World of Experts

Chapter 980

Biquge, the fastest update online game: the latest chapter of the king of the world!The maid quickly finished what Lu Xi had told her to convey to Lu Sha, and she also told Lu Sha the location of the inn where Han Li is currently staying.After speaking these words, the maid didn't dare to stay here for a long time, she immediately turned her head and left, heading back to Luo's house.Only after knowing these words, Lu Sha stood still and squinted.

And Lu Sha seemed to be thinking about it for a while, but suddenly said, "Lu Xi asked me to ruin the face of a woman named Han Li! This matter is simple, it should be easy. But! Why Lu? Xi had asked me to destroy the face of this woman named Han Li? Lu Xi was very disappointed with Luo Chao now. Even if Luo Chao found a lover outside, I didn’t see Lu Xi let me deal with those Luo Chao’s Little lover, why do you think of asking me to deal with that Han Li for her now? It's really strange!"

Lu Sha turned and said: "Fall! No matter what! Since Lu Xi asked me to do it, after all, she and I are brothers and sisters. I will do it myself, taking advantage of tonight to catch another batch of Pan Buffalo. Just before the deal with the water buffalo, anyway is going to the edge of the city, so I simply go to the city first, I will go and do it for her first." After saying that, Lusha smiled. laugh.


However, at the same time, on the other side, in Luo Mansion, Luo Chao was sitting in Luo Chao's study, and many capable men in sergeant armor were greeted in front of him.

Obviously, these sergeants are Luo Chao's men. Although most of these people are not among the 100th in the three-level blood god list, most of them are also quite capable people in the three-level.

Moreover, among these sergeants, there is a leader. This person is nicknamed "Bronze Head and Iron Arm." Others always call him Bronze Head. He is a Terran warrior. This person is good at making heavy shields and he has also practiced horizontally. A hard kung fu is also his best skill, that is the sacred armor.And this is a very defensive move that is difficult to practice in Terran Warriors.And this bronze head, his strength is very powerful, enough to rank nearly fifty in the three ranks of the blood god list.

At this moment, Luo Chao looked serious, facing the group of sergeants in front of him, and said: "Brothers! I heard a news today. It seems that another monster has appeared near Panshui City. This matter can be caused. It should not be underestimated. Our characteristic cattle in Panshui City have been affected by this, and the output is decreasing. We must deal with this matter as soon as possible. We must not let this matter affect the lives of our people in Panshui City."

Luo Chao said again: "And you people! Those are all the elite of our Panshui City sergeants." Luo Chao said here suddenly looked at the copper head and shouted: "Bronze head! Especially you! You! But we are the number one warrior in Panshui City. This time, because you are a sergeant of the Blood God World, to avoid suspicion, you cannot participate in the selection competition of the Blood God World, but now it’s time for you to show your strength. Don’t let me down ."

Suddenly, the bronze head looked overjoyed, stepped forward, patted his chest and said, "Lord Luo Chao, don't worry! I'm here! Don't care about any monsters with no eyes, as long as you dare to make trouble near Panshui City, it will affect us The lives of the people in Panshui City. Then I am obliged. I will take my brothers over and find the monster. We people swear that we will get rid of that monster."

Luo Chao smiled, "Okay! That being the case! I won't say much about other things. When you return triumphantly, I will personally host a banquet in the mansion to entertain you. And! After you return successfully, Everyone’s rewards are not small, and all of you have a lot of military merits."

Tongtou laughed and said, "Good good! Lord Luo Chao! Then we are leaving."

Luo Chao smiled and said, "Go! Go!" Luo Chao waved his hand.


And time passed quickly, seeing that the day and night had already arrived.At this moment, Shi Hao was in the inn room where he settled, and seeing that the time was almost up, he was ready to set off to wait for that Lusha.But when Shi Hao left the door of his room, he saw that Han Li happened to be also coming out.The two just met.

When Han Li met, he said, "Mr. Ye Feng! Are you planning to go out? What are you doing?"

Shi Hao smiled and said, "I'm planning to see the buffalo. Didn't I catch the messing monster last night? I won't let it go tonight. Girl Han Li, you still have to go back. Rest in the room, you are not strong enough, it is not convenient to follow me."

Han Li nodded, "Well! Then Mr. Ye Feng, be careful. Go early and return early."

Shi Hao nodded, "Okay! I'm leaving." After saying this, Shi Hao left.


However, not long after Shi Hao left, Han Li returned to his room to rest.But I didn't know that someone came to this inn quietly.And this person who came silently was Lusha.I saw Lu Sha standing on the first floor of this inn at this moment.

And when you look closely, there are still many people on the first floor of the inn.However, for some reason, this Lusha was standing here, but the people on the side seemed to be unable to see this Lusha.And this Lusha was like an invisible person, and walked upstairs without any scruples.

It didn't take long before Lu Sha came to the door of the room where Han Li was upstairs.At this moment, I saw Lu Sha standing outside the door thinking for a moment, then suddenly smiled, and used his magical powers, as if he had changed himself from a transparent human state to visible, but his appearance was disguised as a handyman. , And then reached out and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang bang!" Han Li in the room seemed to hear the knock on the door, so there was a voice soon, and he responded: "Who is it? Who is knocking at the door! Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Sha smiled and said, "I am a handyman in the shop! As usual, I clean the room for the girl."

Han Li's voice soon came again, "Okay! Please wait a moment."

After waiting for a stick of incense, the door opened and Han Li appeared in front of Lusha.When Han Li opened the door and saw Lu Sha standing at the door, he said with some confusion: "Hey! It's strange, you said you are a handyman in this shop, but now the handyman is dressed like you. Does it look like this?" Han Li showed a look of confusion, and began to doubt the identity of the person in front of him very strangely.

Lu Sha suddenly smiled and said: "Of course! This is the most popular handyman outfit in Panshui City nowadays. Is there anything wrong with this? Aren't the other handymen in this store the same as what I wear now? "And speaking of it, Lu Sha is also very confused at this moment.