"September 5, 2018, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Founded Cinema, found that three high school life and death strange bodies, the death caused by the end of the intracranial pressure, breathing paralysis, and preliminary judgment is the curse."

White suit, blue lining, yellow-black spots of the leopard tie, a blonde combing a back, wearing a strange glasses, named the seven-seafood first-level spell, calm, to "high school" three The first grade life.

"This time, I will take you to complete the task. Although I don't know why I have a teacher to tell me, since I have no way, I have no way, officially meet, my name is a seven sea built."

The seven-sea consisting of the seven seas is very unsuitful, which makes the tiger cherries can't help but start, this time I can follow the mission, he is very excited, and finally have the opportunity to let him check their own training results.

Nowadays, I have passed the next time, I have passed a whole month, this month they have been practicing in the three-year life, and the tiger cums feel that he is more than one month ago. Now he will never have anything else. Can't do it, even if it is facing a special curse!

"Hard work."

Lingzhu and seven seafrons hit, clearly and he brought the team, but also to find a first-level spell master is very simple, that is because Lingzhu is not professional enough, so it is a senior The spell is accompanying, mainly to enhance the ability to improve the battle.

"Don't worry, just normal work, deal with this matter, I will also receive a copy, not white work, don't have to thank me."

The seven sea built-in pushes the glasses. If this guy makes Lingzhu's side, this guy has a conscious of social animals. Sure enough, there are people in the spell.

"After graduating from Mr. Seven Hai, first in a regular company, it will come back and come back."

The only one knows that Fu Hui is explained, obviously the seven-sea consulates such a special attitude, so that the Nagasaki rose and the tiger sticks are very doubts, so he will explain.

"Why didn't you do a spent directly after graduation? *

Tiger cums asked, he asked directly to the seven sea bucket, this child obviously can't understand this.

For this problem, the Nagasaki rose can answer. If you can do a star after graduation, she estimates that she will not hesitate to give up the career of the curse. I don't learn anything.

"Because during the high school study, I already understood a truth, that is, the spell is a shit."

The seven-sea construction person is amazing, which lets three children are a glimpse. Flags are obviously not very familiar with the seven sea, and they don't know these psychological transformations of seven sea bursts.

However, Lingze is to see the memory flashback in the heart of Seven Sea, he seems to have a good relationship between the students die during school, so he will eventually give up to give a spell master, although he is very excellent.

"Why is it back after the class?"

The words of the seven sea built, let the tiger sticks are more confused, since the "curse is a shit", why should I come back to do a spell? Isn't this rushing to eat?

"Because after entering the society, I found that labor is also a shit! Since it is a shit, it is better to choose me more suitable for dry, at least I am more good."

As a member of the people who have been a social animal, the Seventh Sea consulted is clearly in the nature of the "Zero Seater". He is still a polite, which is not as good as a shit.

However, this is a student's tigerous cums, Nazaki wild rose, Fun Hui three people, understand it, there is still some difficulties, after all, they are only fifteen years old, have not experienced ruthless torture from capital.


In the face of the three-year-old life, the seven-sea construction did not say much, but with everyone went to the case, they have already come over the first time.

At this time, the cinema of the case was surrounded by the police layer, and the reporters worked out to take some photos that can be used, and the curious people peeked inward, but soon, they will drive down at the police.

The curse is like the neon forces. It is very powerful. It can directly affect the official. The Queen of Seven Sea Construction Tang and the emperor have entered the scene, and those police have not stopped at all.

"The curse is obsolete, it is indeed a curse."

In the movie theater, Fu Hui and Nagasaki wild rose saw that the curse was obsolebled, but it can also be speculated from the horrible state of the body. After all, the average person is difficult to make people, the head is so strange. Deformation.

"The deformation of the head is very serious, but it has not immediately died, but let them die because of breathing paralysis, this is what human beings can do, it seems that this curse is very good at manipulating the body, this requires extremely high The fineness, I am afraid it will not be a simple curse. "

Lingzhu glanced at the three bodies and made it, and this made the seven seafood people nodded very serious.

"It makes sense, will not be lower than one level, even probably a super-level, the situation is not right, you will immediately evacuate."

Although the seven sea built people are level, it is not afraid to face special levels, and the scratch of the spell is horp.

The first-level curse does not mean that the special curse cannot be defeated, just like the East Tanganti is also a first-level curse, but he can kill five levels plus a special level.

The requirements of the special spell master are to ensure that there is a crushing force for the special cursing spirit, and the first-level spell is a very easy to overcome the first-class curse.

This makes the middle form a "premium" that is not in a state, which can easily defeat the first-level curse, but can't be crushing for the special curse.

Such a curse can also beat the extraordinary curse, at least the ability to fight with a special spell.

"What joke is playing, we can definitely help!"

Although the tiger cums don't feel able to defeat specialty, if he faces a special level, he feels that now, how much they can help, can face the shame of the special time in the snow, showcase their growth.

"Don't underestimate us."

Fun Hui Hui is also answering, he is now more confidence, if he makes him face the special level, he feels that he will never move like it, and only can leave the battle scene.


The seven-sedae looks at the three-year student, indicating that they are too young, or too little child.

"Let's go, catch up with an obstacle."

Lingze interrupted their conversations, leaving the cruel on the ground, they can track the curse all the way, "cruel" is the residue left after the spell.

"it is good!"

Tiger cums are very supportive, and he has always been full, and those curse can be seen, and this child's growth is really amazing.

Lingzhu, a horse, followed by the curse to chase it upstairs, and the tiger cums were tightly followed.

At this time, it is raining, and Lingze and everyone come to the top, and they have just been attacked.

"What is this creature?"

Looking at the two strange creatures in the roof, Lingzhu felt a slight weird, he could determine that these things are not a curse, feeling is totally unlike, although they are also full of curse as the curse force.

"What's wrong? Teacher Lingze?"

The tiger cums are somewhat surprises, and the seven-sea built in the back will also look at Lingze. He has been prepared, and the weirds of these two monsters They have not found it.

"These are not a curse."

Lingzhu is broken, which makes everyone surprised. After all, no matter what, these guys are curse.

And now there is no time, let them react and think, because the two monsters have taken the initiative.

Of course, these two long-distance monsters are generally general, and they don't have to play with Lingze and Seven Seas. They are defeated by Tiger Cums, Flaise Black Hui, Nazaki.

Perhaps, if I said that Lingze said, they did not kill the two monsters, but the temporary control of the first time, this can see the strength of these two monsters, it is indeed weak. Poor.

"Indeed, not a curse, although it feels very like."

Now I have been reminded by Lingzawa, and then observe it carefully. The seven sea bursts also discovered the abnormalities of the two monsters.

The seven-sea exclusively took out the mobile phone. He tried to take the two monsters photos, and the fact that Lingzhi's guess is right, because the camera does take a photo.

Normal curse is unable to be photographed, whether it is a photo or image, you can't take a curse, after all, the setting of the thing is similar to "ghost", "curse", "curse spirit" and so on It is said that it is a creature like a spirit.

Although the curse can affect the real existence object, this seems to indicate that they seem to have an entity, but it is like a curse that can not destroy those curse. This kind of thing is a "setting".

"Ah ... What is they? Human?"

Tiger cums are not acceptable, but there is still a proven to prove this in two monster ports. Since they are not a curse, can it be human?

"First send back to high school, let the school doctor check."

Since it is determined that it is not a curse, then it is natural that the seven seasons put forward their own suggestions, and everyone did not have any other ideas.

"But how do you send it back?"

Looking at the two monsters that are still struggling, the tiger cums are scratched, and these two monsters are very weak for them, but it is still difficult to deal with the average person.

"It is actually not necessary to catch, and you can check it."

Lingze's words made everyone a glimpse, after all, there is a bit ruthless, if these two guys are really human, then after research, they can save them, and the behavior directly killed is too cruel.

"Lingze teacher! How can this ?!"

The tiger cums are a bit incredible, this is not like the Lingzhu, which is the impression, it is, the seven sea burst of people look serious, Lingze can first discovery these two monsters. At this point, it is enough to let him think about the words of Lingzhu.

"They have not been saved, and they will not come back."

Lingze is very straightforward, and the transformation of these guys is irreversible, and if it is not to say, in fact they have died, and now they can continue to act, but they are manipulated by the curse.

"But! Is this still alive ?! Maybe there is still a saving!"

Tiger cums are refuted, and Lingze said that it is natural to make three students have some unacceptable, but the seven sea bursts will understand what he meant, but if you really want to kill, he also appears to have some hesitation.

"It's still still sent back to check, I really didn't save, wait until the results came out and then kill, so everyone can reliably, I will contact it, you will go back together."

The seven-sea approver picked up the phone to dialed the phone. This is the role he followed. This guy is a professional, and it is more reliable than Moxo.

This is a first-class curse that is really in the "system". He has grown up from the small followers of the five realms. He knows how to mobilize the official strength of the curse. Funhui is still just A student.

"Okay, let's do it."

Lingze nod agreed with this suggestion of the seven sea, this suggestion is very good, and solves the problem while still supporting three students. If the enemy has the ability to turn human beings into this monster, but also a special curse, That three students are definitely dangerous together.

Today's hazard is no longer suitable for them, this "social animal" is still very gentle.

He didn't want his own experience to happen again. Students should study in schools, not to fight, that is the responsibility of adults.

For the decisions made by the two adult men, the three students did not resist. After all, this is also compliant with their request, and the official personnel of the seven-sea built people came here, and quickly arrange the vehicle with three A student and the two monsters returned to "junior high school".

"These are baits, and that guy deliberately losses us."

After sending three students, the seven sea burstors have been serious, and he is very thorough, the strength of these curse is absolutely weak, and it should be completely capable. .

The reason why the guy left two this monster is also very simple, this is already a graphic and lure.

"Enough enough."

This kind of behavior makes Lingze thought about the two special curse before killing, and it is still a group of people. It seems that the death of two special cursing spirits will not let them stop.