With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 305: Dream Homewood ④

Dear Hyun-hyun, Nikot will continue to obstruct the Honey Wind Wanderers like this.


Hearing Nicole's words innocently, Hope and Linoa had a bad feeling.

However, without noticing Wang Tang's surprise, Nikot moved to an offensive position.

“First, we need to get rid of that jamming target immediately.”

"That's our dialogue."Get out of here with them right now. "

“Nikot will continue with the directive as it is.”

In response to Nikot's one-sided demands, Iris, who had been fighting until now, felt a desire to distort her expression.

At that timing, Jian Qian spoke out in a harsh tone.

"Nikot, I'll take care of her.We capture the Honey Wind Watchers. "

I understand, Hyunji Tejo-sama.

Nikot obeyed Wisdom's instructions.

It's as if we don't have words in our eyes.

"We can't let this opportunity pass us by."

In response to the words of Iris, who wanted an explanation of the situation, Hyun-hyun gave a confident smile on his face.

Now, Yuuta-kun, what do we do?

At that time, the specific shape given to the vague thought.

Yuota, who was trying to identify the battle situation, stood up unexpectedly when she saw Smart with a meaningful smile on her face.

"I can't just leave you alone in this situation.Are you going to fight against me like this? "


Yuota, who was forced by wisdom to make unexpected choices, had a bitter expression on her face.

I want to save them from this situation.

But after all, I might be tough alone to fight against the guildmaster of [Kara] in preparation for his arrival.

What am I supposed to do?


Yuota, who was tormented by the backslash, heard Toru's voice and returned to me.

Toru summoned the Kwangryong, who twisted his body and approached Wisdom.


Is it because he was pushed through the void? Hyun-san could not even recover his posture and took the blow properly.

"... then I'll just do what I can!"

Yuta, who had the help of Toru, took a breath and headed towards Kanane.

"...... Kana!"

I won't let you go any further!

"I'm sorry, but you can't stop me."

Hyun-hyun headed for Kanane, but after avoiding Toru's Kwang-dragon onslaught, he was a little late.

Yuta activated her gifted skill with a resurrection spirit.

Fatal Drive!

Yuta waved her big sword and the blade of light attacked Xian like a wave.

A similar roar echoed in myriad lightning bolts.


Along with a steady flash, Yuuta's violent blow frightened Kanaga.

Kana's HP is reduced all at once.

The blue gauge in my head was reduced to half.

Yuta approached the distance of the folds.

Unfortunately, we will prevent that attack.

With one hand, Kanagane creates a barrier of light magic to prevent Yonda's Great Sword.

"I'm not playing well, please!"

"There's no need to be told."

In response to the call of the flower, Playo quickly reloaded the bullet and aimed it at the clasp.

Immediately thereafter, the sound of fire and bursting explosions echoed flashily, but they were prevented using the bulwark of light magic.

I'm going!

With the roar of the rift, Planet kicked up the ground forcefully.


The voice of the tempestuous planet echoed.

The planet's onslaught detonated a barrier of light magic and reappeared.

Before the claws set up a new barrier of light magic-.

Yuota tried to bring it to the close-quarter battle again, but wisdom stood in the way.

"Not yet! If you want to prevent it with the barrier of light magic, I'll knock you in as many times as I can without giving you time to catch it!"

"I see. There's a theory for that."

Each other's swords, which are repeated over and over again.

Hyun-hyun was impressed by Yuta's enthusiasm as he launched an ultra-fast offensive and defensive campaign.

It's only now that I can afford to come in.

Toru Kwang Dragon took part in the battle and boldly threw herself into the battle.