"Why will I think of going to fight with me?"

Five realms have been stunned, obviously did not think that Lingzhu will suddenly put a request, but he is only doubtful, and he is not afraid about the fight against Lingze.

After all, five realms have always been self-confident. He is very confident about his strength. It is like a party before being defeated by the upper situation. It is invincible.

"Nothing, just want to try it, see your strength is really so strong, after all, you are stronger, then you are defeated, isn't I am the strongest?"

Lingzhu smiled, but five enlightenment obviously he was joking, and the reason why I want to compete for "the strongest" as a battle, it is obviously a bit unbelled.

Five enforcement seriously, then he did not refuse, because he also wants to look at the strength of Lingze, how deep it is not possible.

In the five entries, Lingzhu is about him, most of which already has a way to deal with his "area launch" and "no limit".

Otherwise, there is no such thing in his field. It should not be put forward this request. After all, I know that I have to defeat, and it is not like Lingzhu.

And the five enlightenses feel that Lingzhu will not say that he is forbidden to use the "field to start", which is also a bit too much.

"Okay, I have no problem naturally."

For the Justice of Lingze, the five awareness will be pleased.

"OK, choose a good place, hit a lot of pain, lose the win, not so important, as long as you have a good time."

Lingzhu is not saying the scene, after all, can not be defeated five realms, his heart is actually not aware of, this guy's skill is too metamorphosis, basically conducive to invincible, just see that he can crack these capabilities.


Five realms have a little dumb. He didn't think that Lingzhu would be so anxious. At this time, the exchange will only end, he thought that Lingzhu will be more ready for a few days.

"Of course, I will try it out early, I will know the result early."

Lingzhu didn't want to delay. At present, he still have two things in this world, one is the task just taken, one is to try to defeat five realms.

"it is good."

Seeing Lingzhu to seek war, five kinds of realms nodded, although I don't know why, but he saw that Lingze did trying to defeat him, this made five awareness of the battle, Lingze is absolutely qualified Be your opponent, because even where he couldn't touch the limits of Lingze.

And where to choose, it is naturally determined by the five an enmino. After all, this guy is the land snake here, which place is suitable for the test, he should be more clear than Lingze.

When the two left the "junior high school", they quickly came to the empty space. The places where the curse is in the middle of the remote mountain area of ​​the birds, and there is no smoke, which can make people play more. Yes, five realms just used a place to use.

"Yes, then here."

Lingze nodded, then there was no nonsense, and directly touched the knife handle of the ministers [snow] and [Tongyi text], it has already entered the battle state.

"Since I have to win, then I don't hide it, since you dare to challenge me, what should I think of a way, come to crack my field to start unity?"

Five enlings saw that Lingze is so straightforward, he also said that he is very clear, and his hand is also a pose, it seems to have to zoom in, see how Lingzhi is to crack his [innumeous empty Position], five realms are really curious about this.

"There is no size!"

I don't say that the five entries will directly launch Lingze into the field, and this Lingze is obviously in the position of the protagonist, the last time he and the tiger cums are all bystand.


The huge amount of information is poured into the mind, and constantly impacts the consciousness of Lingzhu. Lingzhu immediately stopped there, just like the previous hot pot head, it seems that there is countless knowledge impact, it can't move, for yourself The body has lost his control and can only be scored with five ankles.


Five realms have some speechless, his current heart is crazy, "just this?"

Lingzhu's active challenge, I have to pass with him, which makes him think that there is any trick to Lingze, can crack his [innocent space], the result is just the case?

Five realms have some speechless, he came to Lingze's side, I was helping Lingzhu to relieve the control of [unity air], and the result of Lingze suddenly moved.

"This feeling is really bad."

Lingzhu activity has a neck and endures the impact of continuous emergencies in his mind, and the expression on the face is slightly .

"But I am really habit."

Lingzhu exported, five confident, he was a little shocked, and the idea of ​​just now immediately smoked, he realized that Ling Ze actually took his Quantity airite, this is unimaginable of.

However, it will not be shocked by five realms, because Lingze has not hesitated bully, do not give him a chance to remove the distance after continuing.


Double knife is interlaced, but it has not been able to hurt five realms. His "no lower limit" is really metamorphosis.

However, the powerful impact, or the body of the five realisms fly out, the words of the physical ability, although the five realms are not weak, even can be said, but he is obviously unable to follow the Lingzhi, So naturally unable to resist the giant attack of Lingze.

Of course, this is actually the reason for the five realities, with his "no limit" ability, even if it is hard, Lingze is also difficult to put the knife in your hand, "unlimited distance" It can be guided by barrier.


Lingzhu slammed out, crushed [Unity Air] to the field of space, which made five realmation more shocked.

Because of the five realities of the [Quantity] and the "real person" field, it is the type of "filling must die", so the internal defense of their field is very strong, and the external defense is weak, and it is easy to come out.

But Lingze, this hit, actually destroyed his field, which makes five enforcement is not shocked, but Lingze's offensive is like a wave of water, it is not a wave of nothing, it does not give him any excessive thinking. time.


The long knife did not care, and went to the neck of the five awareness, but this time five enlightenment is a big change, he didn't have a hard anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-apex.

It's just that the curse is of course not terrible. It is terrible that the Lingze knife, and there is a special fluctuation, which is an unfinished area, a special application method.

"Area extension!"

Five enlighteted wolf hide, Lingze actually realized this trick, this is nothing to do, so he has to avoid the attack of Lingze, because there is a "field extension", his "no limit" I lost my meaning.

The field extension: such as the water-like area, launching a thin layer of thin fields in the body, that is, [Domain Extension].

[Area Extension] The necessary effects of the neutralization [field deployment] can also be neutralized with the opponent of the opponent, and can be freely acting at the time of launch.

After opening the [Domain Extension], it is no longer possible to use the vessel, the attack mode is limited to physical attacks, [in the field extension and others "means that no matter what kind of artist, it can be carried out. attack.

The existence of this trick, there is no doubt that after five realms, after this trick, at least five realms are no longer super-specific, and others have never touched the existence.

However, if you want to master this trick, it is very difficult, at least to master the field is possible, after all, this is white, it is another kind of application in the field, which is equivalent to adding the field to yourself, shrinking The scope also gave up the epithelial attack.

"This is how long ... You have already arrived this step?"

Even if the five enlightenment is bright, it is a genius who is paying attention to the entire spell teacher. He is also in the face of the "lying trough", which is the speed of learning and progress. Over.

"One law, Wanfa."

Lingzhu did not hesitate to choose the mutually, the students are all like this, and I haven't reviewed it, and I will pick up the night battle in the back. I can't get the exercise.

In order to find a way to defeat five realms, Lingze can be described as a hard-working method, using his intelligence, using alchemist's drilling method, finally let him find some spider mart.

Lingzhu's efforts to crack the "curse" mystery, strive to search relevant books, draw on related knowledge, and finally don't worry, it really made him understand, this area has extension is the results One.

"It's amazing, I really didn't miss you."

Even if it is five realms, now I have to admit that Lingze is excellent, this man brings too much surprise.

"Should you only rely on this no-limit? After you crack, do you have anything else?"

Lingzhu smiled and fun, like five enlighteners, he dared to come to find five realms, naturally, it is necessary to crack the ability to show five realms already showed, otherwise it is not self-found. ?

"Ha, nature, I don't only limit the situation."

Five enlightened activities have taken the body, and his two tricks have been crackled by Lingze, and it can only be protected by body.

However, in terms of body surgery, five realms are not unconfident. After he relieves no lower-limit, but you can pick two special cursing spirits, yes, it is the flower that opens "field extension" Royal and rows, let the rows sigh "what he will be".

"I am working with me."

If it is better than not, Lingze has not too big to grasp, that is simple than the body, and Lingze feels that he can't win, then it is really shameful.


Five songs have spit tone, although he said since the last time was killed by a special spent with a special spent in the last time, he began to practice the body, and now the body has already become great.

But he also seen what the number of Lingze is the number of speeds, the ultimate speed and strength, without "no limit", he is estimated to be resistant to compete, can only be beaten by passive.

And he didn't have a weapon in his hand, and the two knives in the hands of Lingzhu, how many still let him feel a bundle feet.

However, Lingzhu did not bully people, he took two knives, but he used to fight with five enlightenment.


Lingzhu was quickly nearly five realms, and he took the past. This fist used the "Nine Dragon Flash" skills. Anyway five enlightenment did not actively attacked, Lingze completed it on the road. This trick is the cost of this trick.

In the face of fists from all sides, five entries are somewhat hard to fight. He wants to distinguish from which one is true, but in fact, these fists are true, he must prevent it.


"Nine Dragon flashes" plus "two strong", Lingze, this greetings in five realms, although he has done a seven-eight punches by five enlighteners, but it still causes it to him.


Five enlightenses left shoulders, that is the position of his boxing hit he blocked, and except that one, his arm is trembling, obviously hard to do Lingzhimian's fist, is not so simple. thing.

"Yes, the following is three strong."

Lingze is happy, this guy is worthy of the strongest, excluding his pervert, and the field is not vegetarian.


Lingze still the same number, this time is "Nine-headed dragon" plus "triple strength", he did not use "Snake Boxing", after all, he did not really want to kill five realms.

Looking at the Lingze again rushed again, the five enlightenses were extremely vibrated because he completely saw the move of Lingze, which was clearly a moving, and his "six eyes", clearly The ability to "see the break", but he is still like the first time, which makes five realms unable to adapt.


This time is even more miserable, the three attacks are not so good, this time five enlightenment only blocks the three or four boxes, but it can be supported again, but he has "anti-transduction" and can be treated quickly. Good yourself.

"You are very strong, I am not your opponent."

Five Wuzhi cured his injuries. He has always been very hard to this kind of enemy. It was originally trained for so many years. He thought that he had no longer lost to such a type, but it turned out that there were people outside the sky outside.

"You don't have to feel uncomfortable, even if I don't use the field to delay your unreasonable, there are other ways, as long as your quasi-air is quite the past, your failure has already announced. "

Lingzhu frowned, because although the five enlightenment have already admitted, the news that hidden mission completed did not jump out, so Lingze felt that this kid was not convinced.