With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 176 Smoking Thoughts ⑦

"... what am I supposed to do?"

"... what should I do?"

"I just need to change it to Ai Pear.Your Special Skill, Soul Distribution (Seoul Share), has already been used by Mira-sama.And then there's the special skill of Aiori Shinone, the virtual concept (Apocalypse), and the fact that Mira-sama used it overturns everything. "

The overreactions of the joyful wise convey a cold agitation on the back of your desire.

- You have to avoid changing it to Ai Ni.

The thought of hope led to one reasoning, as if turning into Ai Nai was in itself a meaningful standing behavior.

"Why are you so obsessed with the perfect world?Without activating the true power of Mira, the world is different from the one we know. "

"Why are you so focused on the perfect world?Without activating the true power of Mira, the world is different from the one we know. "

"I want to see the true power of Mira-sama.And by synchronizing with Mira-sama, I want to lead the people who are so confused to paradise. "

Clever expressions of hopelessness in the core of hope and Linoa's words only speak the facts.

"Paradise, the ideal world... Again."

"Paradise, the ideal world... See you later."

I felt like the fire in my chest was rapidly disappearing when I crushed my eyes and Linoa like I was chewing.

At the same time, the fully rotating thoughts loosened, and the strength was relaxed from the whole body.

It was like getting cold water on my hot body.

"I want to help everyone.But I'm not going to let everyone grieve. "

"I want to help everyone.But I'm not going to let everyone grieve. "

"Does that mean your intentions will not change?"

Being quietly told with conviction, the hope and Linoa's rejection shook her wisdom more than ever.

You don't have to be afraid.

At that time, Rin's voice echoed through the battlefield.

As she advanced forward, she stared at her hopelessly.

"Vertebral Aioi's special skill, the virtual concept (Apocalypse), only the fact that Mira-sama used it, can lead the agitated to paradise.From now on, you and Ai Ee Shizune will be honored for their accomplishments. "

Kana spread her hands and told them in a quiet voice.

"Come on, honey look. For the sake of Mira-sama, turn to Aina-san.Your will will be passed on to the goddess of eternity. "

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to cooperate."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to cooperate."

Hope and Linoa distort their expressions of dissatisfaction at the whisper.

"... I see. But no matter how much you refuse, we will continue to ask for your help.Because it's for the world. "

I am neither arrogant nor confident.

He kept talking as if it were the truth of the world.

"You want to save Linoa for a long time?Then there is only one way.Only the release of Mira-sama's true power can help save her. "

"Wang, Yongta, don't let me fool you!It's not like that! "

In response to the bullshit, Toru, who was using the Light Dragon, said to hit him.