Upstairs at the Adventurers Bureau.

The passageways lined with thick doors are sparsely crowded and unusual and quiet from the lobby downstairs.

It's the perfect place for talks that others don't want to hear thanks to.

"This way, Mr. Thor. You're all waiting inside."

"Thank you, thank you."

To Thor's frank words of gratitude, Enna, the receptionist who was guiding her, grinned.

Adventurers can also reverse their position if they become true silver, and are treated like they can be deeply drooled within the Adventurers Bureau.

Because of this, the majority of people behave differently towards their employees.

But Tor, who became B-ranked in the flying as the hero who freed Botheria, can't even sense such signs.

Would that be more right than modesty, rather unchanged?

Enna was naturally bowing her head on the back of Tor as she opened the door and walked in with a taunted attitude.

And as I went down the stairs and back to my usual point of contact, I remembered the fact that I barely exchanged words until about four months ago, and whined patiently about the mouth I would lift alone.

"... almost six months. You're just a few minutes from A-rank, Mr. Thor."

The room was more spacious than I thought. The ceiling is high, with two windows with armor doors.

Large, rectangular oak table in the center.

The number of chairs was four, of which the ancestors had already sat on the tripod.

A man in the deepest corner prompts him with his gaze to sit in the empty chair in front of him on the toil that came in.

"It's Tor. Regards."

The first person to react to his greeting as he pulled the chair was the red-haired man on the right.

It wouldn't have arrived at thirty when I was old. He has a good fleshy soft face and is dressed in a tight black robe.

The man in the rear-guard-like outfit nodded in a daze, lifting his hands and calling on the other two.

"Hi, my name is Baluconia. No, I've heard rumors. You think he's the hero who made me crawl out of the mud? Ladies and gentlemen, you seem to like a lot of those rumors. What do you think? I would love to hear a lot more about you on this occasion."

"Well, chatter. Such things would be better with booze seats. What do you think, you can drink?

Immediately pinching his mouth from the side was the man who stretched out his green feathers long sitting on the left.

This one has a flipped, sharp eye and a look reminiscent of a raptor.

He's only about two turns thick on his right arm, so apparently he deals with bows.

"I like booze, but I don't like to waste it."

"Right, too bad. Oh, you're late. It's Chill, the leader of the Storm Peak Alliance, the permanent family."

After the name, the man comes to see how he expects something.

But because of the lack of response to Thor's face as he had thought, he turned to the side with only a slight glance at his face.

"... it's Sorlugham"

The last time I spoke briefly was great sitting across the street.

Probably the biggest guy Thor's ever met.

Cut the dull blonde hair into short pieces, and behind the indented orbit peeks a purple eye with a powerful light.

The two arms, like a swooping marutai, were engraved with ancient wounds of war.

Where the three of them finish their names, the red-haired man opens his mouth again.

"So how many times was the......... Well, okay. Shall we begin the meeting of the Silver Alliance?"

"Baluconia? He's the captain of Burning Fire, and it's a rumor that he's a pretty good fireman."

Suddenly Gauld, who has pinned his mouth to the retrospective scene, Tor turns a frightened glance.

But he exhaled as if he had given up on the appearance of a friend who would lift his jaw as he was good at it.

You've heard of Burning Fire Bearer. I hear it's close to Straccia and the other SS. "

"Oh, the crew is almost all red-tailed... Oh, I knew you, too."

"Is anyone there?

"Look, once at the training ground, you knocked me out. Russell."

"... Oh, oh! That's him. I didn't know his name, but I kind of remembered it."

When I was still partying with Sola, I was the one who had become obsessed with the suspicion of guiding a banned new adventurer.

Nodding in nostalgia, Thor switches to a second story.

"Do you also know the Cuiyu men? If I didn't know his name, I'd be disappointed."

"Is that Chill from the permanent house? He's a man of strong self-esteem. I mean, you know them too."

"Yeah? No, I don't know..."

"Huh? Dude, you just went around the nest of ants with me the other day!

"What, could it be Mr. Chita?

Thor, remembering a rider with a quiet tone, stretched his back and gazed with surprise.

The moo behind me is oppressed because of it and leaks nagging sleep.

"Oh, that kid is Chill's sister. Well, you'd think I'd be asking you exactly what your name is."

"You should be stared at over and over again... Is it also famous as the Storm Peak Alliance?

"You're a coalition faction of the Cui Yu and Tea Horn clans. If I'd made it through the wilderness, I'd probably have joined."

"Right. When the Red-tailed tribe is in Baluconia, and the Cuiyu and Tea Horn tribes are in Chill..."

"The Thunder Asthma Regiment, of which Sollgham is the leader, is a faction of the Purple Eye clan. It's gotta be the biggest in Dadan."

"I see. If you ask me, the style was splendid. No Ethereal Scales or Grey Ears?

"You don't know what I'm talking about. Recovery jobs and support jobs have come forward, and I guess it's hard to form a sidekick party because of the small number."

Garoud, who gave the most apparent reason, let him shake his head gently as he loosened his reins.

"It feels like those three factions, led by the three of them, are partitioning essentially, below the true silver class. So, the gathering of the heads met with the Silver Alliance. So, what the hell have you been talking about?

"It was a tough story..."

A prison labyrinth attended by the Vajra class exists in the Misty Demon Swamp, a true silver hunting ground.

The mud is difficult to land on a flying dragon boat, so in order for Straccia and the others to get there, they have to get down in front and cross the swamp.

Tolles, the job imposed on the B-rank adventurers was to secure a round-trip route for this purpose.

It's to drive out monsters that get in the way, repair broken passages, and watch the A-rank adventurers connect back to the labyrinth.

To do this, we have to use three camps along the road and do a lot of things according to Stracchia's plans.

Meetings were meant to determine the order of responsibility for their carrying around.

Naturally, the new Tors do not deserve to use that camp.

That's why he was suggested to belong to one of the three factions.

"If you're a Bossarian hero, you're back. Where did you decide that?

"He told me it would be hard to decide right now, and I talked about going around the three places every week. They say it's a trial period."

"Right. I'm glad you had time to think about it."

"As far as I'm concerned, I'd prefer a fourth choice. You see..."

While we talked for a long time, the carriage had at some point come to a position where we could see the black-dyed wetlands.

At the same time, the incredible sight that spreads behind the sight of the Tors is reflected in their disbelief.

A unique moisture-containing wind blew, and the sleeping moo sneezed a lot smaller.

Did you even hear the sound of it? A little door opened behind your podium and the brunette girl turned up.

My hair, which I usually let play with freely, is now tightly tied and put together on both sides like a dough.

"Tor, it's time, you got it -?

"Oh, you have cute hair today, Miss Sola"

"Heh. Yuryl did it for me."

"You look great, Sola. You've got less than five minutes to get to the fort."

The decaying stone walls near the marsh entrance are said to be remnants of the time when the central state was still stationing its troops in the sanctuary.

As evening was already near, the Tors planned to stay there overnight.

The horse can't stand the dark temper long enough, so Garoud pulls it up as it is when he unloads his luggage.

Sora nodded at Thor's reply, but as soon as his gaze turned forward, he rested from body to body.

It spreads in front of a girl who doesn't blind herself with flashes of...

A sea of black mud on one side with no depth in sight.

Its gloomy, monotonous landscape had a pompous and eye-catching change.

As it protruded from the mud, there were a number of longitudinal shadows.

There must still be quite a distance, but it's big enough to be clearly visible.

Besides, at first glance, it also looked like an Oki. It (...) et al. was moving slowly.

Though it is fast enough for bugs to crawl.

By the way, it is hard to see that the shadow is equipped with something that looks like a hand or foot because of the clear white shadow.

It was a huge herd of people walking around the swamps full of concern.

Defeating this mud-poisoned giant is a condition for promotion to A-rank.