Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 749

Hearing the question from the girl next to him, Belen was also startled. He turned his head to look at the girl next to him, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I think going abroad is a bit dangerous. After all, there is still fighting outside. Otherwise, let's send you back to Eloranya, your father may be worried about you."


After hearing these words, Hill was also stunned. She looked at the man in front of her with disbelief in her eyes, and then gradually turned into disappointment and anger.

Belen thought that Hill hadn't heard what he said clearly. Although he always felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, he still planned to explain it again, but when he opened his mouth, there were crisp applause on his face, and it was hot instantly. Up.


Just after Belém was slapped by this slap, the girls who were doing other jobs all turned their heads subconsciously. Although it was night, the red-haired man could still be seen in the light. face.

"Bei, Mr. Belen!?"


The girls just wanted to come, but they were blocked by the weird atmosphere, and subconsciously felt that they shouldn't enter it at this time.

Belen slowly turned her head to look at the girl in front of her, and the girl was already crying at this moment. She raised her hands to wipe the tears from her eyes, and then glared at the man in front of her.

"You bastard! Do you want to let me go so much!?"

Hearing the girl’s anger and grievances, Belem also trembled. He quickly explained: "I didn't mean that, I just thought..."

"What do you think?" Hill interrupted Belen angrily, and she said coldly: "If it's because of danger, don't you want to go with everyone?"

Belen was stunned, he subconsciously said: "But your father will worry about you."

Although he always felt that he shouldn't say these things, but he didn't know why he had "should not" emotions, which made him very entangled.

Why is that?

"Yes, my father will worry about me, but I will also worry about everyone!" Hill's voice was a little choked, teardrops fell in her eyes, and she said with great heartache, "Everyone is also family to me! Why rush? I go?"

Drive... go?

After hearing these words, Belem's heart seemed to throb, his eyes widened, he didn't mean that, but at this moment he couldn't even say "no" because he realized that he Don't those words mean that?


The moment Belen had just spoken, Hill ran out crying. Instead of returning to the commercial car, she ran towards the other end of the grassland.


Upon seeing this, Belen also called out loudly, but the girl's figure did not stop, he also stood there for a while not knowing what to do.

At this time, Lumia chased after her very worried, and Illia also turned into a silver streamer to follow, and the voice of a girl complaining came from the side, Latier came to Belem with a look of resentment. .

"Ah! Mr. Belém, are you a fool!?"

Hearing this, Belem was taken aback for a moment, and then asked: "Latier, Hill, she..."

Seeing Belém who was still confused, Latil was also depressed, and Leia came over at this time, and she said, "Hill, she, but treat everyone as family!"

"Ah? Me, me too!" Belen opened his eyes wide.

Hearing this, Latier shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Belen didn't regard Hill as a real family member, otherwise he wouldn't say the same thing."


Belen was awakened by this sentence. He finally knew what the entanglement and "should not" emotions were in his heart. It was precisely because the girl regarded himself and others as family members, so when he said those words He would definitely hurt him, but he ignored what he should have realized?

"Mr. Belen probably thinks of Hill more as a friend than his family?" Leia has read Belen's mind through, she said.

Latier nodded, she thought so too, but for her, Hill was not only her friend, but also an extremely important family member!

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Belen muttered to himself.

It is precisely because the girl regards everyone as family members, so when she said something like that, she knew that she did not actually regard her as family members, so she was heartbroken.

He is such an idiot, how can he say such a thing...

For a long time, Belen did not regard Hill as a real family member. He did not realize this until now, but the girl had already regarded them as her important family.

After realizing this, Belen immediately turned around and ran away in the direction where Hill had escaped. He raised his arm and waved his hand, then shouted.

"Sorry, I'm going to find Hill!"

Chapter 806: Become family!

Seeing the figure galloping away, Latier and Laya both looked at each other and smiled. They actually thought that something like this might happen one day, but they didn't expect it to be so fast.

Immediately afterwards, Laiya smiled and said, "But fortunately, he is a fool. Otherwise, Latier, your mind would have been exposed long ago?"

However, this time La Tier did not show a shy look. After hearing these words, she looked at the elf girl beside her, and the cat eyes stared at the golden eyes.

"Speaking of which, Laiya, are you treating Mr. Belém..."

"Sister, can I eat candy?"

At this time, Latte's voice came from behind, and she immediately interrupted Latier's words. She immediately turned her head and looked away. When she saw that Latier was holding a colorful candy in her hand, her eyes widened and she quickly rejected it. .

"You are not allowed to eat! Lattes, you are already fat, you know!? You are not allowed to eat sugar these days, and you have to exercise!"


The kitten immediately drooped the cat's ears, looking pitiful.

Seeing La Tier walking towards La Tis, Laya's face was flushed at the moment. She covered her chest with one hand, and her heartbeat speeded up inexplicably. Although the sentence was not finished, she seemed to know La Ti You have to say something.

The girl's mind couldn't help but show scenes on the sacred tree. She took a deep breath and calmed her mood. Her cheeks were a little rosy. She pressed the back of her hands against her cheeks, trying to cool it down, her face was ashamed. Meaning.

Fortunately, that guy is a fool.

At the moment on the grassland.

Ilia and Lumia have stopped Hill, no matter how the latter makes trouble, the second daughter will not let her pass, and the grassland at night is also very dangerous.

Lumia took Hill's hand, and she said distressedly: "Hill, don't cry, Belen is just a little bit dumb, unaware of your intentions."

"I really, really think of you as my family, really!" Hill choked up, crying like a child. She treated everyone like a family sincerely. This is true, but herself She gave her wholeheartedly but was not recognized, which made her very sad.

Ilia also stepped forward, and she whispered softly: "Brother, he is on the way now." She can sense the breath that is coming.

Hearing what she said, Hill lowered his head and said, "I don't want to see him, don't see!"

Lumia shook Hill's hand and said softly: "Don't do that, Hill, Belen must have come to you to apologize when she knew she was wrong. Why don't we talk to him?"

Hill choked, her tears stopped, but she was still very sad. She stood there with her head down and did not respond, but silence was already her best answer.