In the face of such a chance to change fate, Tatzmi's heart is hesitant, but his intuition tells him that this opportunity must be grasped.

Because their village life is very hard, the Empire's harsh is squeezed with the villagers' living space, especially for their remotely closed small villages, life pressure is more large, not the gods.

Like them in a small village in remote areas, they will only be remembered when they start to collect taxes at the empire, they have to say this is a kind of sorrow, good things will never have a bad thing, never forget. .

When the collection is taxed every time, the superiors will send a special armed collection team, and they will take a circle in such a village.

The reason why it will be armed, that is, they are afraid that they will resist these people. After all, the harsh government is more fierce, and those officials are the clearest.

This is unparalleled, and then after the layer of encoding, the extrusion of a layer is over, all the pressures are finally added to the bottom of the civilian people.

They are insects, vampire officials, if they are not afraid of these poor people to rebel, it is really heart.

Therefore, these armed collection teams are not what is good. They actually part-time jobs, and those who are gallbling resistance will be packed, and there will be a lot of bleeding events every time.

Tuzimi has been enough to be enough. Every time I look at the village's grandfather's whisper and those people talk, every time I see the girls in the village, the woman has a man's feet, and the men At random, he feels that there is a blood in the body.

Tsimi hopes that you can have a situation, you can change the status quo of the village, so that everyone can live a good day.

Including Iyias and Shao, they have such ideals, so Lingze is really grabbing their psychology, let their hearts like only small paws, how can they also I can't wait, I just want to confirm the instructor.

In the face of the three apprentices, Gulas bite his teeth, and finally chose to take them together.

Guls finally made this decision is also very simple, just like he thinks, he feels that he and his own three apprentices, there is no value worth such a big holiday to deceive the value.

So since the other party doesn't have this motivation to lie to them, why don't they take a look? If things are really like the mysterious person, then they will definitely make a stable profit.

"Go back to pack things, and your family and friends say goodbye, since we decide to take a look, then we will start as soon as possible, don't delay time."

After Gulas decided, immediately reached the command, and Tiz Mi and Shao, Iyias also kit up, and quickly returned to the village.

Like them three this old child, they are still in the state of "dreams of the world, the bustling of the world", so even if there is any life, I don't talk about anyone, I can leave the village to adventure is also worth it. Excited things, after all, they have never left the village, never seen the outside world.

The teachers and others were quickly packed. Under the urgency of Gulas, they prepared goodbye to their families. Under the leadership of Gulas, they went to Di Dao City, Di Dao, Di Dao City. The general of the empire, this geographic knowledge is still there.

And the reason why they will be so embarrassed, naturally because Lingze has left a time period, in order not to exceed that period, Gulas, Titzimi, Shao, Iyias four people, all the way .

With their family, it is naturally impossible to hire the horse, and there is no transportation in the village to use them, and four people want to rush to Di Dao City, Di Dao, Yuxi County. It is to go to the leg. of.

However, Lingze still gave them a little more, he left the time limit is absolutely more worse. When he said this time, considering these four people's physical fitness, so as long as they don't grind, then it is absolutely Arrived within the time period.

On this way, although I have been in a hurry, I have been excited about the three children who left the village in Titzimi, Shaco and Iyias.

Their performance is like Liu Yujin, the same thing, seeing something, can't help but look at it, no matter what something and things, it can attract their greatest attention, this is a very good. It is helpless, he can only take three little guys, do not let them delay the time on the road.

The brutter's four people rushed over, and finally took only 14 days, and came to Di Dao City, Di Dao, Di Dao, and entered the Northern Rabei.

"Call! Call! Call!"

"I finally got here, let us arrive within 15 days, this is really too easy!"

After entering Di Daocheng, Di Dao County, Hexi County, the four people are all breathless, and they can't help but start the spit.

Obviously fifteenth day, although it is not a problem, it is also very pressing, it's a lot of breath, enough to make their fuel tanks no oil, let their body exhausted.

But now it is not relaxation, because it doesn't mean that they have won the victory, their ultimate goal is to report to those who are called Haha, and they will be a victory.

"Where is the Naha? The instructor, who knows that?"

Tuzimi thought of a key issue, this big Di Dao City, let them find a person named Naha, is it a little too big sea fishing needle!


Sisha and Iyias were stupid. They also looked at their junrators in their opinion. It is clear that the only one can be expected to be expected. It is the Empire of the Imperial General. .

"I ... I don't know ..."

Gulas was asked by his three apprentices. He is also a bit stupid. He is not very familiar with him, which can find Dao Town is very good, but also let the people named Naha It is also a bit too difficult for him.

"Then what should we do ... all have arrived here, you can't go back again, it is too shameful."

Yiasa is a bit anxious. He has already praised Haikou in the village. If you don't mix, you will never go back. This is because I haven't found a chance, I have to go back, then he is really to explode. .

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be some way."

Gulace scratched his head. His hair is no longer dark, removed the dark-haired hair, he still has a bit of bald trends, and now he is anxious to scratch, and scratched a few fragile white hair.

"Is you the Mr. Guusi, Mr. Tiz M. IYAS and Miss Shaoke?"

When the Guls and apprentice did not know what it was, a girl's voice rang around their side.

The Guusi's four people couldn't help but be a glimpse. They turned around to talk to people, that is a little girl, seems to be a mixed blood.

"Yes, we are, please?"

Gulas was vigilant, and was touched by such a girl. Although he had a reason why he was too urgently relaxed, the strength of this girl was absolutely weak.

"Hello, my name is Mine, I will welcome you."

After the mortar, carry a big bow. The Bow, Hui Wi], is a curious look at the four people in front of you.

"A uncle plus two boys a girl, watching dressing, like a soil, like a country, Naha, a big person, it should be that these four people are not wrong."

In Gulaus, Titzimi four people got the amount of Mart, Malin nature is also reviewing the four-way packets who don't know where to come from, and the first impression of these four people in front of them. In fact, it is quite good. After all, it is a handsome man, and the soil is a little bit, but it can't stand the bottom.

"Do you know that Naha? Are you the mysterious man?"

When I heard the mine, Tatzmi immediately came to ask, and Iyaas didn't work, and they wanted to grasp this sudden turnover.

"What mysterious person? What are you talking about? Is Naha Taxi people let me pick up, if you are ready, now I will go to the Naha Taxi, he is very busy, you can have time Take time to deal with your things, it is really not easy. "

Ma Yin obviously doesn't know what mysterious people are unmocytical. She directly said that she also conveys her meaning and took the road in front.


Gulus, Tuzimi four people face each other, but there is no hesitation, directly follow the back of the mart, they can't miss this opportunity.

"Do we need to prepare?"

Shao is more careful, from the moment of Jane, she heard some other meaning, so I asked actively.

And the mall is a strange look, it is obviously some inexplicable, she asked Shake:

"Why do you ask me, what should I prepare? Isn't it your own thing? How do I know what you want to prepare?"

Shao was in the words of the moon. She also thought about what test would be, it was able to get some guidance from this girl. The result is just a guest.

Sandai was already in a sentence, and she didn't ask more. She just smiled and nodded, and she continued to be bored with the moon.

All the people went all the way, soon came to the office of Naha, this road was on the road, and finally turned into the secret base, let the Gulas who come in, they are all wrapped around. fainted.

For those who are about to face, among the winding processes, Gulas, Titzimi they have begun to guess, and that guess is actually a little bit of doubt, because This forces are obviously the kind of hidden in the ground, which makes them a little a little.

"Naha, I took them over, what else needed to do? No, I will leave."

With Gulaus, Titzmi four people entered Naham, and Mal Yin immediately called.

"Okay, thank you, I don't have anything, you should take a break, you will take you at all, wait for me to deal with what I have handled my hand."

Naha was buryed in the document, reaching out and greeted, this girl now has a very strong job desire, so Naha Tailing will make the other party.


The mart is nodded, directly retreats, and there is no more to communicate with Gulus, Tiz rice.

After all, Mine doesn't know what these people are doing. If everyone will become a colleague, then there will be more opportunities to communicate. If there is no such fate, I don't want to be with the other side. The relationship is just a passerby of Pingshui.

In the office, Gulas, Titzimi, Iyias, Shao's four people can only be a big eye to the small eyes, they are very uneasy.

After all, there is a strange environment, strangers, everything is too unknown to them, even for the original empire, now a old Gula, is a long-lost nervous.

In fact, this kind of mood is a bit like an interview, but they are special, that is, even if they don't know, what kind of company is the interview.

They just heard that Joining this company can achieve your dreams, changing your life trajectory, life, destiny, and let yourself get greater improvement.

In this case, don't say that Gulas, Titzimi they are nervous, and who will be nervous if they change.

And under this atmosphere, Naham finally completed his work. He put down the pen in his hand, pick up the old cadres' tea tank and drunk a few mouthfuls, then looked at the ancient fire. Las, Tiz rice them four.

"Shenming has released God, let me get to meet your arrival, I also know about your basic situation, but I still need to know more to you, you can join you."

Naham is slowly said that he does not have the marginality. He said that he said so slowly, in fact, he is thinking about how to tell Lingze, he said while recalling.

"God's guidance is that you can directly join us, but specific work arrangements, you still have to look at your ability and your own needs."

In the words of Naha, the literally understood, but the "god" and the "god" involved, or let Allais, Tiz rice they listen to a mist.

"Wait a minute, what do you mean? Do you say ..."

Gulace seems to have been thinking, but he can't believe that after all, Shen Ming believes in this kind of thing, the general penetration in the empire is relatively low, and the average person will not think about it.

"Yes, that is, you think, you got the favor of God, our peace of mind, is he guided you here, joined our Northern Army, became a glorious revolutionary and believers. "

I have to say, this time seems to have a lot of time, in Naha, it seems that it seems that there is no big problem. After all, the revolutionaries and believers do not conflict in him. He just thinks that Lingze is "avatar" The operation is too hard.

However, in fact, the peace of the Tang Dynasty has gradually begging, those who are really professional, the temple knights have been inserted into the peace of the ANAN, and those believers of the Ham countries have also been spread to the peace of the peace. At present, they are now the most devout believers of Lingze.

The new doctrine, as well as all kinds of things about God's description, all kinds of verses, stories, legends, etc., have also begun to be spread all over, Lingze's "human true God" identity is gradually being reached Believers accept, of course, this also requires a long subtle process.

"God? Will you appear in the world? Will you guide us?"

Having a new missionary brochure of the Ning Dynasty sent to them, in the "human life of the world", "the god of the whole world" has a probably a probably understanding, and the Titzimi is confused. this problem.

"Of course, life is not the poem of God, but the mortal laughter and tears, Shen Ming is also part of our lives, he can be high in the belief, or you can have a sudden attraction around you."

Naham laughed with Titzimi's question. He felt that Lingzhu and the clerk were too edible, but I thought of there was a dangerous species that even a dangerous species can be a country's belief. A country behind the scenes, it seems that this kind of operation is nothing.

Naham feels that Lingze is very right, story, legend, scriptures, and teachings are not very important. It is really important to be strength. As long as you have strength, then you can become the so-called "god".

In fact, this "God Ming" and the emperor of the empire are a truth. If the emperor of the empire can never die, it has been controlling the power of the country, then, even if he said that he is not an emperor, but "Emperor", that is the same Get the beliefs and worship of the allies.

"Well, you can learn slowly, first of all, I have to test your strength first."

Naha Xiyou looked at these people, all have been prepared by Lingze to fool, but also could not help but feel emotion, but he did not forget his duties. He is not only responsible for fooling here.