"How long does it take for a long time this time? Will it be half a month? Can you wake up only one and a half months?"

After completing all the things you want to do, Lingze is ready to sleep again, but his thoughts are somewhat beautiful.

If you do this, if you don't use it a few more times, he can use "truth" without sleep.

It turns out that Lingzhi is really too beautiful. After he once again opened his eyes again, it was already three months old. He didn't shortened this time, still three months.

"Is it difficult to fix it this time? At this price, you can sleep for three months. Even if I can use" truth "to restore my body to the peak state, don't care about it. Water passing, but three months of time is not short. "

Lingzhu scratched his head. When he started, as long as it used to use it, it may always be shortened, but it seems that things are not as he thinks.

However, he doesn't care too much, because in the "truth" state, he can also adjust their body status for his own small partner.

This will not happen at least when he will sleep, and find that his own small partners have been dead. After all, he is not cultivating the fairy, a closed closure is a few will be a few people. How many years, a meeting? Unclear.

After you wake up, Lingze came directly to the palace of the Emperor, he would figure out the current situation.

In terms of reason, three months, it should be enough to change the sky, especially before he falls asleep, the Three-way army has begun to sweep, saying that the Anning Empire has ruled the world.

"Lingze, you finally woke up, we need your help."

When Lingzhu walked into the palace, after the "Anning Emperor" Naha, this clearly was just hit by the young emperor of the body, the hairline started behind the hair.

"No, this only three months, what do you have? How can I take myself into this?"

Lingzhu's head left a few drops of cold sweat, he was a little difficult to understand, and Nahasa had any difficulties.

Now this "! In the world of red, what else is there anything and people, can you pose a threat to the current empire? It's hard to be "Holy God" resurrected? Can't always be an Esdes rebellion?

"The Holy Spirit is resurrected! Esdes's expedition army is obstructed, although we won half a Ham Empire, but the remaining refugee power, under the leadership of the holy god, even Esdes can not Take it. "

The answer of Naham, let Lingze have not expected, because he didn't think of this "Holy God", it was able to resurrect so fast, and he felt that this guy would have to be a few decades to resurrect. .

However, compared to the possibility of Directs directly anti-water, there is still a bigger like this, after all, Esdes is basically no possible anti-water after reading the power of Lingze. Unless she has mastered the power capable of defeating the Lingze.

"It seems that the power of the holy god should have not completely recovered to the peak period, or it is still difficult to be able to stop with it."

Although Esdes is also very powerful, it will not even be much weak than that "Holy God", but she is a burst-shaped, and her body is still a normal human body, and the monster that is not easy to kill. For a long time, Esdes did not dominate.

"What about UA? Go to the front line? She and Esdes work together, maybe it is possible to kill the holy god."

The "Holy God" is horrible, but the Anning Empire is not a way to overcome it.

"Go, but if you are very difficult to get close to that monster, even if she uses the emperor [one must kill the village rain] hurt the monster, the other party can also immediately break the wound, after all, the monster's self-healing ability, Cut off a flesh and blood can be recovered. "

Obviously, this approach Nahasa has also thought about these smart people, and they also tried to implement, but the final result is not very ideal.

"Indeed, [one must kill the village rain] will take time, as long as the guy is not stupid, it will actively remove the wound, and cut the place where the curse is invaded."

Emperor [one must kill · village rain] is not a million emperor, its effect wants to play, and facing the large organisms, facing those enemies, this emperor effect Will weaken.

After all, the bigger the body is, the mantry of the emblem, you want to go to the heart to go to the heart, as long as the target of the hurt is fast enough, enough, then a very big chance can stop Murate spread.

Like Esdes, although she is very small, it can still be the kind of thing on amazing reaction skills.

"The expeditions of the South and the East have ended successfully. The Barbarians who claim to be the national river are all defeated by us, and we have sent people to domestication, and those scattered islands are also successive The Navy is included in the empire map. "

Naham continued to explain the other sides of Lingze. In these three months, the main thing happened, it is worth mentioning and Lingzhu to say something, there is only three ways to expect a military force, others The little things of chicken fry, they can handle themselves.

"The southern, Gai and Kirchiya are also progressing quickly, facing the Empire Elite Warfare Forces, and the ethnic minorities in the rainforest, the southern barbarians are not opponents, covering them. Long drive is straight, and it is fixed in the South. "

In addition to the West Road Expeditionary Army, the East Navy and the Rainforest Warfare of the Oriental Navy and the South Rainforest Army, and the casualties are also extremely small.

After all, for those unacified barbarians, the imperial army with great advantage in military technology is equivalent to being natural disasters, they can't resist.

In fact, even the Ham Empire is almost the same, they are in military technology, and the gap between the empire is not small, or if the "holy god" sudden resurrection, Esdes also completed the push Task.

"It seems that I have to go in person."

Lingze did not hesitate, he felt that it is now dealing with the "Holy God", he or even there may be no "truth", after all, this "Holy God", but the emperor [Guardor God · To Gaoce] hit A flat hand.

With the current performance of Lingze, strengthen the performance of the "Strike Freedom and Tall" of the Improvement Edition, it is really better to defeat "holy god", for the emperor [protect the country god · to the high throne] one snow shame, It also saves him to sleep for three months.

Besides, even if they are still barely fight, there is a person who has a flat hand with "Holy God", and so many special emperors, Lingze does not believe that they can't kill That guy.

Take a trick, Lingzhu first appeases some anxious Naha, let the other party relax the heart, then directly left the palace, he stroked the waist ministers [snow] The knife handle, summoned it The ministers [snow] Davids in the different space [Guardian Gods · To the High Throne].

Lingzhu directly entered the cockpit of this high-reached machine armor, and then the eight wings after this machine were so comfortable.

With the full mobility of Lingze, this machine has disappeared in the original place. The eight wings pulled out the blue light wings, and the speed of the machine has exceeded the sound, and the Lingzefei is relatively high. It is also to prevent ultrasonic speed from driving, causing damage to the surroundings.

Soon, I was controlled this cool machine emperor. Lingze rushed to the Ham Empire and came to the camp of the West Road.

After the initial riots, I recognized the peaceful imperial soldiers of that machine armor, it is already realized that there should be an empire of the empire to come over.

Although they don't know who is that, but can control the horror, I should not be average.

Lingze directly parked the armor before Esdes, he had already used the emperor [five views of the observer] to determine the position of the other party, after the machine, the huge machine armor directly It disappeared, which was really convenient for him to recover the space.

"How is Esdes, how?"

Lingzhu's direct entered the account, at this time, it is not only Esdes yourself.

The main combat power of the Anning Empire is basically assembled, and there is an opening, and there is also the later support, but now everyone is not too emotion.

After seeing Lingze, everyone's spirit is one, and the emergence of Lingze makes them realized that the war is the end, but the expression of Esdes is not much good. Also equally bad.

They are of course not willing to see the emergence of Lingze, but for them, the emergence of Lingze means that they have failed this time.

They did not do what they should do, did not complete their own tasks, and finally fell to the point where you need Lingzhu to help, this makes them feel embarrassed.

But and I can't help the Lingze, I have to bother him to help, I feel different, and Esdes feels shameful, and some are not very dissatisfied.

She feels that she should be able to overcome the monster, as a special hunting dangerous species, can't overcome the dangerous species to make Esdes are very uncomfortable.