"Your current task is to leave the guy who doesn't understand anything, he can have no combat power, at least, there is nothing depends on combat power."

Lingzhu is a situation that is far from the situation of the Wei Shi Lang. The guy can now be nervous, because as an ordinary person, he experienced things in this night, it is a bit too exciting.

This guy is now fighting in the heart, he is considering yourself to catch up.

Altolia and Haiglis have become more and more, they must catch up to see the war, and as one of Master is some hesitant.

"Let him go, you can't go! I can help you!"

I feel that I have been insulted, because Lingzhu actually returned her guys who didn't understand this, she can be more useful for the guy than the Palace!

"You have to protect his security, if he is dead, are you not a hundred to save him before? And Saber can be our help, this guy does not understand, Saber is a guy with different desires, We can tie them with us. "

Lingze is fast, and Ili Ya has left here, she has chased Haiglis and Altolia.

After the explanation of a few words, Lingze is also chasing it up, no reach is far away and the satellite.

"What should we do?"

The watershed left, asked in the far, he did a bit confused, because he had thought that he was able to help, but after seeing the battle between these universities, he truly realized himself with them. gap.

"Listen, you can't escape, this is not what you can participate, you have to remember, you have to live, at least before Saber is defeated, you have to live."

After struggling, I finally chose to catch up. She took the satentry, letting the other person escape. As long as the Wei Shi Lang escaped, the Archer explained to her, even if it is completed. She can't say anything from Archer.

After leaving such a sentence, it is also a big step away, and there is no stay. She is no longer responsible to the Wei Shi Lang, just like the same thing, it is really a sample. Guy.

"Can be evil !!! Why can't I do this! Don't I do anything ?! In the face of the monster! What can I do again ?!"

Shuishi Mei felt his weakness, but after a little later, he thought of the agreement with Saber, clear that they just got ready, to fight together, to fight together, how can he have to give birth What about the idea of ​​escaping?

The Shuishi Mang took the fist and ran in the direction of the battlefield, leaving only a round of wolf.

At this time, at this time in the winter city, Altolia is doing a heart-fashionable thing with Higlis, and two of them play hands in the cemetery, sweeping, don't know how much tombstones, it is simply improving.

Of course, the main merges must be attributed to Haiglis. After all, Saber is very flexible, and it can be shuttle here.

As long as Hay Glis's unnamored, just a blade, it is really a knife, just want to cut how many tombstones, but Saber can't get a dry system, after all, she chose the battlefield in this cemetery.

"Archer! How is it ?!"

After arrived at the scene, I immediately ran to Lingze's side, and Lingze was helpless, I knew that I just bind her with "Sword".

However, Lingzhu has not been able to answer the fare, and the satellite will also ran to their side.

Looking at the Yuelis, it has gradually occupied Altolia, which has gradually occupied Altolia, and the satellite, the satellite, and won a few words to cheer, this guy is not a cheerleader. ?

"Kill him, there should be no problem."

Lingze made a judgment on the situation, then he loudly reminded Altolia to prevent the other party.

"Saber, this guy has a resurrection ability, even if he defeated him, don't fall lightly."

Although I know this time is not very suitable, because I will definitely divide Altolia's heart, but I don't remind, but will bring a worse end.

Altolia, who is fighting, is obviously the key news that has received Lingzhu shouting, but she is now the arrow can't send it.


Altolia seizes the opportunity, and a sword has been cut, and then it will be blocked by Haiglis, and this is the result of Altolia. At this time, her sword pointed to the face of Haiglis. It is when she should have.


The powerful magic is from the sword of the vows, Altolia's magic, immediately follow the face of the sharp edge, the face of Haiglis, even if the Haiglis responded very fast, but In this distance, he can't escape this attack.

The upper side of the monster is directly horrified [magic release], it is not dead.

But remember that the Altolia, who had just said, but there is no great intention and relaxation. After she is hit, she immediately opened the distance.

Sure enough, although it has been hurt, Haygelis is quickly repairing itself, and the monster actually endlessly.

"Hey, this ability is in real metamorphosis."

Lingzhu couldn't help but feel it. After all, Hain Ghesi was a good ability to open cheating. People only have a life. As a result, he actually there is twelve, this is not cheating? Does the gold buy resource currency?

It is also the guy of Haiglis, is summoned, but he wants to be summoned, others can don't play, because he doesn't just be simple, it is not just simple.

Hai Ghes was in the resurrection, and the ability to kill him last time, got a very high resistance, which is to say that the same move is almost unable to kill Haiglis second, but as long as the attack It is strong enough to kill him several times in one time.

The mad-order Haiglis is limited, removes the twelve trials, and his other standing treasure [shooting hundreds], but also directly lost the role, know that it is the sea Gelis real murder, less [shooting hundreds of heads] Haiglis is directly weak.