"Boom !!!"

When the tiger cums jumped, he saw Changwei in playing blessings, ah, he saw that Lingzhu was the curse of the violent embarrassment.

The golden corrugated ripple in the sky, countless various treasures, the glory of the singularity, was lost by Lingzhu, and did not leave on the curse.


The roaring of the curse sounded, and its body was torn, and this scene was just like the Lingze shell. The Lingzhi even bombed it into a slag, and it was finally re-formed. Complete body.

"You don't have a curse, don't use a curse, you can't kill it! You two far away! Don't participate in it!"

Although I don't know how Lingze did it, even though this attacked the momentum, he was a bit bold.

But the Flaming is still seen, and the thoughts of Lingze are very precious weapons, they are not a mantra, and Lingze himself will not use a spent at all.

And that tiger cums are not more to say, although the physical quality is more than the sky, it is much more powerful than him, but it is also a spell whitening. If it is not in this environment, they can't see it. curse.

Ordinary people can't see the curse, accurately, but also to see this ordinary person is true or false.

The general ordinary person, naturally it is impossible to see the curse, but in a critical moment, these people can see the curse when encountering a curse.

But some people, even if there is a danger of life, it is about to be cursed to kill, but I can't see the curse.

Well, these two kinds of ordinary do not ordinary, in fact, it is not necessarily, after all, there is a possibility that the former is more than the latter, people are killed, I don't know how to die, this kind of person may really have it. How many.

When I came back, when I was in good fighting power, my physical fitness was also very good, but I didn't reach the place of livestock like Tiger cums.

I was collide with the positive, and then fell from the four floors, it was true that the seven gushan of him fell, and this physical quality was actually enough.

"I come!"

Tiger cums are not willing to show weakness, and Lingze has already showcted his ability. He also wants to try itself. You can do it. This makes it just thinking of scalp, his words are like a fart. Put it.


The people of Tiger Cums are true, and he rely on his pure physical ability. It is hard to entangle with acrobatics and the curse. Although his attack is like Lingze, it is impossible to make nature of the curse. Injured, he smashed the cursed eyeball, but the curse between the blink of an eye grew again.

The tiger cums are flexible, but in the face of curses that will not be injured, he is still unclear, it is almost swallowed into the belly, this guy rely on its own strength, the hard-student has opened the curse. Giant mouth.


I saw that the Tiger cums were taken by the curse, and Lingze has carried forward. He is flattering, and directly binds the cursed body, helping the tiger rope from the cursing, although it is not used.

"You two running, I have already called support, as long as I drag it here, wait for someone to solve it, take the two students to leave here."

Flamed Hecheng was angry. He was full of blood at this time, but it seems to be able to support it, he had to say that this Temple's genius curse does have two brushes.

It is not a gentleman who has reached the "second-level" curse. It is only a year of time, which is only a year of time.

"With it, you better told me how to use your curse, maybe you can solve the problem."

Lingzhu's different views, he felt that he would like to kill this curse, just a key to a key, but he can learn what "curse" can easily kill this dog whistling.

"What joke is ?!"

The helplessness of the flaming, but he saw that Lingzhu made a cursed fragment. He was confident that Lingze said, but the man will use a little spell usage, and it must be easily kill this. curse.

He is not very clear that the ability of Lingze is what is done, but it is certainly not done by the spell.

"How? Is it still not rumored? Is this closed?"

Lingzhu frowned, but he quickly understood the reason. This volve will not be willing to teach him. Instead, it is not possible to learn to learn, and he will immediately learn, there is no current situation. help.

"Don't think so, as long as it is possible, try to try it, if I am talented, I will learn it immediately?"

Lingzhu did not wait for the continued explanation of Blackhui, and then said it directly, this made Fu Huiyi, obviously did not think of the Lingzhi conference, but although he helpless, he still told Lingzhi .

Just how to run and save the spell, it is not something that cannot be rumored. This is the basic basics, only if you can save and run a curse in your body, it is qualified to become a spell.

"If you say, you can defeat it as long as you have a curse, just eat this thing, isn't it good?"

At this time, I listened to the quiet listening to the tigerous cums of the tiger, and the truth, this is really an amazing, because even Lingze didn't think that this tiger cums, there will be this magical brain circuit. .


Fuli fell into silence. He felt that his own people were stupid, and when he saw the tigerous cums, he was prepared to eat the "special spent", he hurriedly he wanted to stop the other party, because Can eat!

To be honest, at this moment, Lingzhu fell into the entanglement. If this guy in front of him is the protagonist, then it is reasonable, and there will be no matter if it is, but if this guy is not the protagonist, then this Eat, I am afraid not to be directly poisoned.

Although Lingze didn't know the origin of this finger, it was black and black, and the florid was purged. He was afraid that it was not on the spot to be in the middle of the corpse?

"Stop, or not stop? This is a problem."

Lingze began meditation, but after a short story, he decided to respect the decision of the other side. After all, the behavior of the Tiger and Legend of this kind of madness, and the final ending is no wonder anything.

And Lingze feels that in this guy's physical fitness, if you eat, don't you have anything? After all, this guy's physical quality is simply leaving.