With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode 187: The Butterfly Cradle (7)

"Still, in the lake, you're going now."

"Still, in the lake, you're going now"

"Wang, Linoa, let's do our best to investigate underwater"

Hope with a sword and Linoa shrugging her shoulders, the floral noise slamming the whip to the ground stretches out into a joyful surface.

Yes generates items that can get into the water quickly as well as verbal execution. Moo-Moo submersible items.

There is a small lake in Muscat, a lakeside city.

Wangs were moving to the lake to get used to being underwater.

Yes, and Linoa's parents remain in the guild.

"As always, yes don't think about it later."

Sora drops her shoulder uncomfortably at the information on Muscat's lake, a lakeside city without guidelines, which she makes display on the interface.

However, thanks to submersible items, the outlook for the future has widened.

"Is there a monster out in this lake, too?

"In the original version, we have not heard any rumors that it has emerged. However, in the prototype version, monsters in the water may appear due to changes in city specifications, etc."

To Yongtai's temptation, Planet answers politely.

"Right. Just to get used to being underwater, but hopefully I'll be able to go back without a thing."

"Right. Just to get used to it underwater, but hopefully I can get back to it without anything."

While checking the times displayed in the interface, Hope and Linoa put their hands on their jaws and conceive with a serious look.

"In the water, you'd have to watch out for slip damage that would gradually reduce your HP. However, the effect of diving items will not reduce HP"

Yes, when he finished preparing, he looked down at the surface of the water and determined his position to the bottom of the lake.

"Planet, please"

"Yes, locating the bottom of the lake is at your disposal."

Planet bows his head proudly and respectfully to the instructions given.

"... Huh! Dear Sir, the lake is home to monsters."

As Planet explored the location of the bottom of the lake, he noticed a strange discomfort.

The coordinates of the organism in the water are moving slightly.

Even in the original version, the lake was bred with fish, corals, etc.

However, it was doubtful that organisms that were not obviously fish or the like were inhabited.

"Maybe things are different from the original version."

After listening to Planet explain, yes leans his neck as if worried.

"All right, look, Yasuo, Planet, Yongta, Linoa, Toru, and my sister, let's go! Underwater!"


Under the Yes Decree, Flower Sound listed submersible items to make sure they were effective.

Then, the diving item glows and a huge bubble is produced around the floral sounds, covering the stars.

As if buoyancy had worked, it would lift the bodies of the hopefuls.

For one thing, I'm ready to dive into the lake.

The foam goes down under the water.


As the hopes were wrapping their tongues around the omnipotence of the submersible item, they arrived at the bottom of the lake.

Descending at the bottom of the lake, the wanderers quickly look around.

Within sight, I don't see a monster.

However, he may be lurking somewhere because of poor vision in the water.

Don't break your bones for lack of visibility in the water.

Hope leaked his thoughts to be vigilant around him.