Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Anekdot 9644 (Cross) Tension to sink from its three major promotions

Thus, 0032 ─ Mitsu jumped in where he thought the interview was over. During the Demon King's Castle period, Cross also remembered to look at his face, even if he didn't remember the individual number, and Krasabi should have been familiar with him in the cooking area, but Krasabi looks half-hearted at first. Sure enough, if you ask her number, Cross is not as shadowy as I think he is another demon tribe that looks alike. Speaking of Double-O, there's got to be a hundred teams, they're supposed to be the leaders of some unit.

Except for my own people, everyone was such a selection, so it's not surprising in itself that there is such a mite, but everyone dont pull when they answer the "Lord" question and hear that the maximum magic retention is 13 and will be 68 above the average. I'm just amazed that the double number that allows me to free up my appearance and my system with its immense magic is such a bleak body and costume. But Krasabi emotionally clasped his mouth at further "Lord" questions, and Krasabi finally convinced himself with Mitsu's remarks. There was an emotional resumption between people who liked each other, and even though I felt unusual that I could get a natural cry, I also dated Cross only because they were almost all in tune. Exactly, because you can't even shed a tear of lies from the projected eyes of the junction, using the intent of normally densifying only the head you just wore, to materialize only the top from the neck, you still squeezed energy full of small magic retention, so the body part wrapped around the junction is closer to the gas body than Scarska's ─ sponge.

To the word of the Lord, who passed to Mitsu, cut the meat of the day - even though it might have been Nori - all the SS, who took the highest vows of the Demon Nation before us, were taught that the Lord, who brought in the Krasabi, was the puppet of Master Galenos' legacy, and was motivated not to leave one. Cross himself was so confused by himself that he broke such a great oath, but when I heard that fact, I felt like it had all fallen to my heart. Besides, the Lord, its absolute lord, made me all SS to bow my head "thank you". This is a pinned cross that wonders if the meaning of the supreme oath has not been conveyed, and soon when he flies a wipline to Krasabi, the Lord answers that he has just been born and that his knowledge of the devil tribe still seems to be indelible. I lean my neck cross wondering if that would happen, but Krasabi said he would explain it a lot later, so he decided to leave it to me that I wouldn't dare to shame him.

Then, this time in the order of the numbers - so each was named like a human being, and Cross was the first to receive this name. It is an unworthy name for a vampire, but I tell him that I want him not to say clear brains when he is questioned by Krasabi, but to say holy spiritual system resistance, thinking that he would be worthy of a name that is not worthy of vampires, either to wrap himself in a kingdom, or to consider the kingdom itself his own flesh and also to be resistant to the repellence of holy water. Rudely, they said Krasabi was going to be "the maker of the way my head turns until I don't need it". I urinated and failed at the time of the numbering, but it is my job up there to use my head to think, and my men who are smart etc. hate me, they are obsolete and natural. Now he's missing, but in wisdom and ruse, it's high on rumours that there's nothing left to the right under the authority of Mr. Galenos, and it's inevitable that the Grand Count Ronoweh is in the Residual Demon Clan, but he boasts of his brainy clarity.

When I was so convinced to suppress the exhilaration of feeling that I was first given a name, except for the crunchy one, Cross was also the first to get the next energy supplement from the blood filled by the doll. Earlier, from the Absolute Lord, who took the highest vow of the Demonic Nation, he ran an electric shock on the harp line of Cross's pride that being given Whipley's energy source - blood - is arguably an honor that is too much to fear, and more importantly, that it is best deposited in that honor.

(Yay! Does this mean that if you're a human, you're going to sneak up on the first side room after the crunch? But in this body... This is, well, an extra honor, isn't it?

Though it captures the exuberant voltage at all costs, even though it is intense downwards - no, that's why it's usually in a tough demonic society with an upward and downward relationship, and this treatment - and the fact that you can be the first - has caused Cross to rise. Finally, I feel that a turning period of destiny has arrived for me as well, a cross where I feel something in me has started making a petite noise. On the other hand, the question remains as to where superior blood containing this luxurious magic has been sourced from and stuffed in the doll, but the cross, which has become super full of magical energy of blood that seems unprecedented, has filled the body with enough magic to allow it to change freely without good wipley anyway, although this is pretty much how everyone in the SS looks.

And reality is tough. To myself, the first order was the simple task of transporting a defeated group. Together with 11 bodies in the first half of the end of the blood-sucking earlier, they change from dresses to discreet attire and leave the Wang Capital, but for a moment the tension dropped. Cross happened to rejoin Lagon and Mitsu at the Platoshire field near the buffer area of their destination, but because of their lack of special abilities or four on the 9,000 platform are returned to the Wang Capital to be hit by this and other large number of miscellaneous servants called Ronouette's search, which makes them increasingly motivated to fall to the ground. According to information that came in late on the wipline, a battle with the chimps was also fought in an obscure inn where the Crosses left off, but he was depressed by despair that he was unlikely to do anything to such a rough thing in this powerless body of his, and gave up as part one of the downward work of the demon hunt, which has now even gone missing. In the Wang capital, which is being searched for by Ronoweth, the real Lord, Lago, came out of the royal castle after wandering around the neighborhood of the escaping Negra. Anything nearby is told by Krasabi to head out to greet the SS, and Naoko flies right away. Cross hated to think he was playing and watched for a while, but saw Nanako reach from a distance and went into the breeding shed about it.

The real lord didn't even feel the aura of the devil tribe or the magic devil's words that were peculiar, as I had heard from Krasabi, but as soon as I met you, I naturally feel the bondage of absolute obedience. It seems that his identity and power are hidden, but the overwhelming identity difference or absolute subordination reminded him of a distance very unlikely to reach. Moreover, although you responded well to the brief greeting, it is also about time that I became involved with Lagon during the interview. According to Krasabi, the fact that he is in the process of researching the meeting of important figures of the kingdom who are coming to this mansion makes him even less tense, but convinced. Soon, as suddenly came to mind, he speaks and takes him into the pit of the Holy Spirit by putting him in the hole of his ear. According to the Holy Spirit, he wanted it at his favorite headquarters of interest, placed as a mere liaison officer to wait for its arrival to be informed in order to obtain a magic tool called Library Metal. A cross that I no longer feel I know where my value is for this simple job.

(Even though I'm a demon, I think it's because I'm the only one who can be at the root of the sacred vein or something. A voicemail that even a turtle can do? So why don't you let Naoko suck the blood off the two-legged snake you were in the breeding shed and let Heiji manipulate you?

─ ─ Still, I think we can do it, but however the Apprentice Demon King who has no repentance in the Sacred Springs, Cross was surprised that, with his broken ingenuity and ability, he had already stuck the Holy Spirit living here during the Lord's surgery.