With my brother and sister. VRMMO games.

(d) Episode 114: The Rondo of Heart (2)

The Wangs were shaking off Shinya and rushing out to jail.

Shinya and the others did not follow the men who went inside the prison.

But the monsters summoned by the guild members of "Kara" gather together as if they were calling water to their eyes.

"Wow! Now it's a bunch of monsters!

"Not the other way around"

"Not quite."

With his hands wide open and a delightful floral sound, Hope and Linoa desperately went to the back of the prison.


Yao Liang stops his leg and fires the muzzle at the rear monsters.

There's no rush.

I'm not even frightened.

With an unparalleled shooting, Yashiro just shot through the enemies in front of him.

"Song Liang, use your wind sorcery skills to escape now!

Seeing a series of moves by Yang Liang, Yu immediately made the decision.

"Yes. Besides being rough on people, you're not efficient at all. In the first place, why do you need to use your skills in wind magic to escape in prison?"

To some suggestions, Yashiro is skeptical.

But still, Song Liang realized that it was the only way to break this situation.

"Aerial Arrow!

When Yao Liang spoke, countless arrows of wind struck the rear 'Kara' guild members simultaneously.


The alliance members of 'Kara', who deflected the released wind arrows by distracting their upper bodies, stop fighting back at the wind pressure that blocks their sight.

"Aerial Kronos!"

In that gap, Yashiro flew with the wind wrapped around his body.

The wanderers also float in the sky to be pulled by the wind.

"All right, Song Liang. Keep going, we're going to the bottom of the prison!

"In prison, flying in the sky is amazing!

"Is it amazing...?


Hope and Linoa were freezing their expressions as the sound of flowers seemed to amuse them.

While reviewing the map of "Sanctuary's Sky Jail" displayed in the interface, Yu declares with his fist up.

"Look, Song Liang, Planet, Yongtai, Linoa, Toru, and my sister, let's go! To the deepest cell of" Sanctuary's Sky Jail "!

"You're in jail, but you're flying away"

"You're in jail, and you're flying away."

Without hope and Linoa's suspicions reaching, Wangs slipped through the prison for the deepest part.

But the new flying monsters summoned by the alliance members of "Kara" are approaching the moment.

"Brother, flying in the sky is behind you!

"Don't worry, sister. Assumptions."

It blocked the sound of the rushing flowers, and yes hit the tip of the cane against the lattice.

As soon as a cane touched the lattice, a tremendous impact struck the perimeter.

One of the lattices scattered bright light like a fluorescent flame, extinguishing it as it collapsed.

One of the lattices disappears, causing a huge crack inside that directly hit prison.

"With a single lattice, it's enough to make one healing item."

Yes was looking at the treasure ball at the tip of the dazzling shining wand, as after a job.

Inside the prison turned into a pile of rubble.

Out of sight the distracted alliance members of "Kara", the lookouts head from the opposite shore to the deepest part of the prison.

"I have no choice. I'll report it to you once and for all."

Confirming that the Wangs will return their heels, the alliance members of "Kara" will also run out to them.

"You're doing great."

Toru, who poked his fist up, puts a relief look on the result as assumed that it would wind up in front of him.

"You wouldn't have done anything"

"... you've got a lot to say"

To Yashiro's mention, Toru pointed his lips resentfully.

"Thou Kun, is the deepest cell of" Sanctuary's Sky Jail "just a few moments away?

"Oh. According to Iris' intel, the deepest cell is where we ran straight through here"

When the flower sounds voiced doubts, Toru responds while checking for information from Iris.

"Then again, we have to explore the use of the Ice Crystal." Ice Crystal "has a variety of uses besides making" Diving Items ". If you create a new item, you might find a way out of this dungeon."

The presence of scattered quest information loosened his expression in a meaningful way.