Seeing the unique Lancer library, but there is no hesitation, he directly chose to retreat, only at this time that Archer and Saber have not reached a consensus, he can have the opportunity to leave.

Sure enough, after the lancer library rushed away, Saber did not immediately select pursuit, but chose to stay in the face of Lingze. After all, she couldn't let Lingzhu and her master stay together, then there is a bit It's too dangerous, she is not the kind of rookie who has not participated.

"Ah! Let him run away!"

This makes it a little annoyance. It is so good to be a good one. If you miss this, you will not necessarily have it again!

"To chase?"

Lingzhu felt that it didn't matter, but if he asked for chasing, he didn't mind chasing the library.

However, the guy did not have a threat to him, so he didn't have to worry. After all, he completely restrained the other's killer. The guy did not use the gun to thorns the magic, and it is impossible to throw him.

"Forget it, you have been running away."

I have given up in the aftertaste, after all, I am still difficult to catch up with the speed of Lancer.

"What is going on here? Far in classmates?"

For this far-priest that is famous in the school, Shuishi Lang naturally knows, so he hurriedly asked Yuan, because the other person obviously knew the internal feelings.

"Let's talk about it in the house, the weather outside is not friendly."

Far away, I am very angry, I am still very cold at night, I don't have much wear, so it is not convenient to talk in the yard.

And go to the other family, you can also reduce the alert psychology of the other party. The Saber is still being vigilant.

"Don't be so fierce, we are not enemies temporarily."

Lingze revealed a smile to Saber, and this made Saber also collapsed his own weapon. After all, she reached out, she didn't smoke, she still had this style.

So four people quickly entered the home of the satellite, and did not have a fierce fight, so the watersawae can now say that it is intact, the satellite is really grateful to Lingze to save him.

"Then I will start explanation."

Go to the house, the Shuishilang ignited the electric furnace, and then poured a glass of water in the far away, but he also had a thoughtful gift, then he began to listen to the long explanation.

For a substantially zero-based person, I want to know "The Holy Cup War" is not very difficult, especially after a death.

However, the satellite is still very incredible at the beginning, because for those who have never been understood, it will be involved in this kind of thing.

And there is not so much patience, it is possible to handle from the zero to him. After helping him, after the simple concept is science, I decide to bring him to find the guy who is really responsible for this matter. .

For Saber's existence, it is not so envious. After all, this Saber makes her very satisfied, but their own archer is actually not bad, and it has gradually accepted the existence of Lingze. After all, he has already showed a good fighting force, and it is really proven to have it.

But far from it, I still feel good! After all, it is such excellent Saber! If she is pumped by her, then the Holy Grail war will really be very steady!

However, it seems that I haven't appreciated it yet. She didn't have Saber's holy relics, even if summoned the Saber position, it will certainly not be Altolia.

However, her idea can also be appreciated, after all, in the far away, the sanctuary did not use what holy relics, but he still summoned this Saber, so she didn't make it.

Far from afar, I don't know, people who are ourselves are a sword sheath, of course, can summon the sword.

"It's a fate, isn't it? Saber?"

Outside the church in Wintermut, Lingze and Altolia are standing together, they are waiting for far away and satentry.

The words of Lingze, obviously let Altolia have some unclear, she doesn't know where this is from.

And this Archer is not like the last time she encountered Lanslot, it is in the class of Berserker, she can't see the other party, this archer can determine that she is really do not know each other.

"I don't remember what is intended to have you, Archer.

Altolia is very straightforward, she is doubtful to the Lingze, I want to know what the other party is going to express.

"I am not talking to me."

Lingzhu reached out some rain, then divided into gas molecules, at this time, it is under light rain, Saber is standing next to it, so he is standing in the rain directly.

"What do you mean?"

Saber feels some inexplicably, she didn't think of Lingzhu would know so much about her, so naturally, I don't understand what Lingze is saying "".

"The surname of the satellite, don't you feel familiar? Is that a man who is forgotten so quickly?"

Lingzhu then said, let Altolia took out the weapons directly, and the invisible sword was aligned with Lingze.

"Who are you ?! Why do you know these things ?!"

Altolia feels very confused, because if the other party is an English, it is considered once again, and it should not remember the last thing, and she didn't remember the last time I have this English.

Of course, Saber doesn't know, in addition to her, there is still a case where I have been pulled in the War of Gold, and those who are summoned in the special point will also be owned, and only the normal holy cup war does not have memories.

"If I tell you, my eyes can see through a person's past, or the secret connection between people, will you believe? Is this reason sufficient?"

Lingzhu did not panic at all, he didn't even pull out the knife, but continued to laugh and speak with Saber.

"You really don't see, but there is a skill of the magic eye, so do you need to cover up?"

Saber has always felt very strange. This man's performance is unlike a blind, and she also thinks that the blind's bow is too exaggerated, and if there is really, they can't hear it.

"You can also understand it so much."

Lingzhu did not deny, but his eyes can have no petrochemical ability, and the magic eye of Rider Medusa can be different. These universities are really wide, not as far as they are "ordinary people". .