With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

Episode D Hundred Ni: The Mage of Boundaries ⑥

"Anyway, we're getting out of here!



After being thoroughly guided through the door of the room, Wangs head to the lobby.

"Sanctuary's Sky Jail" was just a magnificent palace to the point of being drained of poison.

The atmosphere of prison is free of fine dust.

The ceiling is furnished with a wide variety of radiant chandeliers, large and small, and the walls are decorated with statues imitating the Guardian.

That was the kind of sight that created the illusion that got lost in the story of the fantasy.

"It's like coming to a castle in a picture book."

The floral noise snapped emotionally, looking around.

"In the meantime, don't try to fly a message to us."

"In the meantime, I'm going to skip you a message."

Messages are means of communication that connect players to each other.

Hope and Linoa display translucent holography to enter and transmit letters toward.

But the blogless bar didn't come up, and I just got an error and it was over.

"Can't you?"

"You can't."

Hope and Linoa turn off the holography with a look of disappointment.

The situation didn't swallow well, and the hope and Linoa frowned with a bitter face.

"Brothers, are you all right?"

Flower noises shaking her reddish hair make her face bow down and tremble her voice.

Then, the hope and Linoa drew such feelings from her, crushing with glimmers as she stroked her cheeks.

"Flower sounds. We don't know, but we're gonna try to find answers."

"Flower sounds. We don't know, but we'll try to find answers."

"... yeah. Thank you, Linoa."

The floral noise raised his face smiles as if his chest grasp had been removed.

While wanting to disappoint, they proceeded to the lobby in search of Arida.

Moving forward for a while, the Wangs sense signs of a monster looming from behind.

"I'm not letting you help me!

The floral sounds flirt, wiggling the whip and flirting with the monsters who appeared in front of him.

But that doesn't stop the monsters from moving just because they blunted their movements.

But that was enough for Hope and Linoa to jump at the monsters.

"" Ha!

The monsters quickly disappeared from the spot, broken apart by hope and Linoa's sword trident.

"I can't lose, either!

The battle of the Wangs lights the heart of Yongtai.

At the same time as his blatant warfare, Yongtai packed his distance from the monsters at once.

"Faithful Legends!"

Yongtai set up a great sword and smashed a great deal of skill.

The fluctuations caused by Yongtai's unleashed gifted skills strike the monsters.

"" Ha!

"Let's go!

Hope, Linoa, and Yongtai's attack kick the monsters.

The monsters were defeated one after the other.

Eventually, all the monsters disappear.

"Wow! Big victory!

The sound of flowers with their hands spread out raises a voice of joy.

"All right, I've got a level!

Yongtai confirmed that when he used the interface and made his status visible, he learned his level rise and new skill moves.

"According to the map, there must be a staircase ahead of us."

Toru explores the map of "Sanctuary's Sky Jail" displayed in the interface in perspective.

Finishing without delay the breakthroughs of the monsters appearing on the floor, Wangs head up the stairs further up to the upper level, aiming to lobby.

"What is this place?

Going all the way up to the top floor at once, as the Wangs defeat the monsters they encounter sporadically, they eventually head out onto the wide floor.

The flat cylindrical space was the point positioned near the entrance to the 'Sanctuary Sky Jail'.

In the center, we could see the path leading to the lobby where the Wangs were first.