With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 166: I'm Unfulfilled in Love with You ②

"Wow! I'm back in Muscat!

When I made sure I was coming back to Muscat, the city by the lake, the flower sounded happy.

Planet corrects his residence and asks with a serious look.

"Master, once to the Alliance, will you be returned?

"... ah, oh"

"Yeah. One more thing today, you might be investigating a dungeon,"

Seeing his hopes say, the flower noise shook his neck vertically as he followed.

The city by the lake and the city of Muscat itself, with the Arida guild Casket, are not so different from this morning.

An NPC clerk was just cutting through the store, and the surroundings were closed and less popular.

Yongta looks strange and makes her gaze all over the city.

"Is there no other guild in this city?

"Yeah. It's just our guild, original or prototype. I used to, but the other guilds quit before the official renewal, or relocated to another city for convenience."

To Yongtai's question, the flower sounds answered with a nostalgic grin.

"My sister. I want to know the dungeons that go after" Shangri La's Belly Cave, "and it's time to go back to the guild."


When Yu said so aggressively and switched his expression, the flower sounds happily responded.

The Wangs proceeded to walk into the Alliance.

"I'm home, Father, Mother!

"Flower sound, welcome home"

"I've been looking for some dungeons of the terms you asked for."

When Wangs entered the guild, some parents used the interface to scatter information about the dungeon.

"Wow! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of dungeon it is next!

To the words of a certain mother, the flower sounds bounced happily.

The hope is there, and I notice where it is intended.

"Maybe we're headed to a dungeon in the vicinity of 'Shangri La's Belly Cave'?

"Oh, I'd like to reclaim the cost of purchasing a transfer stone. They're looking for a brief dungeon in the vicinity of" Shangri La's Belly Cave ""

One mother waved her fingers sideways in a mild condition, visualizing several dungeon names in front of the stars.

Caves, towers, ruins, woods.

Various types of dungeons are displayed.

In it, hope noticed an incredible quest and blinked his eyes.

"" Sanctuary's Sky Jail "?

"Master, this will be an intermediate dungeon. The Sanctuary Sky Cave is a floating island above Shangri-La's Belly Cave."

To the question of hope, Planet answered discipline.

"Sanctuary's Sky Jail".

The quest is a simple matter of rescuing an NPC girl trapped in a floating island jail, above 'Shangri La's Belly Cave'.

Floating islands will basically be able to reach jail if they continue as per the map created by Baron Penguin.

However, it is the first name to be seen and was not present in the original version, suggesting that it is a newly created dungeon in the prototype version.

New intermediate dungeon.

In the meantime, you couldn't stay or stand anymore, and the flower sounds jumped while adding gestures and gestures when attacking.

"Planet, what kind of place is' Sanctuary's Sky Jail '? Whatever monsters show up, I'll take them down with my gifted skills!

"Flower sounds. This time, it's just a dungeon investigation. Just check around the floating island."

When the flower sounds said confidently, Yao Liang looked at it as if it was frightened.

In response, the interface was manipulated to display the tactical information of "Sanctuary Sky Jail".

"My sister. Unfortunately, Yashiro is right, the purpose of this survey is to investigate the floating island. We're only going to fight when the monsters show up."

"... well, you are"

In denial of his own identity, the flower sounds discouraged.

"But it's a dungeon that can take advantage of the 'flying items' I was purchasing just in case."

"Brother. In order to get to" Sanctuary's Sky Cave, "after the investigation of" Shangri La's Belly Cave, "you just have to keep flying over it."

"Exactly, sister."

As I drew the will of my joyful and courageous sister, Yu summed up his own thoughts.