Young Master Lu's Warm Wedding and His Lovely New Bride

Chapter 482 Su Jianan Knows The Truth

A Guang heard the cautious expectation in Xu Youning's tone, and he hesitated not knowing how to speak.

On the surface, Mou Sijue is of course normal.

The only anomaly is that Mu Sijue sometimes loses his mind. No one knows what he is thinking when he loses his mind, or... who he is thinking about.

After weighing it up, Ah Guang finally chose to conceal: “Now Brother Seven is just like before. After finishing the company’s business, he has to go to the club to handle other things. Your job has been taken over. That person has done a good job. Brother didn't send anyone to track down your whereabouts, he should have given up, you can rest assured."

Mu Sijue stopped chasing her—this should be the answer Xu Youning wanted?

In fact, Xu Youning also hopes that this is the answer she wants, so that she can give a gentle "Oh" to show that she doesn't care.

However, this simple word got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't send it out.

Her departure really had no effect on Mu Sijue.

Obviously it was something that had been anticipated a long time ago, why would you still be disappointed, and still feel sad in your heart?

It took a long time for Xu Youning to find her voice. She gave a difficult "um" and changed the subject abruptly: "After going back that night, did Mu Sijue treat you like that?"

"Of course I'm okay." A Guang smiled lightly and whitewashed the peace, and said nothing about the truth that night. "You also know the relationship between my dad and the Mu family. Seventh brother shouldn't do anything to me for this little thing. Well, he just said that if there is another time, he will not let me go so easily."

Having said this, the ease in A Guang's tone disappeared. He sighed, his tone seemed to be smiling, and also full of sadness: "But... there should be no next time."

Xu Youning knew what A Guang meant.

She couldn't go back to Mu Sijue's side. The side with A Guang on the top of the mountain that night was their last, and it was the last time A Guang helped her.

They will never meet again.

For Xu Youning, A Guang is a very special existence.

Since her parents' accident, Xu Youning no longer believes in the so-called friends, so she has been alone in her student career for decades, without a close friend.

Later, following Kang Ruicheng, she was surrounded by Kang Ruicheng’s subordinates, and all of her subordinates were in a competitive relationship. She instinctively did not believe in people she knew in this environment, plus she was used to being alone before, so she simply was not there. Show up at any gathering.

In the eyes of others, she was trying to remain mysterious, but in fact, she just didn't bother to deal with strangers.

After so many years, she didn't think it was a strange thing to have no friends.

Until she met A Guang.

In front of ordinary people, A Guang is a healthy and handsome young man. He smiles so that the sun is almost dazzling. He is even more polite to people. He smiles as if he will never lose his temper. I don’t know how many girls in bars and clubs know. Like him secretly.

However, when facing the enemy of Mu Sijue, Ah Guang seemed to put on another mask. He became fierce and decisive, and the attack was quick and ruthless, and the king's style did not lose to Mu Sijue.

He is obviously a double-faced person, but he can always make people forget his harsh side, just remember how sunny and dazzling he is.

What’s even more amazing is that a group of men and his outside brothers do not just call him brothers on the surface, but really treat him as his own brother and trust him 100%. As long as he says a word, those people can all appear.

Even Xu Youning, who is accustomed to being alone, can't help but want to be friends with him.

He is also Xu Youning's only friend.

Xu Youning lost her grandmother and Mu Sijue, and now she also lost her only friend.

The heart seemed to be suddenly pierced by a needle, a sharp pain spread from the chest cavity to the whole body, and Xu Youning's eye sockets heated up suddenly.

She covered her mouth to prevent herself from choking, "It's okay. A Guang, goodbye."

A Guang's voice is low: "Goodbye."

This time, maybe I'll never see you again, even if I see you again, it's hostile.

So it's better not to see.

Xu Youning hung up the phone and buried her face in her palm. After all, she couldn't hold it back, and the rustling tears quickly wetted her palm.

In order not to show off, she hid herself in the bed, bite the corner of the bed with all her strength, and swallowed the choking sound back.

The road ahead is still long, but no matter how dangerous or smooth, she can only go on alone.



Dingya Villa, Lu Family, Study.

As soon as Lu Boyan finished processing the documents, he received a call from Mu Sijue:

"She has been picked up by Kang Ruicheng. She told A Guang that she is very happy after getting rid of me." Mu Sijue's calm voice revealed a sense of fatigue, "Now, you can put Grandma Xu's death and Xu Youning as an undercover agent. I told Su Yicheng about the incident."

"I know." After a pause, Lu Boyan asked, "How are you?"

Mu Sijue smiled bitterly: "I realize what your mood was when Jian An signed to divorce you. But you are luckier than me. Jian An doesn't really want to divorce you, but Xu Youning... is true. Can’t wait to leave me."

In the end, Mou Sijue's tone has turned into self-deprecating.

Lu Boyan said with a smile instead of: "This is the first time I heard you speak in this tone. I didn't expect it to be because of Xu Youning."

Mu Sijue laughed "Oh", "I didn't expect it to be Xu Youning..."

He thought he would never fall in love with anyone in his life.But in the end, he fell in love with an undercover who approached him with purpose.

After pondering for a moment, Lu Boyan still said: "I used to think that it was impossible for me and Jian An, but now, we are very good together, maybe you and Xu Youning..."

"It's impossible for me and Xu Youning." Mu Sijue interrupted Lu Boyan with a low and deep voice, as if to cover up certain emotions. "You and Jian An can finally be together because you like her and she happens to be I like you, but Xu Youning..." Mu Sijue suddenly paused and changed the subject abruptly, "How long can I hide this from Jian'an?"

"At the latest, when Yicheng and Xiao Xi have a wedding, she will find the clues." Lu Boyan said, "I don't want to keep this from her for too long. She has always regarded Xu Youning as a friend. Waiting for her to find the clues is worse than me. Come tell her the truth."

Mu Sijue just said: "You can tell her."

After saying a few more things, Lu Boyan hung up the phone and turned around and saw Su Jianan standing outside the study room.

Su Jianan's expression was as usual, and he couldn't tell if he heard anything that he shouldn't hear.

Lu Boyan went out and asked tentatively, "Aren't you resting in the room?"

"What's wrong with You Ning?" Su Jianan held one hand on his stomach and looked at Lu Boyan calmly, "I heard everything, what's the matter?"

Knowing that he couldn't hide it, Lu Boyan took Su Jianan into the study, let her sit on the sofa, and told her concisely that Xu Youning was an undercover agent sent by Kang Ruicheng.

"There are two more things." Lu Boyan continued, "The document Kang Ruicheng used to threaten you half a year ago was handed to Kang Ruicheng by Xu Youning."

"What?" Su Jianan just felt incredulous when he heard this, "Why would she do this?"

Because of Xu's grandma and her first impression of Xu Youning, Su Jianan has always regarded Xu Youning as a friend, and she never thought that Xu Youning would do anything to hurt her.

However, the biggest injury she suffered after losing her mother was Xu Youning who led the fire...

It is hard for her not to be disappointed.

"However, the person who returned Lu's innocence is also Xu Youning." Lu Boyan continued, "She violated Kang Ruicheng's order and handed over the explosives in Fantine Garden. The police decided based on what she handed over. The responsibility for the accident is not with Lu's. Otherwise, maybe until now, Lu's hasn't stepped through that difficulty."

Su Jianan shook his head: "What happened to You Ning?" He hurt her, but helped Lu through the difficulties. Is this Xu You Ning's compensation?

Lu Boyan said: "We have no way to imagine many things that happened to Xu Youning."

"...Will Mu Sijue treat You Ning?" Su Jianan found that he still couldn't hate Xu You Ning, and his tone showed concern.

Lu Boyan said: "According to the rules, Si Jue should handle her cleanly."

Su Jianan naturally understood what this "processing" meant, and subconsciously grasped|holding Lu Boyan's hand: "No! Grandma Xu is very old, she lost her daughter when she was young, and You Ning is her only relative. She cannot bear such a big blow"

"Jianan," Lu Boyan held Su Jianan's hand and told her heavily, "Grandma Xu is dead."


This time, Su Jianan didn't react for a long time, staring at Lu Boyan in a daze, a layer of mist slowly spread in his eyes.

"Don't cry." Lu Boyan took Su Jianan into his arms and let her head against his chest, "Grandma Xu doesn't want you to be sad."

"What's the matter?" Su Jianan raised his head, looking at Lu Boyan with misty eyes, "Grandma Xu was obviously fine when we were on the island."

On the island, she also called Granny Xu with Xu Youning, listening to the voice of the old man from the remote G city, only a few days now, telling her that Granny Xu is gone?

"Jian'an, the matter in the middle is very complicated. I can't tell you too clearly right now." Lu Boyan wiped the tears for Su Jian'an. "When this matter is resolved, I will tell the whole matter. You, huh?"

Although Su Jianan was eager to know the truth, she knew that she should listen to Lu Boyan at this time, and nodded: "Where is You Ning, where is she now?"

Yu-Ning Xu and Granny Xu depended on each other since childhood, and the person who was most sad about the death of Granny Xu should be Xu Yuning.

"Xu Youning is in City A." Lu Boyan said, "She has returned to Kangrui City."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Su Jianan's eyes appeared bright, but the second half of the sentence that followed immediately made the light in her eyes dark.

"This is Yuning's choice?" Su Jianan asked.

Lu Boyan nodded.

Su Jianan struggled for a while, and finally just sighed: "Forget it."

Everyone has the right to choose. Xu You-ning must have her reason for choosing to return to Kangrui City. She is not Xu You-ning, so what right does she have to make comments?

She couldn't understand why Xu Youning chose this way. It can only prove that no one has really understood Xu Youning...