"Naja Tower, the gods that defeated the emperor [Guardian God · To Gaoce] are really your younger brother?"

Brand put forward his question to Najita, he has thought about this problem for a long time, and Naja has actually answered him, but he didn't dare to believe it.

After all, the guy who was being annihilated, like the gods, which would be their brother's brother. This is really a bit of subverting three views. They can really think that it is the "God of God" in the peace.

In the Emperor, the people of the revolutionary army and the Northern Army were confrontation. They all control half of the emperors, but did not have any conflicts, but they were waiting for the two sides of the head.

The formation of this scene is really attributed to the war of Lingzhu and Dizhu [Guild Gods · To the Gaoce].

One of the revolutionary soldiers know that the other party has the kind of "god" general war, naturally, there is no need to have any cases, even if their boss does not strictly constrain them, they don't dare to have any offshore move, although opposite The number of soldiers in the North is less than they.

The two cannons have died in the nearly quarter of the army, which is only just now, when they just have, they will stop this risk to provoke the Northern Army.

The Northern Army is purely because there are fewer people, and there is a constraint of the sanners. At this time they can be in the rain, and they are not afraid of and the revolutionary army.

"Of course! That is my brother, how can I admit it!"

Najita made a look of Brand, and the things that Lingze were derived in the peacekeeping road, she actually know, but how can it? Even if the Lingze is deceived, it is possible to change Lingze as the fact of her brother?

"Well, then we are afraid to do it, your brother is a bit amazing, we can defeat him."

Brand smiled and shook his head. The horrible [Guardian God of Guards "was already allergic, and now their competitors have, there is a single to eat [Guardor Ganta · The existence of the high throne is true, this is really an old life.

Naja's eyes flashed, including the two officers, Rivus and Wiko, and Rieii, and the fears of Brand can be completely different. After all, they are inherently standing in the Ling. The side of Ze.

And the weird response of Naja Taga has also been perceived by Brande, after all, the matter has reached this point, in fact, Naja Tower did not cover it again.

"You ... BOSS, this will not be all people?"

Brand's eyes couldn't help but smoke it. He looked at the emperor of these [night attack], and found that he was only in the drum.

After all, the people here, it seems that only what is the relationship between him and Lingze, even "Lonely Art Warrior" Rabeth, there is a relationship between the old department of Naja Tower, all of these Things have something to do.

"Naja ..."

Brand alert, his look is quite nervous, there is a kind of illusion that is deeply enemy camp, only one of his people is not in the end of the organization, especially their BOSS is actually an enemy. .

"Brand, the war should be over, our purpose has been reached, the empire has been overthrown, the revolution has been victory, if you continue to fight, just to compete for power to increase the killing, and the revolutionary army is no more competitive, no People can overcome my brother. "

In the face of Brand's alert, Naja Kaibang said his own heart and he didn't want to fight against Brand, in fact, they have already appreciated this partner.

"But Naj Tower, your brother, can they really do it? Do they really understand our philosophy?"

Brand is still a little indiscriminated, and he will participate in the revolution. First, because there is no way to persecute it, the other is that he really wants to change this country.

Opposite the obvious religious colors, let him not trust the other party, especially the "God" of the other party, in essence, is still a human beings, in his opinion, the opposite is obviously a high-level Shenqi, and The current empire is not big.

"Of course! They themselves grow up from the bottom of the empire, they are also in the idea of ​​changing the empire, will go to this step now."

Naja did not worry about it, she put Lingzhu's "human equality", "the society", "the riches to drive", "realize comprehensive and well-off", "completely eliminate the poverty population" Planned, all Telling Brand.

Naja's words, let Brand put down the weapons, because he has been shocked by Naja's words.

"I didn't expect that your brother has such a great ideal, I am wrong with him, you are right, the war is the end, then continue just for the sake of power, there is no meaning."

Brand's attitude reversed, of course, there is also Naja Taga said that his brother said, it will let them do the reason, after all, compare the brother, Brand is more believed in Naj Tower.

Brand thinks if Naja is doing, even if you don't say it, it is not bad.

"It's impossible! Why do you get into you?! This is too ridiculous! You don't have negotiated sincerity!"

Brand and Naja have reached a consensus, but at this time, in the negotiating table, Naha Cai is talking to the leader of the revolutionary army.

It is only possible to see from the roar of the revolutionary army leader, both parties have not reached a consensus.

"German, don't impulsive."

However, when the revolutionary army leader German wanted to go, the woman wearing a veil stood around him, and the expression under this woman's veil is very serious, which makes it don't want to be opposite the opposite. The child talks about the Germans.

"Rauff, what did you see?"

German got up, and he wearing a witch, and his name was a woman who was a woman who was temporarily oriented. Two people hide and said a whisper.

"Death! Bloody! Fear! No hope, nothing!"

Lusu said in a few vocabulary, and every vocabulary she said made German's face more ugly, and finally became pork liver.

"Why ... why will it become this? I don't say that when I start, will we get victory after paying a certain price?"

Devon's face is embarrassed, and his tone is not very good, and it is obviously very difficult to accept.

"I predicted the overturned the empire, and that is already realized, now I predict the power of power."

The face of Raoven is not very good, but it has been this point, but it has to accept the feeling of failure. It is obviously not so easy to accept.

"There is no chance?"

Devon is still a little unwilling, or that he is very unwilling to do it, as an overlord of the empire, how can he be willing to give up here?