With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 164 Unique Thoughts ④

"Let's go!

Though not exhausted, Yongta continued to defeat the "Legion" Alliance members one after another.

"All right, I'll go even further!

Together with the roar of tears, the sound of flowers kicked up the ground forcefully.

Cross Burst!

Flower sounds fill the gap with talent skills against monsters who were about to attack them.

The moment they were whipped by the floral whip, the monsters were sealed with all their properties by the effect of a seal that ran like a whip.

More and more, the sound of the flowers whips and strikes again and again.

"Let's keep going!

At that timing, Yongta exerts her genius skill moves wisely with the energy of resurrection.

Facial Drive!

Yong-tae shook his big sword, and the blade of light struck Sage like a wave.

A roar similar to thunder echoes.


With an undisputed flash, Yuta's fierce blow scared Sage.

Sage's HP is reduced.

"Toru, please do the rest!

"Toru, after that, please!

To respond to the voice, Toru, who was blinding and approaching the gaze, appeared from the blind spot for the wise people.

"Leave this to me!

Toru immediately summoned the Spirit.

Follow my voice, Lara!



At the same time as Toru's voice, a spirit that shines light appears in front of the eyes of the lookers.

"Lara, stop Tejima Ken!

Got it!

A human-shaped spirit in golden light.

Lara the Spirit of the body, who was no different from the fairies, flew softly according to the instructions of the LORD, Toru.

"Let's get out of the way!


Lara produced a cage of light in the early hours of the electrolithographic fire.

A square wall of light is embodied to block the wise escape path.

"I can't move for a while."

Seeing a clever figure who was hindered in her movements, Lara put her hand on her hips, which she was good at.

Lara flew in and laughed innocently in front of Toru.

"How about that?

Uh-huh. Toru is right, I can't move!

The moment Ken unlocks it using his item generation skills, the whip tip of the floral sound is struck by Ken, who was focusing his awareness on the wall of light.


Flower sound gap aimed at the moment of unlocking the wall of light.

Wisdom, who took evasive action in his judgment, soon realized that it was an irreversible mistake.


"You won't have to wait!

When Yongta said so, she saw the space to the entrance of the dungeon that Sage had avoided.

"For now, don't send messages to your Alliance members."

Messages are a means of communication between players.

Toru displays a translucent holography and enters and sends letters to the guild members of Ultimate Harvest.

"Nicotte eliminates jamming objects."

Nicotine, who was confronted with England, talked lightly.

"That's our dialogue. Get out of here with them now."

"I refuse. Nicott will continue with the command."


What came back to England was a categorical rejection, not a suggestion or a gesture.

Looking at the fold, England pursued Nicotte and jumped to the entrance.


"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being safe."

When the flower sounds relieved, England, who cut off the battle, conveys its sincerity.

"England. Can you spend time with the other members of the team until the lookouts use the forwarded items?

Toru-sama, there's no problem.

As Toru instructed, Enris quickly repositioned his spear and entered the mood.

"I'm coming!


England pays attention to the behavior of "Legion" Alliance members.

As she moved, she slammed down the "Legion" Alliance members who had attacked the lookouts.

At this moment, Legion Alliance members' goals were switched to England.

England moves agile to swallow up groups after groups.


However, we did not miss the gap in England's landing and the rest of the Englishmen attacked as instructed by the Legion Alliance members.