After the end of the explanation, the most critical part of the entire ceremony, the crowning ceremony of "Anning Emperor" is about to begin.

For the new emperor, all people who come to the ceremony are very concerned about it. Because everyone wants to see the gods of the world, they want to see the miracles of the eyes, this is the purpose of the imperial people who have come to the road. .

The first Pope Oreliang, the first Pope, is not the protagonist of the crowned ceremony, or no one cares about him, although his appearance, it still caused a turmoil, but it is because of this kind of men and women.

Orelord's teach identity, there is no attention to it here, because the empire is a country that is still very short, compared to the Pope, the civilians of the empire pay more attention to this new emperor, after all, It is not only unavigified to intervene the management of the empire, but also actively cooperate with the Empire.

"Naham Emperor candidate, please drop your blood and drop your blood, God will drop the will."

Under the attention, the Pope Orleliang ordered the spectators to raise a big Ding. That is not very big, only to the height of the chest, just let him reach out, can put the blood into the blood Going to the Dingzhong of the mysterious pattern.

Naham put a drop of blood drops, and then began waiting for Lingze's reaction, yes, all this is arranged, Lingze this god is a true trust.

With the smoke in the Shen Ding, watching the imperial civilians of this scene, they can't help but breathe, they have prepared, prepare to witness the miracle.

And Lingze did not let the heads of the sky waiting for how long, with the rise of the smoke, the sky began to become dim, the whole empire was covered, the sun lost its glory, this strange change Let the people of the entire empire fall into panic.

I don't wait until they start to panic. The sun suddenly started to explode, in the dim, the dazzling light ball shot a bright beam, and the darkness of the layer was broken. The Naha is on the body, only one of his beams.

The Naham has gradually expanded a dress, which is a set of emperors that emits the sun's brilliance, gorgeous, sacred, full of glory, a crown floating from the beam, falling in the head of Naha on.

The crown is inlaid with a sun gem. The glory of the sun gem is not dazzling, but it has a gentle light. It has the function of refreshing the brain. It can help wear its people to maintain a clear mind. .

The displays of miracles, let people who come to the ceremony have smashed on the ground, worship the sky, the sun, Naha, such strength, let them both fear and revered.

Even those who have not lived on the scene are also shocked by the horrible skyline, and their shock is not more than those who live directly at the scene.

Because the scenes occurred at the scene, directly from the Lingze to the dark sky, all the people in the entire empire, completely watched the crowning ceremony.

"The mightyness."

For the miracles of Lingze, everyone's heart is this feeling, no one can give birth to the heart, no one dares to disrespect the gods.

Even Esdes, is also a great earthquake that is stimulated by this power. In fact, this is also one of the purpose of Lingze. He has strengthened the prestige of God, and he sees the powerful people, and shocked the idea in the heart. People, Lingze is telling them that everything is over.

When all the dust is set, the imperial people under the endless Qiwei's shock have also returned to normal, but since then, their beliefs have begun to root, for the faith of the peace, for Lingze's worship , Awe, will become rooted.

The coroned Naha repair has reached the order, Esdes, Wil, Gay, and the Kurielia tripartite army immediately started, starting towards their respective goals.

For this expedition, everyone is confident. They believe that under the guidance of Shenming, under the leadership of the new empire, "Anning Imperial" will build a brilliant high-end empire, and the world is above the world.

It is just that they have been hoped by them. I hope I can bring them a victory. At this time, I am studying how to put the emperor [protect the country God, the high throne], and the emperor [Shura Incarcies " The characteristics of the chariot], [evil ghosts and operational armor].

In the "truth" state, Lingzhu is certainly not able to hold a crowning ceremony and install a god stick.

He has to take advantage of the ability of "Truth" state to further improve your own [Guardian Gods · To Gaoce].

As he thought of it, if you can integrate this emperor, and the call of the twilight of the two Tylan, then he also carries this emperor, otherwise, he Can't you drive?

The improvement process is very simple. After all, the two emperors have ready-made, Willina's emperor [Shura Incarcies, noble chariot], the emperor of Brand [evil ghosts · Operate armor], he wants It is too convenient to observe the analysis. These two people don't dare to borrow.

Soon, Lingze completed the transformation of the emperor [Guardian Gardi · To the High Throne], adding a call function to it.

When it is always in the different space, it is necessary to use it, directly unlock the call, and the key of the space, and the different space itself, it is tortured in the minister [Snow]. .

Lingze only needs to insert the ministers [snow], then scream, "Guardian God" or "To the High Throne", you can solve the lock of the different space, and put the emperor [protect the national god · to the high " Direct summons.

Of course, if he doesn't want to be so shameful, it is also possible. After all, the lock is not a voice, but is driven by his mental force.

In addition to this matter, under the "Truth" state, Lingze also made some hands and feet, just like the sun beam of the sun, helping Naha Repair the dark injury on your body, greatly inspired his potential.

Including the nap, black, and other partners, Lingze has no embarrassment, using the "truth" power, he all helped them tuned the body.

The most important thing is that he also learned the technology from "Holy God". The hand can give the skill of believers, but it is more unfortunately, he does not have any power, you can give it to believers, after all he again It is not possible to keep the "truth".

However, Lingze feels that after waiting for the communication of the communication of the peace of the people, he may say that "Truth" can successfully master the ability of the "Holy God", which can trigger the world about God's law.

After all, the "Holy God"'s resurrection ability is to become "God". After being faithful, he waited for him to unify the world, after the belief spreads the world, he should be more than that God "is stronger.