
"Gold Sparkling" Gilga Mishere was hammered directly by Haiglis, which was not comparable to the pure hard strength, even he and "strong God" Hercules is not comparable.

Although as the most famous big hero in the Myth of Greece, Haiglis has always been an image of a wisdom, but in fact his strength is definitely the top category.

When he is still in everything, you can hit Wang Hadis, although Hades's strength is very difficult, but it is absolutely not anyone can bully.

Moreover, Haingelis's legendary story, and he has helped Atlas's anti-sky legend, this strong god A +'s thrust, it is really not a trouble.

Gilga Meish relies on the equipment in the treasure house, although it can also have weak melee capabilities, but he is really good at it is still covered, his full-fire full-fired state can be comparable to five or six servant together.

But this guy's melee ability is really difficult. After all, he was chopped by the satellite, which is really unfolded.

What is "big best, there is no flash", it is just an excuse, and it is still because of its own strength. The attack of the satellite will change the other servant. As long as it is not Caster, 80% can be avoided.


Haiglis roared, toward the "Gold Sparkling" Gilga Meish, then chased it, and his poor chasing, Gilgal Mei Shi can don't have half a life, but unfortunately, he once again "The Lock" is bound, and it is not accessible to Gilgami Mish.

"Boom !!!"

In the street, the Gilga Mesh is full of "hybrid", then starts bombing Hai Gis, but this time he is not wrong, after all, Greek myth is not "hybrid" Very little, because most of them are made out.

However, Lingzhu did not look at it next to it, although all this happened very fast, Haiglis had been knocked out several lives by Gilgamash.

But they were always saved him before Higlis, and did not let this great god, and they were humiliated.

Haiglis really gave the people of Idy Zperen 's home, clearly has a super-specific force, and the result of hard-eracialism, who can play two sea sand bags, become a sad reminder The combined unit of force, a trick can kill "a few sea", which can be so lily.


The various magic of Caster played the "Gold Sparkle", although I don't know what it is for.

But she saw this arrogant sparkling guy, I feel that the other person is annoying, I can't help but want to attack him, it may be necessary to attack with ridicule.

Moreover, Caster is acquaintance, Haingelis, Hai Ghes's ship, participated in the action of finding gold wool, and the big hero of Haiglis, this incomparable integrity, gentleman's big hero, Caster Beauty Dia is a good impression.

Although she is now a good sense of guys on these Algrang, she is now in this way, but she is bullied by inexplicable guys. Her heart is still There are some feelings and uneven.

In the case of Rider Madusa chooses to stand by, after all, she will become like this, and it is really a blessing of Zeus, the Olympus god, she doesn't help but also.

It is a rival, which is the brother of Zeus, the brother of Haiglis, killed her is Peltus, Hay Ghes' ancestors and "brothers", helping Athena and Her Moss, can also be a sister, a good guy, all a family.

"Saber, what is this gold sparkling guy?"

The two people who are in the sideline, they are very shocking on the "Golden Sparkling" strength, because they are the power of Haingelis, and Hygris is just I can't close the servant, I have to be killed, this naturally will make them feel very surprised.

"That is an ancient king, a very tricky enemy, last time, I fight to the last moment, I didn't expect him to stay."

Altolia is very serious, she feels that she is now, it is estimated that it can fight like this hero king. After all, she can't play a normal strength, the satellite The magic of Sheng gave her is too thin, she wants to fight my existence while.

"Be careful, this guy lays crazy to be very horrible, you'd better get far away from here, Yu Bo is not you can endure, this is not a small trick."

Lingzhu looked at Rider. He is ready to let Rider leave here, or let Gemuzong Yiro will take the satentry and far away, and now since "Golden" is here, then It is very different from Hyglis's operation.

And Haiglis battle, it is the front of everyone's boxing to meat, but if it is called with "Golden" guy, then I am afraid that I will still avoid the light gun to wave, and the impact on things around the surroundings and people are very Big.


This proposal for Lingze, the far-sighted and the satelisher, and Gemu Zongyi Lang do not want to listen, after all, they have the reason they don't want to leave.

Shuishi Lang said that it is going to fight with Saber Altolean, this time he will definitely hesitate.

It is impossible to throw a person in Caster Mimiria, and his reason is much better than the Palace, after all, he and Caster Medai are happy, and he has a certain combat ability.

Instead, it is far away. She should go to the next here. After all, Lingzhu has no agreement with her. She is not enough to fight with Servant. She is just a strong. Character makes her stay.

"For, rid, you protect them, Caster should not go forward, fight for me and Saber, is there confident? Saber? Last time I didn't finish the battle, this time I won the power?"

Lingzhu helplessly smiled, they came four servant results. There is only two ways to protect Master, and only two are really fighting.

In fact, this is not a lot of things, but it is necessary to divide Rider Musa and Caster Madi Dia to protect Master, but because he has discovered Lancer in the dark, the gunman hide in the dark, according to the soldiers, look like It also knows that it is the requirements of the peaks.

Because of the character of Lancer Library, Qilin, I will not do that kind of thing, although his magic gun is best suited to do this kind of secret attack, after all, if he hides in the dark, suddenly thoroughly Because of the fruit law weapon, it is estimated that there is a small estimate of this attack.

So in order to prevent theft, Arrange Rider Musa and Caster Madi Dia defending the three MASTERs definitely cautious, and after seeing this assignment, Lancer is obviously a breather.

It is also very funny, it is clear that they are enemies, but they see the correct choice of enemies, Lancer Lutu, Hilin, is loose tone for the other party.

There is no way, he likes to fight, if he succeeds because he has solved the three MASTERs directly, then the holy cup war is over, even if he wins him, he can't happy. That is not what he wants.

"You can't ask, this time I will definitely defeat him."

Saber heard the problem of Lingze, directly picked up his own "sword of the victory", although she felt that she was fighting with the "hero king", but she won't retreat with her pride and self-confidence. of.

"Good! Forgot to tell you, your sword is in the body of the satellite. If you have the words of the sword , do you have a bigger grasp?"

Lingze's words make Saber and Wei Shi Lang are a glimpse. This matter is obviously borne, but this has also solved a doubts of Altolia, that is, the satellite is summoned. She is out, clearly not preparing any of the holy relics.

At first she thought is because of the reasons for the satellite, or she stayed in the Magic Array of the Bouvery.

She has always thought it was the impact of external factors, which made her were summoned. I didn't expect it to be because of the reason of the satellite. This satellite is her sword , this is what she didn't think of things at all.

"Ah ... Is there a sword in my body?"

The Wei Dongshiro is even forced. After all, anyone knows that there is a sword sheath in your body, and it will feel that this is incredible.

After all, he did not go to the hospital from a small to the big, but there is a sword in the body, it should be easy to find?

"Yes, the satellite is the use of Saber's sword , Saber's sword Awaron, the distant ideal hometown, it is blended in your body."

Lingze nodded, I determined this statement, and at this time, Gilgami Meish has turned the spear to start bombing them, and the magic of the Caster's high-speed phonetic, and there is no way to resist Gilga Meish attack.

The type of CASTER Merdia and "Golden Sparkle" is not good. Further, Caster itself is not the type of fighting, Midia is a kind of combat ability, but not playing The position of the battle still does not take any cheap.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Lingzhu took a heavy responsibility, he began to struggle with "Golden Sparkle", and Berserker Haiglis is still struggling next to him, and he is still chained by "the lock".

Just "Gold Sparkling" has no effort to take care of him, and the Lingze's shell will destroy the weapon of Hai Ghes, this guy may now have two or three lives, which can be urgent in Eliya. broken.

"How can I take the sword sheath and give Saber ?! I haven't used the sword , or I will use it to Saber, I can't drag the leg!"

After knowing that the sword sheath was immediately asked immediately, he wanted to return the sword to Saber, he would think that the sword is not used, that is, he has not tasted the sword. Sweet.

If the sword Awaron is activated, it will make the holder's injury quickly recovery, and directly stop aging, keep youth, this is the old worm dreaming, even if it is activated, the sword is also cured. The injury of the holder is just very slow.

"Shiro, as long as you are ready, I can take it out, but I have to cooperate with my actions, give me a response, I can let it regenerate."

Saber is serious, she can take out Avalon, after all, it is also her treasure, although she lost it, it is said to be treated by a chicken leg, then she is tempting by chicken legs, then the sword Stolen, so she now has a psychological shadow for chicken legs.

"Well! I will cooperate with you! Saber, just mobilize the magic, imagine how to make it, will you give it to you? I will do it!"

The satellite is not nostalgia. After all, his character is this, he can be more reliable than the guardian, at least, at least, is a deeper.

"Well, I believe you."

Saber reached a hand and pulled it directly into the body of the satellite. She has already perceived the existence of the sword sheath, the sword scain is spreading in the body of the sately, because the vision of the satellite is too weak, Therefore, the sword sheath is basically in a sleeping state.

With the efforts of the Wei Shi Lang, as he appeared in "fake", plus the help of Saber's magic, the fragment of the sword is rapidly reunited, and eventually formed a sword that exudes rays. sheath.

The outer surface of the sword is gold-yellow, the eye-catching blue enamel is inserted, the center of the sword is engraved with the literati text, the sword sheath exudes the inconsistent gentle light.

"I didn't expect to find you again."

Saber's look is somewhat complicated, because everyone says it is because she lost the sword sheath, she made the unknown shadow cover the kingdom, and finally led to the collapse of the kingdom.

She thought that when I got this sword and sword scabbard, the teacher once told her "At least the swan should be kept around", it seems that since then, the ending has been destined.

"Now, when I miss the previous story, my Arthur king, first defeating the enemy in front of you is a matter, and there is time to give you a person to remember the people, maybe you can still see it again."

Seeing Saber Altolia stared at the sword sheath, Lingze didn't remind her.

And he is not kidding. If he has not remembered, the third seat of Altolia, the third seat of the Round Table Kna, the tongue of the tongue, at this time, in front of the Tomb of Altolia, it is A terrarious presence, guarding the cemetery of Altolia.