"If this is not a hospital, how can you be sent to surgery? Don't ask some nonsense."

Lingzhu's words made Jinmu research closed his mouth. He decided to read more less. After all, he did not understand anything. It will make people feel sight.

Jinmu research is not stupid. Instead, it is quite smart. Although he is a little lonely, it is self-closed, but it is not a matter of people, and friends around me feel that others are very good.

Lingzhu took Jinmu Research, and Fangcun has entered the "Jianer Comprehensive Hospital", a pair of appearance of it.

But in fact, Lingze is also the first time. It is only to use the emperor [five views of the observers], and in advance, you will see the layout of this, but it is like very familiar.

"Where is Jiaja Mingbo?"

With an old one, Lingze directly found the "Gare Comprehensive Hospital", without any polite.

"Jiala doctor ... Daren doctor went to Germany! He has received a researcher in Germany's GFG, German species research institution, and received the invitation from the front time, so I went to Germany, what do you have? ?"

Asked by Lingze, it was a nurse named "Tiankou". This nurse has been in the "Jianer Comprehensive Hospital". When she is still alive from the father of Jiane Mingbo, she has been assisting Garen. the study.

So I saw that the three people in Lingzhu came, and after the abnormal means, the Tiankou nurses had already understood it.


Lingzhu smiled, this guy is very fast, but under his "eyes", this lie is not used at all.

"Is it in the underground study room? If you don't bring your way? That maybe you can leave you a life."

Lingze, let the nurse named Tiankou stunned. She didn't know where she was leaked, and even the strange man guess the place where the doctor didn't, this made her heart very anxious.

Lingzhu "Leaves a life" statement, there is no impression at all, if you fall into the enemy's hands, you can simply die, then she will be very happy.

In that, she also tried to repay the old Jianer's kindness to her, anyway, she would never sell the doctor.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand that the doctor didn't have to go to Germany. If you have something to find him, you can leave a contact, I will tell Giala."

Tiankou nurses still do not learn, and bite Gare Mingbo to Germany. This makes Jinmu research and Fangcun's skills. Because they think that Lingze is in the field nurse, but current seems not good.

"Hey, my mouth is very hard, I don't know if your bones are as hard, you are also a dead."

For this Tiankou nurse, there is no impression of Lingzhu, and the Jiane Mingbo family is a metamorphosis scientist. This Tiankou nurse belongs to the kind of help.

Every innocent person who died on the Jiane Mingbo surgery must be a matter of Tiankou nurses next to him.

"Mr. Lingze, what should I do next?"

It seems to see the killing of Lingze, and Fangcun is active, and I want to stop Lingze to kill the nurse.

"Of course, go to the underground research to find Garna Mingbo, what is the problem?"

Lingze replied, this made Fangcun skills and Jinmu research, it is still difficult to do it, it is still true? Isn't it just that Hu edited this nurse?

"I didn't say it? Gare doctor went to Germany, how did you not believe? You will leave, or I want to report the police, what is your people? Do you want to do what? Please leave "

I saw that the Three of Lingzhu seems to have some differences, and the Tiankou nurses immediately began to scream, and her exported, but the golden wood research became a little retreat.

Because this child is the first time to do this kind of thing, I was shocked when I heard the other party to report the police.

And Lingzhu and Fangcun's skills are old fritters. If this Tiankou nurse is able to rest, they are ghosts.

And this model of this Tiankou nurses also let the village of the village are suspicious, and the Lingze should not guess it?

"Let's go, take you together."

Lingzhu smiled and didn't pay attention, but decisively said to Tianku Nurses, and smashed the woman's struggle.

But because it is too annoying that she is screaming, I said "shut up", let this Tiankou nurses are honest.

Fangcun is good and golden wood, but since Lingzhibo has no murderer, they don't say anything more, but they continue to advance behind Lingze.

Through the "human meat navigation" Tiankou nurses, Lingzhu has come to Jiane Mingbo with Fangcun Qigong and Jinmu Research.

This metamorphosis scientist has many properties, and this is the most important, because here is connected to a Underground Institute, one of the Institutes that belong to CCG.

In the eyes of Tianku Nurses, she didn't understand how this man did, and there were several times in the middle of the middle, but finally arrived at the end.

"Do you know that he is here?"

Fangcun is equally curious, his brain has some turn to bend. Since Lingze has already known that Jiane Mingbo is here, why bother to find this Tiankou nurse?

In the heart of Jinmu research, this child likes to read books, and all novels have involved.

Through the performance of Lingze, he has a bold speculation. He felt that Lingze was the performance of this Tiankou nurse, and finally found the home of this Gare.

"Let's go."

Lingzhu did not answer, he did not have an obligation to answer, as for Jinmu research, the child is not so embarrassed, after all, he is also afraid that others say that it is neutral disease.

However, Jinmu research may not know that "Jinmu's pain" is a representative secondary literature and is widely circulated.

The four people entered the home of Jiane Mingbo. Lingzhu found a midway entrance to the ground, it was like him really known.

Under the eyes of Fangcun, Golden Wood Soil, and the whimper in Tianku Nurses, Lingzhu took them with them, and went to the underground research institute where Karna Mingbo, Jinmu research has begun to gradually accelerate.

"Please do your identity ..."


The gate of the underground research institute was blocked, and the verification machine did not finish it, and they directly announced the scrap.

"Horror and weird strength."

Fangcun is a bit of a bit, and the wind blowing the fingers in the clouds, the warning in his heart has increased many, this sudden man is too mysterious.


The laboratory's door was violently blasting. It nature is naturally the attention of the guards, come out to block the lingering them is two girls, a dark hair a white hair.

"Two blinded poor people."

Seeing that I have been transformed into an alone, I will have a single-eyed, and Anji Nai, Lingzhu can't help but sigh.

This pair of poor twins is a typical thief, a father, this laboratory, in fact, is that their father's investment, and the above real estate, it is that it belongs to their home, is the house of their parents, just being Jiaa Mingbo was invaded.

Their father retired from seven students, investing in CCG's artificial species, but later was abandoned by CCG, and this research institute was still ruined.

Later, I was attacked by Garna, not only people died, but also the research institute and the house became the property of Galun.

I was originally in the CCG Academy as a Search Officer to prepare for a born, Huikiki Nai, who was fooled by this guy to give up and kill their parents, and then voluntarily participated in the experiment of Jiaa Mingbo.

These two silly girls really don't know that they are lucky or unfortunate, they can live in the experiment of Jiane Mingbo, it is definitely lucky, but they participate in this experiment, but they are so misfortune. Sadness is that they are still in the drums.

"What is you?" Who? "

Jiu Denhi frowned, staring at the four people in Lingze, and when I saw the Tiankou nurses, her eyes were obviously disgusted, obviously a shameful traitor.

It is also true next to her sister, and this makes Tiankou nurse's heart is very desperate. These two ignorant little beasts have dare to look at her with that kind of eyes, clearly she has no betrayal, clearly she is here!

"Called Jiaa Mingbo came out and told him to visit."

Lingze did not worry, the same, the two little girls and Jinmu research are all important materials. At present, the successful items may only have three, and the old two fares don't know the transfer, and the guy is a half-man, Not much of the great research value.

"How can you visit this?"

Anji Nai is a bit dissatisfied, she has already appeared "Hat" behind her, that is the "Hat" like Jinmu, or is the same as Shen Lili, and her eyes, only one right eye is "" Herdened.

The same is the same, but her "Herde" is the left eye. Two people have a black white, a left eye is one right eye, but it is also a sense of symmetrical feeling, this may be Jiana Mingbo's Fun.


Seeing this scene, Jinmu research is directly stupid. If he still has a little doubt before he says, now, after seeing Aku Blacki and Jiukuan white two, he has confirmed, this is the doctor doctor!

"It's he ... turn me into this!"

Jinmu research has a little anger, of course, in fact, it is not just anger, and there is a complaint that is everywhere.

These suffers he suffer from these days seem to have a source, which seems to find the goal of venting.

"You have become this, why will you help him ?!"

When Jinmao was coming to Lingzhu, he stood up, and his face was difficult to understand, and Ji Ji, Hui Niki, and then showed his "Hat" and "Herde", to the twin sisters Identity.

"You are ... brother?"

Jiu Denhi and Anji Nai ganyan, then it seems to be aware of what, and two of them, but smoking the Lingzhu mouth, as for Jinmu research, it seems to be there. It seems that some understandings cannot be.

"It's a big filial piety, filial piety."

Lingze is very helpless. These two twins can really have a strong generation, think of the thief to be a father, regard the Jiane Mingbo as "Dad", and this is also leaving Jinmu research.

"you guys......"

Jinmu research didn't say it. He also understood the reason these two girls called his brother. This literary youth almost did not have these two "dog people" to the dizziness.

"Brother, come back, go back to Dad."

Jiu Shihuai and Jiu Ni didn't conscious, still talking, this made Jinmu research very sad. He thought that the other party seems to be voluntary, the heterogeneous is still only one of himself.

"Kill them, leave Jinmu research."

A middle-aged man sounded, and it was a command of Jiane Mingbo to Jiu Shiki and Jiu Nai white.

"Yes, Dad."

The two girls immediately followed that they did not hesitate to rush to Lingze and Fangcun, "the newborn calf is not afraid of tiger", which is probably this situation.

At this time, I didn't accept the golden wood research of my own identity. The strength is unable to be with peaceful black and will, after all, in order to "revenge" to CCG, it has been very hard, not like Jinmu research has always been aware of identity.

Therefore, Jinmu research has not been reacted, and Jiu Shi Nai and Jiu Nai have already crossed him, directly to the Lingzhu and Fangcun's strength behind him.


Lingzhu opened, and after Jiu Shi Nai and Jiu Bai immediately fell into the stiffness, and the two were still short, and even Jinmao research reacted at this time.


Lingzhu simply wrote a knife, playing two girls' neck and gave them to temporarily dicked.

Although they have become half a variety, the body structure is still a big difference than human beings, but it is only a bigger strength and growth.

"how come?!"

Jiaa Mingbo, who was observed in the dark, according to his test, the pair of twins clearly had the strength of the S-class species, why is it easy to solve? Who is this sudden guy?

"Doctor Gare, can you talk about it now?"

Lingze's voice sounded around Jiane Mingbo, this guy did not have to react, and Lingze has reached him, which let Garna Ming bloggers.

"Of course, what do you want to talk?"

Jiaa Mingbo is still calm, because he thinks you can talk, it means that the other party needs to use him, and since he still uses the value, it means that there is no life in danger, this guy is really very smart, Just unfortunately embarked on a row.