
"The field is unfold!"

In the case of almost killing, the special curse uses the "field launches", although his hand is bound, there is no part to make him make a move, but this guy actually launched his "field" .

"Self-closed round."

The name of this special spell spirit is like a combination of five words from the dictionary.

However, the effect of this area is definitely a complete field effect, countless arm stretching, stretching, countless arms crossed covered all.

"This guy ... I realized the field of field in the field? This guy is not a counterpart? How can I do this exclusive thing? What is it not to make a mistake? It's hard, the anti-school is my own ? "

Lingze is a bit awkward. This guy suddenly launched, apparently let him have not thought that things are a bit difficult.

This guy's "unveiled" and "the field launches" must be absolutely very difficult, this area of ​​this guy, like the five awareness, basically a type of victory that can be victorious.

"The evil, the curse is a shit."

It also realized that the seven sea built people roared in this area were pulled into this field, basically equal to the hand of the special curse.

Looking at the surrounding arms around, the seven sea bursts have begun to "take the horse light" memories before.

"Thank you, help me understand the field."

The body of the special curse was quickly restored in the field. He was really almost unable to be removed, but in that case, he finally took the last step, and thoroughly mastered his "field deployment".

"Don't be happy too early."

Lingze turned back to the neck, although the current situation seems to be very dangerous, but that is just his guess, this guy's attack can not be able to shake his soul, and he will not sit like this.

In addition, this "field is unfolded" is not invincible. It is possible to be broken. Although it is in the area where it comes in, it is generally difficult to break from the interior, but it is better to come in. After all, it is not necessary to find death, and there is no need to reinforce the external defense.

But it just wants to break the person's attack power is too weak, and Lingze is still confident in breaking this ride.

"Trouble, you stop first, my attack needs to be saved."

Lingzhu did not hesitate, then began to apply control of the special curse, and that special curse will not take the Lingze and Seven Seasons to pull the field, and there is no first time, this time he is true. I feel that I have won, so I want to have two sentences.


Although it is just a moment of moment, after the notice is not right, the special curse immediately honestly earned the "not change", but he just completed the action, Lingze has completed short-lived power.

In this case, Lingzhi's sense of crisis is simply a sudden jump, and this directly allows his emperor [romantic fortress · Hui Wing "with power to destroy the earth.


The horrible light cannon did not give any opportunity to "special spell". In an instant, he was in an instant in the light gun, and the wearing field is also an instantaneous breakdown.


However, the firepower of Lingzhu has forgot the surrounding situation. This place is the underground. It is a sewer. His terror attack is obviously there is some unnecessary mistakes. It is good to shoot straight, although it breaks through the sewer The wall, but did not hurt innocent.


Lingzhu's hands closed, immediately returned his destruction, preventing this place from collapse, alchemy is particularly good, can avoid a lot of trouble.

"This is ... What attack?"

The seven sea bursner is stupid. He just walked there, he had prepared his heroic, but Lingzhu suddenly destroyed his three views, the horrible energy beam stab dizzy.

"Useful attack."

With the destruction of the field, the Lingze and Seven Seasons were reopened on the ground of the sewers, and the special curse that was thrown in the moment, the rapid restructuring, after all, Lingzhi's emperor attack is not killed. Sex.

But now for that special curse, it is also thoroughly lost combat ability, because the field is extremely consuming, he just has the oil, fighting, and there is a little spell. ?

"The result, this guy can't live, his threat to humans is too big, it is a veritable primate killer, and it is not possible to grow people."

Lingze saw that this special cursing is just how long it has just been formed. From he did not transform the spell master, and in the hop-dead situation, he can see this, he can see this, he is still immature. .

But this is the case that is still incapable, it is already troublesome, I really want him to continue to develop, which is really a disaster in human beings.

Of course, there are five awareness. He wants to die or impossible. After all, he is too realized to be restrained, but the destructive destructive that he can cause is absolutely unimaginable.

"I am a human hammer, people have a curse of people's malicious, I will not die, as long as humans still exist, I will always have an emergence again."

The special curse has been aware that he has already died, and the final card is easily resolved opposite. He is now really a curse to squeeze.

"Is it so powerful, then?"

Lingzhu is not in this, and it is dying. It is still to die. If you come out later, you will come back to people, and now the result will not change.


Lingzhu did not give this guy to continue to talk, he would give this special curse time to recover the spell.

The fist wrapped with a curse, directly screaming the body of the special curse, this time because there is no curse, this special curse can no longer use his soul to stabilize your body.


The body of the special curse, broken dissipated, and turned into smoke, this hard-wrapped special curse is also removed.

"It's a thrilling."

The seven sea bursts come up, he feels that this experience is really thrilling, he can help it.

Because his spell is restrained, the overall strength is not as good as this special curse. He doesn't have a way to destroy this curse one-time, and you will not do it to consume each other's spell.

Even if this special curse does not have the field to launch, he has almost no possibilities of this special cursing spirit.

"Okay, he suddenly launched a little unexpectedly, and others were still relaxed."

Lingze smashed his hand. He is thinking about the prior to the prior to the priority, and it is the fear of people. Their appearance is actually obvious.

The flower is probably nature, what is the forest, that leak may be a volcanic or earth, so at least there should be "ocean", "sky", the special curse.

"That is really ... a headache."

After listening to the guess of Lingze, the seven sea built people took ahead, just thought about it, he felt a lot of overtime.

"Let's talk about it, I really should get off work today."

The seven sea appointestant saw the watch, now it is very late, overtime is actually added now, it really makes him a little headache.

"This matter remembers writing reports."

Lingze sent him the "social animal", "writing reports" is really uncomfortable for "social animals".

However, the seven sea bursts did not say more about this, and the battle did not help. He should take this responsibility, at least a sense of feelings.

Lingzhu and Seven Sea Senior left the sewer, returned to their strongholds nearby, ready to take a break here, before this, I also gave the tiger cums, Fu Hui Hui, and the three students of Nagasaki wild rose played a call.

It is mainly to inform them that they don't have to come, and things have been resolved. Three students don't have to come back.

"What?! Why is this over ?!"

When Lingzhu returned to school, Tiger cums began to complain to him, he was very angry for people to become a monster, but he even didn't see it, things were over, this is a bit of him. The fire of the belly is now ventilated.

"Originally, I want to let you exercise, but this thing is complicated, the enemy's strength has exceeded your band, so in the end, it can only be done by us."

Lingze is also very helpless, with the original intention of three children, but this is really no way, after all, the special spell is simply a small capable of abuse, with three children to go to it, it is true Send vegetables.

Lingze didn't know that the tiger cuisay is very restrained to the special curse, but even if he knows, he will not let the child go to it. After all, there are many ways to exercise, this hazard coefficient is obviously highly exceeded.

"It's evil! It's nothing to do with a stomach!"

The tiger cums are still uncomfortable. He is really angry for those who kill, this guy is nature.

"Take your stay in the communication."

Lingzhu smiled, his mission to protect the tiger cums, it was close to complete, and after completing this task, he has been ready to leave.

However, before leaving, he is going to go to two tricks, because when you encounter this "strongest" name, he has got a lot of benefits by defeating the "strongest". I must try it again. After all, this kind of guy with the "strongest" name is clearly that there should be hidden tasks.

He has learned in this world, and "spell" is very difficult, basically can only be born with birth.

If you want to learn other people's "spell", you need to spend a lot of time, but it is not necessarily true, so Lingze is not going to continue to waste time here.

As for the "field development", he did not even "spell", and talk about "the field launched"? It is also a field, so gives up the study of the spell, it is equivalent to giving up the continued research "field development".

However, it is not low, it is not low, after all, the curse can bring improvements to physical strength, and can be used to resist attacks, and it is also a weak improvement to its own strength.

During this time, I have been busy with the spell. In fact, I have made some progress. Although this thing is generated through the rules of this world, it is reflected in Lingzhi's own, so that the principle of analyzing it, It is still possible to have some small help.

And Lingze although there is no security in the "truth", there is a rich experience in analyzing the world's experience, which is parsing for these orthodontic derivatives of the world's rules.

In the past two months, Lingze has been working hard, never slacking too much.

Soon, time in tense training, the exchange will finally start, the first grade life and the second grade students are ready to meet the challenge.

Lingzhu is naturally not nervous, he doesn't have to work for this thing, because he does not know the process at all, after all, he has not participated in preparation before.

As a teacher, Lingzhu is to do, it is to follow the five realms they look at them. It can be said that it is very easy.

"This year's exchange will be held in Tokyo."

After you know this news, Nagasaki rose collapsed very much, because she thought she had to go to Kyoto, and even did the Raiders who went to Kyoto.

"Can be evil! Why is it going to win last time! Is too worry!"

Nazaki wild rose is very angry, because in the last time, which school will be held in the next time.

The last time with bone worry is too popular, Tokyo "high school" is naturally a relaxed winner. After all, the strength of ethila is unquestionable, because the guy is the protagonist of the prequel story.

Regardless of the bone worry that Nakazaki has never seen it, it has been determined, and the students who have already been determined. The students of the Kyoto School have come to Tokyo, and they have been arranged in "high school". .

"The second grade of the Zen Institute is really in the military pill, the three-wheeled, the third grade East Tanganti, Xiqiang Peach, Jia Mao Xianjun, this is the list of participants in the Kyoto School."

Because of the practice, the exchange will only participate in the second grade and third grade, so there is no first grade, weird instead of Tokyo, there is no three grades, but it is sent a first grade, this It is no wonder that the East Tanganti will be unfull.