Wortenia Senki (WN)

Chapter 6, Episode 31 [Tongue Warfare] Part 3

Liang Zhen proceeds inside the House of Lords as he is led by Hamilton, who walks in the lead.

It's a pretty huge building, even if it's not as big as the Royal Palace.

Would they have walked close enough?

Throughout that time, Ryo Gen gently scratched his hair at Hamilton's attitude, which turned a flickering glance at him.

Indeed, if we try to take the family to Hamilton, where they held the family hostage because of the hands of the Igazaki people, we would be anxious and unable to help ourselves in the present situation.

Anyway, when I got home last night, only one letter placed in the house that was a mushroom was the only information.

Hamilton's breasts will be full of questions about who grabbed his family for what.

And the man with the most motivation and executable power in the present situation is right in front of Hamilton.

It's not hard to imagine that Hamilton would have eaten and hung Ryo if the Knight of the Guard hadn't been with him.

Hamilton must feel like a ghost or a demon.

Without looking at why I was targeted or why.

(It should be written in the letter that if it serves me properly, there will be no problem. From the feeling of watching my complexion frequently, anyone's guide should be predictable...)

For a moment, Liangzhen sighs a small sigh as she looks at Hamilton, who turns away in panic as Liangzhen and his gaze fit.

(I don't know how you feel, but I don't have that much credit, do I? Totally...... I'm still a good person to talk to among my classmates)

Indeed, I'm sure there's no coverage for Hamilton's family to return safely, just because they executed the order that was written in the letter, and Hamilton himself wouldn't believe it, even if there was a guarantee.

But at least Ryo Jin won't rebel from herself about the promise she made once.

Even using the same means, after kidnapping Elena's daughter and letting her quit the general, she broke the deal flat and sold it off to the slave traders, because now she's not a bastard like the late General Arleberg.

Of course, there will be good use of interpretations of parts that are not clearly promised.

It's a guy called the Grey Zone, which is between black and white, as the saying goes.

But I can assure you that there is no only way to step into the black realm.

Even if it was a one-sided thing by promises or letters like this one.

Even kidnappers, criminals who make it their business, say they always release hostages when they pay the ransom, but the same thing.

Of course, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of kidnappers who only take money and kill hostages, and sometimes the purpose of the kidnapping is other than money, so I wouldn't be able to say it all.

However, it is also an undeniable fact that hostages may return if, on the other hand, ransom is paid without police intervention.

After all, the question is whether the kidnapper is a professional 'professional' criminal or just an amateur.

Because professional criminals never break a contract or promise.

Because you know that fulfilling what you promised once is the most important foundation for building relationships, and you understand that it is the only guarantee in a human being who chooses to live a way that presupposes breaking the laws of the world: criminals.

Naturally, they also ask for the same sincerity and credibility as themselves.

Credit or trust is something that should be two-way.

And people who don't understand it will always be paid for their lives at some point.

Without distinction between myself or my family...

In that sense, Hamilton can even still be described as lucky.

I did buy Ryo True anger from cheap behavior, but at least it's not that I'm getting a life takeover without question, because it leaves me with a path to reunite with my family.

(It's a moment when I lose credibility, but when it takes a long time to get it, my grandfather used to tell me... I only felt like a May fly novel then...)

That's a word most Japanese have been told to say once by their parents.

And I can put it in a relationship and say it's the most important concept.

As there is a saying that it is difficult to clap alone, a man cannot live alone.

And beyond not being able to live alone, credibility and trust can be described as essential concepts in forming a group.

Did I just say that credibility is derived from past actions and achievements and that trust is a positive future expectation that is predicted using credibility as a foundation?

That's why Liang Zhen never trusts or trusts Lupis Roselianus, who used his position to show him by unilaterally breaking promises.

(Well, let me use it...)

As Liang Zhen thought about it with a bad grin of people, Hamilton, leading the way, stopped in front of the big door.

You must have arrived in the room where the interrogation will be held.

From the stunning decoration applied to the door and the fact that the guard knight stands on the left and right, there seems to be no mistake in its recognition.

When Hamilton nodded small, the door slowly opened due to the hands of the knights.

(Well, you can leave this to the Igazakis... I have to do my job)

Ryo Jin snuck in the door with Hamilton on his ass with the look on his face that still said something.

It was a pretty big room there.

No, it would be more appropriate to say courtroom than room.

I don't know Liang Zhen, but yesterday the merchants, starting with Roberto, fought their tongues in a hall called the Grand Court.

In Japan, when interrogation is held, it is passed into a room called the interrogation room, but apparently not in this Kingdom of Roselia.

"His Excellency Baron Koshiba. Come here......"

One of the guard knights standing alongside Zlari at the wall leads Ryojin.

Ryo Jin quickly ran his gaze across the courtroom as he followed the lead and advanced his legs.

(That's a lot of vigilance... Well, it's only natural that security is tight in court courtrooms... you know, four to fifty things I've been looking at)

The House of Lords is more than one of the important institutions of the Kingdom of Roselia, it is only natural that knights are deployed as security in its courts.

But this number would also be quite excessive.

"Please stand here"

There, right in the heart of this room.

It's a place a step higher from the floor.

Before that, a small table is placed to see if the material can be placed.

From that perspective alone, the making of the courtroom does not seem so different, even in different worlds.

(But... there's only one chair... for Christ's sake, I'm worried my legs are gonna get swollen)

Aside from whether it is harassment or whether Liang Zhen, who asks for such consideration from the people of this earth world, is stupid, he says to stay standing until the interrogation is over.

Liang Zhen sighed small, standing straight in the center of the room.

The sound of tapping a wooden pedestal with a wooden hammer sounds, as if waiting for it.

And of the twenty nobles sitting in front of Liang Zhen, a group of men sitting high opened their mouths gradually.

"Now, shall we begin the interrogation?"

Apparently, there's not a word of apology while keeping Liang Zhen waiting in that cramped room all day and night.

It's a human voice that stands above people and takes for granted to command them.

Besides, when he sees things he doesn't name, he knows about himself and takes it for granted.

(Well, it's an aristocratic heavy town. There won't be nobles in this country who won't change this guy's face...)

Indeed, it is unpleasant.

But even Liang Zhen cannot fail to acknowledge the power of the Marquis of Halcyon.

Nobility. It is the largest group in the country, made up of nobles in the Kingdom of Roselia, culminating in the former Duke of Gerhardt.

However, the nobles are largely called aristocrats in bulk, but their insights vary.

For example, some nobles aim to prosper within their own territory, while others attach more importance to the struggle for power within the royal palace than to the management of their territory. Also, if you are a nobleman who worships a territory close to the border line, you will attach importance to the military.

And the Marquis of Halcyon is the head of a group known as the bureaucratic nobility who presides over the politics of the kingdom among the nobles.

In fact, there is something out of line about the Marquis Halcyon's power.

Would the House of Lords be like a court dedicated to aristocracy, to say the least, which specializes in the treatment and punishment of human beings referred to the nobility?

Indeed, the supreme authority for the royal government, the Kingdom of Roselia, is the King, Lupis Roselianus. All of justice, legislation and administration are held in her hands.

But even such a supreme power doesn't mean she can handle all the work.

Of course, the final approval is given by Lupis, the queen.

However, it is quite difficult to intervene to the practical.

And that's why the chief of the division is Marquis Halcyon, sitting in front of Ryo Tru and grinning arrogantly.

(Come on, how does the Marquis come out...... first, do you take one shot and see how it goes)

Ryo Zhen took a deep, deep breath and slowly opened his mouth.