"It seems that these children in Kyoto school are quite a spell teacher."

Lingze's words, let the principal of the Kyoto School have some unexpectedly, he did not think that Lingzhu will praise the children of Jingdu School, after all, have just been unpleasant, he thought that Lingze will look down on them.

"It's this."

However, since Lingzhu has taken place to show it, Na Yueyan Temple has no meaning other than a thousand miles away.

Although he heard that this new Lingze teacher is recommended by the five awareness, it is not necessarily pulled to this side, after all, the human idea will always change.


However, this Helhi Temple has a misunderstanding because of the spell teachers in Lingzikou, it is clear that the princes are not to praise, after all, the curse is not normal here, how many big disease is associated with the brain.

Just like the heads of the Night Moth said, these curseists are not mad, I am afraid it is really difficult to continue.

Just Lingze didn't think that these guys did really much a little problem, it was a variety of five-speaking character, and people had to marvel.

However, Heli Temple has not known the idea of ​​Lingze, so he naturally will not think more about there, because Lingze, there is no problem on at least the surface.


In pair of five enforcement of Lingzhi's idea, he laughed out, and he was so straight to laughing, naturally, it was a bit speechless.

This five realms are really a guys who can't be cured. Although those who are not used to him are everywhere, people are strong enough to have the extent to which they are so free. Who can he?

The assassination, nor does it really have to do it. The reason why they have indulgence, it is not because they really have no way, but someone can kill five realms, that is, for the spell master. The suffering of the heart.

"why are you laughing?"

For the five realms inexplicably laughing, Yueyan Temple has nothing to say, this old man is still a certain city government, will not be angry because of the five awareness, although he doesn't know what to laugh at five realms.

And asked, naturally, another Kyoto School teacher's song is just. She looked at the five realms in her face. It is not to be ignorant to the principal. She is simply not used to realize five. attitude.

"Don't laugh, just laughing, some people don't understand, don't worry about the past, who is in the past, who can blame?"

Five enlifers stared innocent. He is really not intentional, just in Lingzhu and Yueyan Temple, the dialogue in Herky Temple, is that Lingzhu said that the students of Kyoto school are neuropathy, and the principal of Kyoto is still proud. Affirm, how can you keep him without it?

"What does this mean? Just now Lingze teacher is not boasting? Is it difficult to reply?"

, she is very beautiful, but there is a scar on the face, it is in the nose, although she destroys her soft, but more, she is wearing a witch woman, Yingzi Snow.

The contradiction between the songs and five realms, that is, when I have been in college from the junior period, I have accumulated it. The songs of the songs are the five predecessors.

Five people who realize this guy is really not very discussing. At least not to ask for people like it, and the songs are a very precise girl, so she has been bought by the five realms, and the two will end Liangzi. , As long as the five enlightenment will be annoyed to annoyance.

Of course, this is actually not something contradictory. Five enlightenses are actually trust in Tong Ge Ji, because he knows what kind of person is what this girl is, and it is certainly no problem, even if the other party seems to always hate him.

Cough and cough. "

Lingze cougarsed two, and the tea cup was drunk. This made the songs to vote from the line of sight. It seems that it is curious to say anything. She is still a little curious about this new teacher, I haven't listened before. Say.

Although Kyoto School and Tokyo School is two different campuses, in fact, they are all under the jurisdiction of the curse, so they are also very familiar with the things of Tokyo.

"Night smell principal said that the spell is a bit mad, I read these children in Kyoto, especially the East Tanganti, this guy is quite special."

Looking at the screen of the screen, I have left the East Tangkra of the Kyoto University, Lingzhu said with a smile.

This makes the face of the song, I have to say that Lingzhimon took the East Tang Kwai, she did not refute, because you let her say what she said, how much Have a problem.

The port of Herity Temple is also speechless. He is actually a little angry, and the guy of the East Tangkuni, he has a bit of strength, completely did not listen to him, how can he not angry?

After all, if you want to say, Dongtangu is the strongest one of Kyoto, but if he is willing to move the tigerous cums, he doesn't have to worry.

"Hey ~ this palace, it seems to be against Yoy Ren."

Three people are talking, and the five realms that have been watching the situation suddenly excited. I saw that the tiger rods were in the face of the tiger, and the ocean Kwat is facing it.

"This can be a dragon fight, who will die?"

The commentary of the five realms, let Lingzhu have a feeling of watching variety show, these guys still sell the transfer power? He spits in his heart, and the TV broadcast is naturally impossible. After all, the spell is in the underground career, and it is not good to get the show.

"That two sides, how can it be an opponent of Dongtang? I only hope that the Endocut will know that the little dolls will be damaged, don't make this little doll that I just go to school."

Helhi Temple has hope in his heart. He is obviously the words of the words, he is really Pako n't have to go to the East Tangkuni, and although he knows is unlikely, but also compares him more than him. Believe in the Jiao Maoxian, that is the person who will execute his order.

Compared with the East Tanganti, the Macao Freshes in the hearts of the heart will be better to take, and the East Tanganti, don't say it.

"Let Yoy Ren have the opponent of Dongtang, is a good choice. After all, this guy is a monster in these children, even if it is a person who is still unwilling to go to the Tokyo school."

For the tigerous cums, although the five enlightenses are very confident, the strength of the East Tanganti is still recognized.

"But it seems ... Some people have given these children."

The five realms have been smiling, and he has now determined this matter, because the tiger cums are not only the East Tanganti, but all the students of the Kyoto school, they surrounded, obviously hidden in the dark .

In the forest of the competition, the tiger cums of the patron, who left the East Tanganti, was stunned when he was talking to the East Tangkimi, and he was attacked.


First, the gunshot, that is the scrub that the Zen is really a curse, the bullet that shot, is obviously the key to the changing, which makes the face of the tiger sticks immediately become incredible.

However, the bullet said to him, escaped is not a difficult thing, even if there is no learning "shrinking", he can also avoid it.

In the case where the bullet is forced to walk, the tiger cums have to run to a blue-haired girl who holds a knife, which is three rounds, the girl is obviously prepared.

"New Yunxing, simple field, knife!"

Three rounds use her trick, but I still have to kill the tiger keel, she is still a little hesitant, and once the heart is chaotic, the speed of the sword is naturally slow.

The tiger cums are not hit, but it is easy to escape her attack. In fact, Lingze also took the knife and trained the tiger cums, and how to hide and hid the knife, this three Wheel is obviously a bit tender.

"Your knife is too slow, the Knife of Lingze is better than you are better than you."

Tiger cums show off, but his smile disappeared in an instant, because he found that he has been surrounded.

Take the trio of the three-wheeled, the Temple took the gun, the army of the Bowman, and the army pills of the palm of the palm, and these guys were obvious to kill him.

"bad thing."

However, I saw this situation, there is no priority to the port of Lesy Temple, because he knows that things are difficult to succeed.


A slap sound, the location of Tigang and Lei Rynnega and the Macao Secrets have interchanged, which is a spell that belongs to Dongtang, before the Tiger cums have been seen once.


The port of Lesy Temple, who saw this scene, was also speechless. If there is no such thing as the Endicon, he feels that he should have to have a hand, he does not believe that kid can escape.

"I am afraid that I want to let the principal of Heli Temple, I gave the little guy's baby, you have a little trick, I want to kill him is a bit difficult, or I will give up early."

Lingzhu shakes his head. How can he have no preparation, although he has a small confidence in the strength of Tiger cums, but this kind of right to complete the task, he can't let these guys do things.

So before the start of the game, Lingzhu deliberately prepared a few treasures to the Tiger cums, all the kind of inner armor wearing inside, although the level is not very high, but dealing with these students' attacks, it must be more than enough.

"Five Awareness, Lingze, what do you mean?"

Yueyan Temple is slightly helpless, but when he is under this order, he already knows this situation. He has long thought about the way.

However, he thinks that his students have killed the tigerous cums, and where did he think of can't kill?

"It means very well, you let your students go to kill the tiger kerin, it is really a good heart, are you doing this to do this?"

Five letters still laughed, but his heart was really angry. He hated these old things a disaster next generation, because he wanted to change education to change the entire curse world. Set frustration, every young curse is very important.

"Blood spray, what evidence do you have? The children are just fighting, how can I let students kill the guy? How do you dare to say this?"

Leyan Temple has the old gods since then, and if he does not take five context, he feels that there is no evidence, and these people will accuse him on the top.

"Do you want to ruin them?"

Although the five realms wearing eye masks, he couldn't see his eyes, but his anger was very perceived.

"Those are the students of our school."

However, in the face of the five realms of the anger, the port of Herity Temple is not a little, highlighting a old sale.

"Old man, if you really thought that five realms did not dare to kill you?"

Lingzhi's face is quirky, telling the truth, he feels that it is true that this is really miserable today.

However, if you change it, these curse teachers have long been dead, change a group of batches, change a batch, change a batch can't be can't have a group, then change another batch, you can continue to deepen your own deterrent .

The more you change the people behind it, the more you don't dare to provoke, just think of doing things with your best, to prevent it again.

Lingze is not intentional, although it looks very overbearing, it is suitable for use in the decaying spell teacher, just like the "two-sided booth", the strongest man is still Someone is taking, that is really boring, really can only be a little bit.

"Kill me? Don't you?"

Le Roy Temple is attended, and his alert looks at Lingzhu and Five Awareness. It is clear that he is afraid that these two guys really do it, but he feels that it should not be like this.

"Let me say that everyone is to deal with the curse."

It seems that there seems to be some uncertain, the Helhi Temple has been supplemented, but this may not believe in himself.

"Ha ha."

Five realms were smirked, and Lingze is also smiling.

To be honest, these guys are in the eyes of Lingze, and they are really similar to the Southern Song Dynasty. The front anti-gold is surrendered. No one is a guer of the legs.


Yueyan Temple Pretarative tone, five realms still did not work hard, although the five realms were very angry, but he still kept calm, there was no Hu Zuo, which made Helhi Temple.

"The container of the two sides is indeed a hidden danger. The high-level everyone supports killing him. Do you think you don't support it, will you be able to protect his life?"

What didn't think of Lingze is that this Leyan Temple has a good life. As a result, he is still not satisfied. He actually rushed to find five troubles.

Lingzhu was quite compassionately looked at Leyan Temple, and looked at five realms. In these two, Helhi Temple is obviously self-cultivation, and five realms are also self-sufficient.

The strength is powerful, but not in the high-level, it is a shame, of course, people have their own ideas, the choice of five realms is not necessarily wrong, but the idea of ​​Lingze is very different.