World of Experts

Chapter 1079: Uncle Jin Jin

Biquge, the fastest update online game: the latest chapter of the king of the world!"Hua Li! You..." Yao Han seemed unwilling after being captured, "Despicable and shameless! Is the person who attacked me just now your helper? Just let me go if you have the seed, let us two Go heads-up and let the master help you secretly. What kind of skill are you." Yao Han screamed weakly.

"Huh! I'm not a big man. Who plays with you is fair and honest." Huali smiled hehe, "but don't worry! I just made you suffer. Who told you to be rude to me before? If you kill my entourage, I will kill you. If you make me suffer, I will pay you back."

"Kneel me down!" Suddenly Huali used force and pressed Yao Han to rub against the ground, "Remember from now on! If you dare to be blunt in front of me, I will let you know something more powerful. Get off. Right." After saying that, Huali let go of Yao Han, and he disappeared quickly.

"Damn it!" Yao Han stood up obviously very annoyed. He patted the dirt on his body and seemed to yell, "That thief woman! Sooner or later, I will kill her a thousand times before. But when they met on the road, he accidentally killed one of her entourages and made her care about today."

"Big Brother Yao Han!" Suddenly Mu Ling walked from the side, "Are you okay! The person in the dark who helped Huali just now doesn't know where it came from. I think it's better to forget it, lest the one who secretly helped Huali Experts, if the relationship with Huali is unusual, we may not be able to provoke it."

"Huh! Then do you think I don't have any backing masters in the Yao family? I didn't want to expose the backing strength here, but now I can't bear it." Yao Han's mouth twitched, and it was obvious that everything was in his heart. Angrily, "You are all waiting here, I will go to the headquarters of the Blood God World by myself."

"But! Big Brother Yao Han..." Mu Ling still seemed to want to persuade Yao Han to let it go.

"No need to say more! I'll take the first step. Go and go back." Yao Han left without looking back.


Soon after, Yao Han came outside the gate of the Blood God World Headquarters, but here he was intercepted by a few guards at the door, and although those guards were of the third level, they were actually Blood Gods. The World Headquarters was behind it, and it didn't give Yao Han, a fourth-order existence, any face.

"Who are you? Report your name! This is the headquarters of the Blood God World. You can't rush into it. If you come to participate in the competition, please leave by yourself and find a place to live nearby. This competition is for you to participate in. There are too many people, there is no place to stay for you." Several guards said one after another.

"Brothers! Next is Yao Han! I came here specially! I want to visit Lord Jin Jin." Yao Han seemed to have anger in his heart, but he suppressed it without breaking out, as if he knew that even he was here. Such irritable people have to endure and lower their heads.

"Yao Han? But that person from the Yao family? I heard that the Yao family is also a family of practitioners, and in the family of practitioners, there is also a financially strong existence. And although no one in the Yao family can reach the headquarters of the blood god, it is blood after all. One of the names of God under Heaven. Are you that Yao family?" Several guards seemed to have energy.

"Exactly! I think several brothers have worked hard too. It's a little bit trivial here! It's disrespectful." Yao Han suddenly took out a bag of money from his body and handed it over. My lord said, Yao Han from my Yao family came to visit."

"Well! It really is from the Yao family." Several guards took the bag of money and opened it. They all looked overjoyed, "Well! After all, they are all brothers. There is no need to distinguish between headquarters and headquarters. Let's go and pass a word for you now."

"Thank you!" Yao Han smiled, but in his heart he seemed to hate these guards.However, the guards did their best after taking away the money. Soon someone went to Jin Jin’s place. After returning, it was said that Jin Jin asked Yao Han to go there and brought Yao Han in. Up.


"Master Jin Jin! I'm here." So soon Yao Han came to Jin Jin's room alone, closed the door, and went to see him, but when he saw Jin Jin half lying on the bed, his face didn't seem pale. Spiritually, "I heard that you have been seriously injured recently, and both of your legs..."

"Yes! My legs are gone! I was broken by a gangster. And that gangster was very powerful. Now my broken legs cannot be completely healed unless I have the strength of Lord Blood God. I can help, otherwise the wound will not heal, and there will be no way to reconnect the legs."

"But even if the Lord Blood God helped me, and I brought back a pair of legs, I couldn't have the same strength as before. I am a completely disabled person." Jin Jin sighed, "That's right. Let’s not talk about my business, but you, Yao Han..."

"Why did you come here to meet me today? I didn't tell you the Yao family! Did you come here to participate in this competition? I hope you can get a good performance and strive to get a good position to enter the Blood God World Headquarters What? What are you doing to see me at this time? Didn't I say that if your Yao family has no special needs, don't come to me. lest..." Jin Jin asked suddenly.

"'s like this." Yao Han lowered his head. "I came along and accidentally provoke a thief woman. That thief woman is not very capable, but I don't know where I found a secret helper. Her master, I am sure that I am not the opponent of the secret master at all."

"I'm thinking... In this game, the thief woman and the secretly assisting expert will deliberately deal with me, I am afraid it will be difficult for me to perform." Yao Han still lowered his head.

"Yao Han! What are you talking about?" Jin Jin seemed to be furious. "At this moment, I asked you the Yao family to send you to fight for the ranking, not to ask you to come over and make trouble. You dare to pay back at this time Have you provoke your opponents for no reason at all?"

"It's great now! If you cause trouble, come to me." Jin Jin said again, "If it weren't for my sister's sake, I really want to slap you to death. I really don't know who my baby is. How can a girl give birth to a headless guy like you? She must have inherited the stupidity of your father."

"Master Jin Jin! Uncle Jin Jin..." Yao Han still lowered his head and rubbed his hands again, but suddenly raised his head courageously and looked straight at Jin Jin, "Something has happened! You can help me! You! Don’t you always take care of me before? This time..."