With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 174: The Forgotten Mushroom Cloud ②

"" Eh. ""

The impasse between hope and Linoa ended in an instant, and the two, who sounded high and separated, showed an amazing sword trident reward from it.

Each other's sword moves are handled with a flash that strikes them off.

Advanced and complex sword flashing rewards.

But that's by shifting Linoa's coordinates, it's hard to reach.

"" Eh!

Hope and Linoa brake aggressively in a situation where it is unclear to continue.

"You don't have to be afraid"

At that time, Rin's voice echoed through the cave.

Moving forward, Kamei stares untouched at her gaze.

"By synchronizing with the goddess, you can lead not too many people to paradise. From now on, you will be honored for your immortality."

Kame spread his hands and told him in a quiet voice.

"Come on, honey wind gaze, and vertebrate sound pear. Give all that for the goddess. Your will will will be handed over to the future, to the will of the goddess."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna cooperate."

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going to cooperate"

To the bullshit, hopes and linoa distort their expressions in dissatisfaction.

"Silfi, don't leave me."

"Silfi. Don't leave me."


Hope and Linoa tell Silfi floating around herself.

Apart from blocking the sound, Silfi was able to block signs and even undetectable magic if he cared.

But basically, it only has the power of backup, auxiliary systems.

Like this one, surrounded by the guild members of 'Kara', we had to leave the scene to take advantage of Silfi's power.

"In order for us to cooperate, we must activate Miro's true power."

"" True power?

A cold one ran on the spine of Hope and Linoa to that reaction of his.

"What does that mean?

"What does that mean?

Straight through the hopes and linoa that have asked, Kame tells the truth in a quiet voice.

"Honeywind gaze. We were given the power of God by the blessing of Miro. It's the power that overshadows the world."

"" Clear dreams... "

The moment he heard the words, the hope and Linoa breathed.

"Yes. You know Yoshinomi. Me and my brother, and Brother Ichiyi, Miro. By selling the prototype version, we began to develop the" Acrea of Genesis. "

That's what I was told in advance, and what I was told was what I was told.

"Honeywind gaze, and vertebral sounds of pear. You have the closest personality to Yoshinomi, who has become the ultimate skill. That's why Miro wants you."

"We were chosen as users of special skills because we were close to two pairs of brothers and sisters, the developers of the prototype version of" Acrea of Genesis, "right?

"We were chosen as users of special skills because we were close to two pairs of brothers and sisters, the developers of the prototype version of" Acrea of Genesis "?

Straight through the hopes and linoa that have asked, Kame tells the truth in a quiet voice.

"Yes, from the vertebral sounds, you've already asked."

"Miro is a special skill - the ultimate skill itself. So by synchronizing with us, our special skill users, she wakes up and does the same thing we do."

"Miro is a special skill - the ultimate skill itself. So by synchronizing with us, the users of special skills, I wake up and do the same thing as we do."

In retrospect of the truth spoken, Hope and Linoa rebel to bite.

However, now, it was the best I could do just to endure the emotions that pushed me over like turbulence.

Special skills.

The power to bull the world and interfere with the real world as well.

And the power of omnipotence, even capable of altering all the world itself.

Hope remembers poor sitting in stories that lead to the roots of the world.

"How could you have been ambushing me in" Shangri La's Belly Cave "instead of" Sanctuary's Sky Cave "?

"How could you have been ambushing me in" Shangri La's Belly Cave "instead of" Sanctuary's Sky Cave "?

"To poke a blind spot."

"" Blind spot...?

To that phrase, which fuels anxiety without any help, hope and linoa could not contain a sense of haste and impatience.