Wortenia Senki (WN)

Chapter 6, Episode 12 [Invisible Malice] Part 2

Liangzhen Gozai was welcoming one guest that night at the separate residence of the Earl of Salzberg family, nestled in the corner of Pireus, the king's capital.

"Thank you first. Thank you for saving my stepbrother's life the other day. I know my brother-in-law should tell you in person if it was meant to be, but now that one is moving a lot......"

With that said, Count Bergston cut the words once.

I guess I'm biting the meaning of the words I'm about to say.

From the goto floating in its face, Ryo Jin speculated, curious as to what the middle-aged man in front of him was about to tell him.

The only thing I can really do, Liang, is to wait.

Both stare into the other person's eyes together.

After a few seconds of silence, you finally decided to be ready. Count Bergston opened his mouth again.

"Where are we today? We hope to greet you again at a later date with your brother-in-law... Dear Yakuza"

With that said, Count Bergston rises off the couch and bows his head deeply.

Count Bergston, the Earl, bows his head clearly against Ryojin Goshiba, the lower baron.

Indeed, it is true that I helped my brother-in-law Count Zeleif where he was attacked by an assassin, so from the outspoken thinking of the Japanese, I feel extremely natural to bow my head with the utmost respect and gratitude to the benefactor of my life.

But from the general idea of this earth world, it's quite heterogeneous.

That is what is visible if we do it within the courtroom of the many human kingdoms of Roselia who believe in the identity system as absolute, it will be a little commotion.

It is also accompanied by the word "lord".

Well, I guess that's why you revealed the flag in these intimate meetings.

"This is polite. But we are like-minded people. There's no such thing as a hard word."

Liang Zhen gives a surprise look for a moment at the words of such Count Bergston, he immediately nods and smiles.

As Liang Zhen, I only tried to secure a pawn worth using in the future.

If the extreme story, Count Zeleif, were incompetent, Ryo Jin would not have made his life a one-sided deal.

That said, it can be described as a foolish response to tell it face to face.

You will need to show it to Eagle Deep Friends even as Liang Zhen, than Bergston came out poorly against Liang Zhen because of it.

He's the guy who says he can afford a superior, as the saying goes.

Whatever, the Count of Bergston took his honor, albeit unofficially.

This would dramatically change the relationship between the two, which has so far forged a system of cooperation with something.

(Thought I'd have some more, but to observe from the attitude of Count Bergston... looks like you're ready)

Of course, at the time Count Bergston is here, its mind goes without saying now, but it would be a delightful miscalculation to be shown in attitude from the other side as well.

Whatever, they're going to fight against a country called the Kingdom of Roselia.

Negotiations in the form of psychological cornering are less preferable.

As for Liangzhen, I planned to make some future stories before confirming Count Bergston's feelings, a form that unexpectedly saved me time.

(Well, looks like this guy's been hunted down a lot too...)

If you had a decent sense of politics, you would understand and take for granted that the situation in which the Kingdom of Roselia is now placed is fatal.

But it's fundamentally different from what you can understand and what you can deal with.

Not to mention, if that involves the operation of a country that has no final say in the Count of Bergston, it will be suspended.

That said, I'm not supposed to have been hanging around with Count Bergston. I would have worked to support myself to Lupis Roselianus, who has the final say.

But, unfortunately, a woman named Lupis is not fit for the profession of king.

Especially when there are multiple opinions, Lupis tends to be more emotional than rational.

That means you can't make a decisive decision to cut yourself.

How can it be said that the proximity followed for many years, instead of handing over the figure of Mikhail Bannersh, who was taken prisoner of the Duke of Gerhardt from his arbitrary dictatorship in the earlier civil unrest, it is precisely a remarkable example of this that he has acknowledged the Duke's deference, who was the head of the hostile forces.

Of course, pity is not a drawback.

But if the king drowns in love and runs the country, it's confusing and natural.

That is why if Lupis had embraced the decoration of the symbol of the country, this country, the Kingdom of Roselia, could have grasped a different future.

But reality is ruthless.

Many of the nobles question Lupis' ability to govern and are gathering again under his belly sister, Ladine Roselianus, and Viscount Gerhardt, who is in charge of her.

The domestic situation is also unstable. Some of the nobles are running to augment armaments in the territory out of anxiety they can't see ahead of them, and are also coming out with unscrupulous tax takeovers.

Well, it's an easy action to take when the powerful feel anxious.

But I didn't know that if I were to take the tax.

There's only one thing they want. Life is stable.

Extreme stories, as long as this can be maintained, no matter who the rulers are, they will not move one eyebrow at a time.

As a result, clashes occur between the civilian population and the nobility that is the lord.

Also the other day, the villages of the south were raised together and the SS Knights from Wang Du just headed for the suppression of about a battalion.

Fortunately, the suburbs of Wangdu are still peaceful, but that won't last that long either.

I miss the streets of Wangdu even more than I did last year.

With the destabilisation of the domestic situation, economic activity is on the way to contraction.

As a country, I would say it is no longer near the end.

(Well, I'm the one who pushed it to be that way)

To be more precise, it is the form in which Ryo Trun rode the thoughts of someone who hoped this Kingdom of Roselia would be confused.

I can't say it's the main culprit, but it would be an accomplice.

However, there is not even a sense of companionship between the main offender and the accomplice.

By now, even the main culprit would be at a time when he suspects some intervention in a situation that pushes him unexpectedly.

No, assuming the main culprit is Ryo Tru's imaginary opponent, they may already have figured out who the invisible accomplice is.

(Either way, a trial in the House of Lords is the key to everything...)

Ryo Zhen felt a sense of uplift like current running on her body.

That's the pleasure you could never have had when you lived in peaceful modern Japan.

(When this happens, it may not have been a bad idea to be called to this earth world...)

With that in mind, Ryo Jin poured wine into a glass placed in front of Count Bergston.

as a sign of welcoming a new and committed competent minister.