Gulas, it is what the opportunity to revenge for family is a dream.

He has already felt that his body is not as good as one day. He doesn't want to take a grievance, don't want to see the tragic family relatives.

But this stranger is not worth trustworthy, it is also a very important issue. Although he doesn't feel he and these three apprentices, what is worthy of such a large week, they are just a dead dog And three poor country children.

"If you can make a decision, please go to Di Dao City, Di Dao City, Western County, to find a person called Naha, and he will arrange everything."

Lingzhu did not pay attention to the four people's reaction, and directly took this sentence, and then simply disappeared.

I looked at the mysterious people who turned out in front of you, Gulus and Tiz Mi, Iyias, Shao four people were all dull, they feel that everything just happened, as if it is like Like a dream.

"The instructor, the person said ... Can we believe?"

Titzimi's look is a one yearner, but there is some unknown measures, so he asked to the most insightful Gulus instructor in the village. Through the mysterious man who just just, they already know that her instructors were the Imperial General.