Wuliang Advertiser

Chapter 265

The woman Ma Xiaoju is talking about is not someone else, but the product manager that Wu Liang looked at, Han Ke.

As the manager of the Magic City Game Division, Han Ke's wealthy family, dressing, etc. are undoubtedly a representative of the Magic City beauty. It is not surprising that she has such confidence. It is only because she believes in Wu Liang's vision , Um, yes, Wu Liang looked at her eyes.

She remembered very clearly that it was the look in the wolf's eyes, and she believed even more that if she hooked her finger, perhaps the heroine would settle down.

However, she has her pride. She doesn’t want to be just a heroine. She wants to be the queen of the world. She understands products. She also has all kinds of novel ideas. All she needs is to show herself. An opportunity.

When Wu Liang stepped into their office, she knew that this was an opportunity for her. Obviously, she seized it. She got the coveted position of product manager. She believed that she had also entered Wu Liang’s vision. Why not continue to impress her even more?

So, she signed up generously and prepared 10,000 coins, just waiting for the ticket window to open.

Han Ke's thoughts are many in the heavens. If you have to comment, it is the yearning for a better life, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Such opportunities are rare. According to the news posted on the Internet, it is an advertising contract worth 100 million yuan. The amount and intensity of advertising can refer to Xizhilang's jelly series.

It’s not easy to create a new star with such advertising bombing, and there are precedents. Isn’t the female protagonist of Palmtop finally flying on the branch to marry the rich?

What a seductive or powerful idiom to become famous overnight.

This has also resulted in that the hot sales of ball coins have tripled in a short period of time, and physical point cards across the country have been in a hurry. As the director of operations, Zeng Liqing has always been painful and happy recently, and the sales momentum has been strong. Ma Xiaoju can’t feed him because he can’t supply his points.

It can be said that such an event affects the nerves of the entire Fujisun company. Just like Ma Yun on Double Eleven, everyone in the company is busy working on this matter.

Even developed into a Double Eleven Carnival Night

Wu Liang estimates that as the voting progresses, there will be a wave of ball coin sales peaks. After all, there are too many people who don't lack money. What they lack is such a chance to become famous.

Of course, with the introduction of Ma Xiaoju, Li Yongjun became more and more happy. When he understood why Fujisun would promote him at such a low price, he patted Wu Liang on the shoulder and said with a lot of emotion, "The times are true. It's different, it can still make money like this!"

Wu Liang smiled, "You got the promotion, Fujixun got the benefits, and everyone got what they needed. This is called win-win cooperation!"

Ma Xiaoju was in a good mood and laughed loudly, "The one who wins consultant Wu wins the world!"

Ma Xiaoju’s evaluation of Wu Liang cannot be said to be low. From the development of Fujisun this year, you can see that Wu Liang played a ball in a trick, which is exactly what he said, "Free is the basis of software. , And then everyone uses it, which has a user base, and then only needs to consider making a small portion of people’s money."

He admired Wu Liang from the bottom of his heart. He had an impulse to knock on Wu Liang’s head and take a closer look at how he grew up and why when everyone was at a loss, he was the one who knew best. ?

After listening to Ma Xiaoju’s introduction, Li Yongjun’s heart was determined. In this way, Wu Liang’s plan to spend money from Li Yongjun’s pockets can be implemented smoothly. An advertising contract of 100 million yuan and a handling fee of 15 points. For the company, there is also a lot of revenue. If there are more similar advertising contracts, the advertising company can develop healthily.

In the evening, Ma Xiaoju served as the host, hosted a banquet for Li Yongjun and at the same time helped Wu Liang.

Wu Liang was happy to see such a scene.

After today, the foundation of Wu Liang Advertising Company in network promotion has been formed. Relying on Qiuqiu's vast user base to carry out similar business activities, this is a welcome step and a good start for his advertising platform business integration.

Early the next morning, Wu Liang went to work vigorously, but instead of going to the advertising company, he continued to stay at Fujisun.

He wants to know the latest data.

After Wu Liang arrived at Fujisune, he discovered that Zhang Zhidong had a dark face. After Wu Liang asked carefully, he learned the whole story.

It turned out that after the surge in traffic, the substation servers in many provinces were a bit overwhelmed and in a state of collapse.

One of the reasons for this is that, in order to better display themselves, the registered photos have relatively large pixels, and the fastest pictures on the web are the GIF format. However, few people choose to use the GIF format. Upload.

The reason is, of course, that the image quality is really bad and the distortion is severe. If such a photo is uploaded, it is possible that there will be netizens voting or two opinions.

As a result, when people concentrated on voting, they suddenly realized that the photos of the various contestants were no longer visible.

I’m blind, I can’t see the photos, just rely on the text below to vote?

Let's not hide people so much!

Wu Liang encountered such an incident when he arrived at Fujisun. As the technical director, Zhang Zhidong is in a good mood.

To be more serious, this is a serious technical error. What they are discussing now is how to resolve this crisis.

Zhang Zhidong's first consideration was to continue to increase the rental of network bandwidth to provide better and faster Internet speeds for those who voted online. However, soon, this proposal was rejected by him.

The problem now lies in the server, the download volume is too large, the server is overwhelmed, the bandwidth has increased a bit, and some improvements have been made. After all, the fundamental problem cannot be solved.

Immediately afterwards, it was proposed that the pixel setting of each photo can be specified, and it should not be larger than 200kb, which can save a lot of storage space and data exchange.

This is a good solution, but what must be solved is the distortion of the image, which is stumping everyone!

Fujisun is not a fake company. They use image processing software also use other people's products, and they don't write image processing software themselves.

After listening to everyone’s discussion, Wu Liang said weakly, "I mean, if there is such a software now, he can greatly compress the size of the photo, and if the image is not distorted, then you can Can't solve the current dilemma?"

Zhang Zhidong knew that Wu Liang was the owner of the Sozhu input method. Yes, he was the owner. Wu Liang claimed to be the software developed by his own team. Later, because the capital chain was broken, the team couldn’t afford to pay and the team fell apart. Finally, Wu Liang sold the software to Dapingyang Computer Network. It was still a semi-finished product. All server settings and so on needed to be added again.

In other words, in Zhang Zhidong's eyes, Wu Liang is just a good product manager rather than a genius programmer. He has seven skills in programming and has no knowledge of everything.

Wu Liang's questioning was also slightly unprofessional, and Zhang Zhidong patiently explained it again.

Wu Liang understood, and smiled brilliantly, "Understood, leave it to me, prepare a U disk for me, and I will copy one on my computer!"