"Use [emperor to unlock card]."

Lingzhu sat in the house, he has been busy with various things for a long time, and because there is no pressure in strength improvement, he even gains [emperor unlock card] before the mission before. Didn't use it.

No way, once the life started, it is indeed a sense of crisis. Lingze can't go on this again, otherwise he is afraid that he will be caught by Esdes, and the woman is in the heart, but in the heart, it is a shares. Force.

Esdes' thoughts, Lingzhu is naturally aware, so he is now the only sense of crisis, probably relying on the woman to maintain, after all, he can't use "truth" now, and if Ees is really If you come, he can only look at "Holy God".

Lingzhu is also very glad. At the beginning, he chose to accept the "Holy God". The guy can be used to deal with Esdes, and these two guys are indeed nothing to fight, mutual Shock each other.

If I want to make trouble, then she will think, even "Holy God" is not defeated, how can I get over the Lingze?

And "Holy God" is also the same. If you want to make trouble, you must defeat Esdes first. If you even be hungry, how can it be courage to challenge Lingze? ?

But although there is such a guarantee, Lingze is also difficult to ensure that this two will suddenly explode, and then accidentally defeat the other party.

At that time, if they are so confident, I feel that I can come to challenge him, then do you have to use the power of "Truth" again?

This is not a good idea to use the "Truth" that is only a little taboo.

Although the existence of "truth" can guarantee that he is unbeaten, but Lingze is reluctant to bounce himself, the last "Truth" has not succeeded, but who knows what is the next time? .

Therefore, I re-mentioned the tension of Lingze, and immediately began to improve my strength. He first had to do it, naturally the two [emperor unlocked cards] of the hand.

"[Emperor unlocked card] has been used.

Emperor [evil ghosts · Operation armor] has been unlocked. "

As the system's prompt sound sounded, Lingzhu can't help but have a shock in his heart. After all, this emperor is not simple, it can be said that it is one of the most powerful tasks.

Emperor [evil ghosts · Operate armor] On the foundation, and [Shura Incarnation · Noble Bowm], there is still a certain gap.

And the power of this emperor is that it is plasticity, which is its adaptability. It can have such a capacity according to the ability of environmental evolution. This emperor has a lot of possibilities of creating miracles. It is worthy of being an autocratic toolman male master Titzmi's emperor.

"Open the emperor [evil ghost, operate the armor]."

Since I got this emperor, the Lingzhu naturally started to try to use, and the use of the use of the first use, in fact, the emperor [Shura Incarily incarnation · noble chariot] is not big, after all, this emperor evolution Ability, only triggered below extreme cases.

And this emperor is more high than [Shura Incarnation · Noble Bowm], because of its requirements, itself is higher than the emperor [Shura Incarcies, noble chariots].

Obviously, so much Lingze, now I have used this emperor, and there is a feeling of using [Shura Intersection and noble chariot].

"That's a little bit of chicken, I already have a type of type, and I also strengthen the [Shura Intersection · Noble Bowmobile], I feel that the opportunity to use this emperor is really not a lot. The look, can you always be prepared to use it to deal with Esdes? "

Lingze felt some disappointment, this emperor said that it is definitely false, but it is really impossible to bring him much improvement, it is definitely a self-comfort.

This emperor said that the current Lingze is like a functional emperor who is used in some special moments, it is really a waste of this emperor.

"Hey! Yes! This is not a [emperor fusion card]?"

Lingze glanced at a pile of cards that he stacked, now his home is called a rich.

In the past, I couldn't see this pile of cards. I can only say "! Red-red "This world is indeed greatly improved to the emperor.

"If you put the emperor [Shura Incarcies, noble chariots] and emperor [evil ghosts · Operate armor], will it combine the performance of the two?"

Lingze thought here, I can't help it. He felt that these two emperors did not have other emperors that were more suitable for them. If they want to be integrated, they will be integrated with these two emperors. suitable.

If you don't think of this good idea, Lingze has begun to implement this, and he directly uses the [emperor fusion card] and fused two emperories.

"Do you use [emperor integration card]?"


Lingze is directly sure, because this fusion process is irreversible, so when using [emperor fusion card], the system will remind multiple times, prevent operational mistakes, can be said to be very intimate.

"Please choose two pieces of emperors to fuse."

After Lingze, it was determined to use the [Emperor Fusion Card], the system immediately popped up a converged panel, which has seen two spaces of panels, allowing Lingzhi to click to choose the emperor to make a fusion.

Because I have made decisions, I now don't do more, but I have chosen to choose the [Shura Intersection · Noble Bowmobile] and [Evil Great, Operation Armor]. Go in.

"Whether to fusion the emperor [Shura Incarnation · Noble Bowmobile] and [Evil Grocery · Operation Armor]?

If there is no error, please click OK, this process is irreversible, please choose carefully. "

The system will pop up the prompt box again. After confirming that there is no error, the decisive selection "determination" is combined.

"Emperor is integrated ...

Fusion has been completed.

Please name the new emperor. "

In the face of the name panel that again pops up, Lingzhu caesses a contemplation, the naming of this new emperor is a big problem, he has nothing to do with a temporary.

* Accelement progress, no way, the last chapter is deleted, every day, must not write again, then write it, I am afraid that I can't help but drive, then I will do it directly. * (This paragraph does not charge)