With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 147: Unfinished Etoile (7)

"Is Meiro's special skill the power to bless all people and give some of them the power of God -" Clear Dreams "?"

Hope repeatedly twinkled, remembering what Miro's special skills had told him.

"Honeywind." To activate Miro's true power, I need the power of you and Iris Vertebra. "

Behind the brain of hope, the wise words spoken in The Decaying Tower of Dusk, the Palladium, resurrect.

"Miro is a special skill - the ultimate skill itself. So by synchronizing with us, our special skill users, she wakes up and does the same thing we do."

The hope rebels against the truth that he has spoken.

However, now, it was the best I could do just to endure the emotions that pushed me over like turbulence.

Special skills.

The power to bull the world and interfere with the real world as well.

And the power of omnipotence, even capable of altering all the world itself.

To talk about connecting to the roots of the world, Yashiro remembers the poor sitting.

"A disappearance allegedly caused by an organisation involved in 'Legion'. Why did they discover them at the end of the service?

"To make the world aware of the Goddess of Salvation called Miro."

To the foreseeable mention of Yaori, he spoke with indignation.

Hope, once again, chews the words spoken in his brain.

By informing the public about Meilo, we have improved the effectiveness of Meilo's special skills in the real world.

"Linoa, assimilated to Miro, is still awake."

My hopes snapped as I was invaded by the inexplicable air.

And circle your thoughts to improve this situation a little faster.

"Force Logout"

Initially, it was thought that the forced return was just a problem, arising from a system glitch, server malaise.

Shortly afterwards, however, surprising news ran through the gaming industry.

"Unknown Events Caused in VRMMO Games, Mysteries of Weird Incidents"

Ladies and gentlemen, the Ultimate Harvest guild members were investigating the alleged disappearance of an organization involved in Legion.

It's a bizarre case of girls around the same age as Ai Li taking time off from school to travel with her family.

Initially, it was a case that had been processed as insufficient evidence because the victims completely denied the kidnapping.

But suddenly, the girl, the victim, and her family consistently overturned the statement.

I was kidnapped.

"We couldn't be goddesses..."

The girls, the victims, accompanied by comatose eyes, complain with a vain grin.

"We didn't travel that day."

"Why did you think I was going on a trip?

As if, from the beginning, it had been so set up, the girls' families began to testify that way as well as time.

At that time, all those involved in "Legion" and "Carla", who were suggested to have been abducted and imprisoned, have been secured by the police and have been questioned about the circumstances.

But then, using the police station where they were captured as their starting point, the real world changed like the world of clear dreams they had shown.

"I mean, the very discovery of that disappearance was responsible for transforming the real world."

When the hope takes a breath, it bites the weight of things.

"After this, if you go to this castle town adventurer's guild, you'll meet Yoshida Kashihara"

"You even know about that?

A voice with a quiet resolve.

The wanderers were wary of the emotions engulfed in the added words.

"It's up to you to decide if you want to go to the Adventurer Alliance."

The words were weighed more than their denominations.

"In order to restore the real world to its original state, we need to stop the power of Miro's special skills. If you take the quest, there's no certainty that you'll find a way to undo Linoa, but you won't know until you've done all this."

"Linoa is in the hands of 'Legion' and 'Carla', both in the real world and in the virtual world. With her in the hands of the enemy, I can't tell how far she can cross with Legion and Carla."

As he captured certain words, Yao Liang exhaled loudly as he was tired when he included tea in his mouth.

"That's all we can talk about."

Toru pretended to think about it and then looked to the lookouts again.

So, the story wrapped around Miro ends first.

"Dear Sir, thank you for your valuable words."

Standing up, Planet thanked him and summarized as data a number of quests presented by Toru.

"Vertebral sounds, Toru. I'm sorry I got you into trouble."


Toru answers the thanksgiving words in a glowing manner.

By the end of the story, Wangs had left the guild of Ultimate Harvest.