"I come!"

At this time, the satellite is naturally unable to go, and he has the courage to face, and he can't let far be away.

Although he is now actually unclear, it cannot let a girl do this dangerous thing, it is the basic sense of responsibility that he should have as a man.

"it is good!"

Lingzhu patted the shoulders of the Palace, as his courage and sacrificed spirit, this watertise will definitely be a larger.

Of course, it is also possible to sacrifice because of some things, but all the spirit of sacrifice is worthy of admiration because of some things.

The Holy Cup started to come, and the Shuishi Lang was directly pulled into the holy gray. He saw the "The evil" of this world "Angula Mann, a poor person who has been carrying life that is unbearable, although it is not worth it. Poor, just a distorted soul.

"The source of all tragedy is this Holy Grail war. As long as the war of the Holy Grail, the winter city will return to calm, and will never become the high-risk land of gas explosion, will not experience a big disaster every 60 years. "

The horrible "black mud" began to overflow in the black hole, and started to flow into the ground, and the small holy cup was integrated.

Lingzhu and Saber Altolea are waiting, waiting for the holy cup to appear in the world, burying in winter, through the huge Saint Cup that is summoned by huge magic, will be in the black hole.

The trap of the satellite arrangement did not take effect. If the time is now in the past 50 years, then in the first time of the Saint Cup, the trap of the satellite segments will work, it will thoroughly destroy.

But now, the timing is a fifty-year trap, which can only be seen to be mobilized again, and this time, the holy cup like a wine glass, finally came to the world from the black hole.

And this also believes that the Saber Altolia believes a thing, that is, she is really wrong, she is wrong, is the little cup of Alice Phil, has not waited for that big The Holy Cup is coming to the core, and the satellite has a command.

This time, she has witnessed all this, looking at the holy graw that they have been chasing, falling to the world, only the completely different from what she thinks, because the breath of the holy cup is so Unknown, so disgusting.

"Archer, do you have a hand?"

Saber Asked in Lingze, she didn't want to see this object that destroyed their dreams, or it was more suitable for their dreams.

Because of this thing, they can't achieve their dreams, but it still has a temptation once again, and they call them, it is simply playing them as a fool.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

Lingzhu smiled and calmed the Saber Altolia. Now it is not a hands-on, because the Shurairo is not coming back, Saber has a sick.

"Shiro, should he have no problem?"

Saber suddenly realized that the Wei Shi Lang is still in danger. She should not think about the things of the holy cup, but threw the safety of the satentry in her mind, even when she was very angry at this heart. .

"It doesn't matter, if he can't quit temptation, then we will do it directly, even if he eliminates it.

If he can stay in the temptation, it is natural to be happy. At this time, we will not save him, completely to see his own will not be firm enough, can recognize the false picture of the holy gray. "

Lingzhu is very calm. At this time, the satellite should be like the original sashimi, is facing the various temptations, torture of the Angera Manow.

That pointing at the weakness of the world, the evil of this world, but the coolness of the satellite.

I don't know if the satellite is inheriting these fine traditions, even if it is a thousand bore of the heart, it is still able to adhere to his beliefs and guidelines.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A roar came, the Shuishi Lang succeeded from the holy cup, he bowed his head and bent over, whispered, and a cold sweat is difficult to make homemade.

"Shiro! How are you ?!"

Saber Altolea helped the satentilang, asked in a hurry, this boy is obviously not good, he said between him.

"Wait a try again, this holy gray seems to be worn, and it should be a round to our work."

Lingze licked his lips, at this time, the holy gray was hit on the sky, and with its dumping, the black hole above the sky began to take more horror black mud, and there is no small Holy Cup as a carrier carrying carrier. After that, the black mud is surmped to the lingering them.


Lingzhu fired with the black mud, which really blocked the footsteps of the black mud, because these black muds were essentially, still a energy body, the magic of the accumulated in the 60 years, and "this world A combination of evil.

"Be careful, don't be saved in this thing, of course, if you feel that your will is unparalleled, you can also take a bath inspection in this black mud."

Lingze reminded the position around, although he said very playful, but everyone's face is very serious, did not use it as a joke.

"Saber, don't take me, do what you should do, I know that I have been dragging your pace, but this time, I will support you!"

The Shuishi Lang broke away from the help of Saber Altolia, he seriously said to Saber Altolia, and finally did not wait for Saber to do anything, and the satellite is simply raised his arm.

Two paintings called on his back, his looks seriously learned the practice of Gemuzong Yiling, and reached the last two orders to Saber Altolea.

"To make the hunt, Saber gives you plenty of magic.

To make the hunt, Saber, completely destroy the holy cup! ! ! "

The two cursings of the Wei Shi Lang, Saber Altolea is full of people. She is like a long-term illness, the big illness has become the same, and the road is coming soon. stand up.

This is the first way to make a huge magic, and she is not controlled to pull the sword, it belongs to the influence of the second order.