- The next day. On the way to the labyrinth, the brave men can call out to Jabba and Clamp.
The young adventurers, who seemed to have been called to a halt earlier, turned back to the city with a puzzled face.
He seemed to speak from one end to the other to unspecified numbers, not just the brave ones.
"Can I help you? Don't solicit suspicious religions. Because I don't believe that."
"Unfortunately, no. Besides, stardom is nothing suspicious. Anyway, you should hear more from Jabba."
"Keke, that sounds suspicious. Uh, it's easy to talk about. Maybe you guys don't need it, but it's just advice. Stop going to the middle of the labyrinth for the next few days. Especially if you're never close to the fiftieth floor."
Jabba is right in the face and advises me with a heavy voice. The tea is not there.
"Oh, I wonder if the oak feast was a little further."
"Looks like you're putting more effort into getting ready this year than usual. Last night, I received word that the prison party that was hunting in the middle class had been half-baked."
Answer Edel's words as the clamp wrinkles between his eyebrows.
"The feast needs a fancy treat. Their favorite thing is us humans. I'm sorry about the guys that got caught, but after they've been ground beef, they'll eat it deliciously. Oh, no."
"So you're here to advise them?
Both names snort when the brave man confirms. I thought they were free, but I'll keep my mouth shut. I wasn't going to have a bad personality enough to tea up what I was doing out of good intentions.
"Exactly. I don't care because the guys I'm used to can judge for themselves. But, you know, it's not sneaky for a young man to feed a pig bastard without knowing anything, right? Imagine the pigs making a joyous noise. It's getting annoying. That's why he's making a scene here with his spare time."
"It's great to do good deeds. Jabba will surely be able to die a good way. I guarantee you this."
"Damn, I'm gonna cry about the kid's tattoo. That's why you have to be careful. I don't mind at all if you go after understanding. Golden flowers, if you're after oak flowers, now's the only time."
Jabba fell asleep in the bushes of the square when he made a big stretch. His face seems surprisingly popular for being nasty. He was also the lead of the young nobles the other day. Few would have saved their lives by this ancient ginseng warrior.
"Um, what do we do, Matari? Return to the plant demons to hunt, or go kill pig bastards to try. I don't care either way."
"Uh, right. Now the orcs are very ferocious."
"Right. I don't really want to fight you. Because Orcs go in without fear of their own death. It's not compatible with that. If you can protect me, I'll follow you."
Adele was still whining, but the brave man decided not to listen. Even if the oak comes in, it's decided to shield the rat and let it blow itself up.
"Then let's hunt today on the thirty-third floor, which I remember in my transfer stone. You don't force me, do you!
When Matari clearly declares, Jabba, who was listening, slaps his hand and praises him.
"Awesome! The lady is really great. The boulder is the only thing Rob sees. Yeah, that's a good decision.... Compared to that, when you're an Excel idiot"
"Excel? Uh, what's wrong with that stallion?"
The brave man asks, remembering the face of an unpleasant good man. A soft bastard with his hands on three women. The sword arm seems to stand, but if you make a mistake, it's the man who was dead. For some reason I come close to myself in a familiar way. There is no good impression.
I don't think you have romantic feelings for yourself. I know it doesn't have any feminine appeal. There's no honesty like Matari, no luscious like Adele. Perhaps the brave man has judged that he is only getting his hands on it with interest.
"Oh, I guess it was this morning. Just when I met Excel and told him about the oak feast, I was happy to call your people. Not long ago, Bombon rushed out, and a hundred or so people gathered here until the pattern seemed bad. I used the stone to transfer it. I've stopped you so many times, I can't hear you."
Jabba peels the grass and throws it away.
"It's very important to take people's advice. Perhaps their purpose is oak flowers. They all returned safely last year to get a lot of money. But it doesn't necessarily work this year. Humans are things that make you feel bigger when you flock. I hope that doesn't kill you."
"Well, I know how you feel. Normal hunting doesn't make a difference. Then I know better to think of it as an adventure here and just retirement. But it's too late to feed the pigs. I had no idea you were ready for that with that idiot. It felt like I'd give you a bite to talk about the money."
Jabba pounds his tongue like he can't do it. I guess this man is really worried about the young people. That's why I'm doing something that doesn't benefit me. The brave man laughed bitterly as he thought he was a favorite.
"You know, it's good for teaching people things. There's more to you than you like."
"Ha ha, give me a break. It's just as good as talking like this. Hate, I have no sense of humility."
"Be careful anyway. According to the survival of the half-baked prison party ahead, we saw a new kind of orc."
"Yes, yes, I get it. Look, it looks like a new prey has arrived."
"Well. Then let's just say I'm going to preach again!
As the brave man points to the adventurer coming to the square, Jabba rises and heads to annoy him. Clamps were also broken, so it continued afterwards.
"A new breed of oak. I wonder if I can sell it at a high price if I bring back the body. I need your permission to make a specimen."
"I don't want to carry a pig's body. I'm not that rotten bastard."
The brave man has remembered the beans. Apparently, he died in the interrogator's torture, but he doesn't feel clear at all. I still regret only a little that I should have killed him with this hand.
"Really? Even though red oak is rare. It's going to be a nice meat wall."
"The only thing unusual is you and this creep are on time."
"Jackie, how rude of you."
Matari blocks you when the brave man tries to say that you're nasty enough too.
They decided that it would never open.
"Ah, you know. Is it time to go?
"Right, for fun lawn mowing."
"It must be brave of you to mow the grass on that monster."
Brave and Edel put their hands on Matari's shoulder. When Matari raised the transition stone, the brave men were engulfed in light.
- At the same time.
In the fifty tiers, where Jabba warned him not to come near, a group was in desperate battle with a herd of orcs, but the braves of today have no reason to know.
A group of adventurers gathered for the purpose of collecting "oak flowers", the number of whom is about a hundred in prison. People of various professions and circumstances joined this prison party for money.
The operation itself is simple and lucid. Transfer right in front of the oak nest on the fifty tiers, storm and seize the oak flowers. Something about putting up a smokescreen for vs. oak and withdrawing it quickly.
He has been explained that the last surprise raid in small numbers was a great success and that no one victim was ever given.
Successful people who took up the flavor scratched people with the promise of absolute success to get big money again.
Because we need manpower to bring chaos to the orcs. - as live sprinklers against oak.
The success of the last operation has its back. There is no smokescreen for orcs.
A few of the characters were called ambushes, and the humans who were rooting for them in advance broke in later. The truth is that he poked at the chaos of the battle and took the flowers. Naturally, all the players are dead. The dead have no mouth.
This time, we were going to put in even more massive pieces and scratch the roots of the nest flowers. No matter how much money there is, there is no trouble.
Even if the trap is found out and the survivors resent it, there is no problem. Because by then, we've already made it out of this city.
But unfortunately, Tsuki didn't take their side this time.
The orcs aren't that stupid either. Using the last failure as food, the scouts were placed everywhere in the fifty tiers.
The oak flower fields were equipped with the most elite to prevent intruders. The mutated red oak was also placed here.
And the Human-Hunting party, which gathers food for the feast, was formed on a larger scale than usual as a guerrilla unit. The greatest purpose is to avenge the human race. They move not only to the fiftieth floor but also to other tiers, acting to hunt for their prey.
The Orc elites, who usually defend their home base, set up an inmate party to start hunting humans. Leading orcs become struggling soldiers, even skilled adventurers. It is extremely dangerous because it is a broad walk aimed at hunting humans.
Therefore, it is indiscriminate to never break into the oak territory before the feast is held.
Jabba and Clamp therefore persisted in warning the young adventurers and encouraged them to weigh in for a while.
The reward for the brave adventurers who ignored Jabba's advice came immediately.
The deceitful and deceitful adventurers moved in front of the orc unit waiting in front of the nest. They should have been briefed first to move in front of the descending stairs on the 49th floor, to get their attitude in order to get in.
Adventurers suddenly surrounded by oak on all sides and panicked. The waiting oak is similarly confusing, but when he rebuilt his posture with a drink from his commander, he just started attacking.
It's usually an oak that should be able to hunt without difficulty, but before the feast, it becomes more ferocious and a powerful enemy.
An oak feast held only once a year. It is an essential ritual for them to honor the ancestral spirit of the oak.
For a week now, the orcs must forbid eating and intercourse and show their faith to the ancestral spirit.
Only water and oak flower roots are allowed to be consumed. From the life of abstinence, the ferocity of the oak increases to its limits.
Furthermore, this time the nest was about to be raided, so I was mad to the point that I thought it was half frenzied.
The last time they gave the oak as planned, the successful men entered the oak nest with a time difference to transfer and erase the signs.
Sprinkle the smokescreen, scratching yourself out. The orc guards are unable to cope with it.
Pushing through the gap and approaching the fields where the white flowers bloom, the blood phase changes and proceeds to the collection.
The stem is broken rampantly and packed into a bag.
But the next moment. Flesh pieces and blood poured down on the white flowers. One of the successful players was torn apart by one letter. He is desperate without even being able to scream.
"- Hey, what?"
"Fool Domme! I, Lano Ancestral Spirit No Angry Li, Sono Body Ni Received Kerga Liang Yi!!
A red giant oak wields a crimson sword and smashes the three nearby. He grabs up the head of a human being who is unable to move and squeezes it with his strength in his palms. The orcs around him cheer loudly with their spears.
Last time, they were successful adventurers who grabbed a great deal of money, but at the end of the day, they became unbroken. The remains were torn apart by the oaks and thrown into a filthy pond. It won't be long before I regret my breadth.
Meanwhile, the deceitful and deceitful adventurers were in another tragic situation.
Originally appropriately gathered people with no sense of companionship at all.
He had only been briefed on the procedure of ambushing the nest, putting up a smokescreen for anti-oak to take flowers and escape.
There is no way that allies can work together. Still, each of them responded, assembling a crude circle, desperately sticking together, trying to see the gaps escaping with a metastatic stone.
However, an orc with a new type of red skin has been disturbed. The red oak stunned the adventurers with one blow. The circle collapsed instantly and was raised to a blood festival by the adventurer who came forward.
And the orc elites settled on the offense to crush it. They're hunted down, and they destroy each of them.
Decided to be a complete advantage, the oak captain turns his policy into a battle to keep him alive.
They hurt their prey to such an extent that they do not kill them, and the adventurers are restrained without exchange.
Both men and women have broken their legs so that they cannot escape. The transfer stones are taken away, and the arms are stripped and left naked, men and women alike. After being bracketed on the wrist with a string, he is drawn away like a livestock.
Only despair floats in the eyes of the surviving adventurer. Some people imagine their end of the line and blur their faces. The man who tried to cry was forcefully silenced by Oak's fist. Orcs are also concerned from their abstinence lives and have no hesitation whatsoever in killing livestock.
Among the unlucky there is the figure of the Swordsman Alliance. They tried to earn gold and fame to build their guild again. That dream didn't come true, and my pride as a swordsman was completely shattered and scattered.
There are other young people from orphanages. To raise funds for the operation of the orphanage, he took the request without risking it.
And there was the look of Excel. Confidence was completely shattered and I regretted my shallowness even now. He's trying to crawl into the back of the cage so it won't go into the eye of the oak. In his head, there was nothing at all about his beloved lovers or the children to be born.
"Yes, no. I don't want to die here. Somebody help me!
- I don't want to die being fed by pigs in this place. That's all I thought about.
The humans who were caught alive in the "Human Hunt" have been kept alive in the orc nest for some time. Feeding is provided to the compatriots in a fresh state. Food that can be thrown in by the oaks that usually look down on pigs. It is precisely a crude thing that can only be described as pig bait. The prisoners are greedy to take it from each other. The orcs look at it and mock it.
Until it becomes a treat for the oaks on the feast day, they will remain in the cage and live their days as livestock.
Orcs are desperate to withstand the defenseless exposure of their favorite humans.
The Orcs desperately continue to fight greed. This abstinence is the manifestation of the faith of the orcs.
And feast day. The orcs, who were allowed to free their hoarded desires, explode their instincts with all their might.
The man is devoured alive and the woman is still eaten to death after being considered a scattered comforter.
Two days later, until the young adventurers receive that reckless reward.
Only a certain death awaits them. After being crushed and devoured of their dignity as human beings, they are exposed to the wreckage as a show.
Around the time I was about to celebrate dusk. In the conference room of the church headquarters, the guild masters were summoned abruptly.
Pope Elena issued a summons order and an extraordinary meeting was held.
Gathered were five guild masters, excluding Ramji. Rob, Kraw, Nicarag. And two magicians and a scholar's guild.
There is even the figure of Timor, who leads the heretical Inquisitor Icona, the Church Sperm Squad Laflorencia.
The air is heavy and no one tries to open their mouth. Unlike the usual regular meetings, the meeting rooms had a different atmosphere.
It was Elena, the Pope, who broke the strained air.
"Everyone, there is no other one who has had us gathered at such a time. Something terrible has happened."
After Elena looks around with him, she tells him in a harsh tone.
"What the hell is that? First, it is not calm to be here even to the heretical Inquisitor, Lord Icona. There are still days until the regular meeting. No way, are you going to be able to start a heretical hunt in total?
Answer as Nicarag strokes the boy's head. Now I was not a bishop, I was present as a representative of the priesthood guild.
He is a clergyman but his body is trained until he is comparable to a warrior, and he is also a militant who fights using stick and healing techniques.
I am not comfortable with the recent active movement of the heretic inquisitor, and it has become a staggering thing to say.
The trend of the conservatives, Irgachev, is heartening, but I do not intend to admit that the Inquisitor will exercise his power. The reformist Nicarag believes that extra power should be let go and returned to a purely religious community.
This is in complete conflict with Elena's idea that the necessary force should be retained.
Elena is a midway street, but one way or another she is the bearer of conservative thought. But as for the star balls, they raise questions, and they are also negative in the prophecy. That is the direction of the idea itself is the biggest factor separating Ilgachev from Ilgachev.
"…… Clergy Nicarag. Master Elena is going to talk to you. You should just shut up and listen. Be careful with your private language."
Icona warns while fixing the position of the glasses.
A man in the position of director of the bureau who heads the heretical inquisitor. Elena's faithful dog Icona.
A middle-aged man with a nervous face and a lean body. Compared to Nikarag of his generation, he looks weak.
But those who insult you in their appearance will always regret it.
While he is a member of the clergy, he is also a sorcerer who uses harsh attack magic. He is also a fanatic who has documented a number of sinful heresies and has crushed them by the time they are completely skinless.
Icona never judges good or evil herself. I have no doubt about what I was ordered to do. The dog should only move as ordered by his master. In doing so, Icona shows the depth of her faith.
"Lord Icona is the same. If you're going to shake your tail with respect, I'd like to ask you to step outside, not here."
"Be careful with your mouth, Nicarag. Your words and actions so far have only been missed at Elena's mercy. If you bark any more, I'll detain you at my discretion."
Nicarag's rampant words and deeds are bought from conservative followers. Many times Elena had been petitioned to detain her as heretical, but all of them had been dismissed.
"Lord Icona, the dog doesn't have to judge for himself. Dear Elena, I hope you stay strong. Because the mad dogs can't end it."
Nicarag and Icona hit a swordswallowing gaze.
"That's it, you idiots! - I don't want to talk about it at all. If you're in a fight, get out of here now!
When the Ranger Guild claw drinks, the two clasp their shoulders.
"Please forgive me, Lord Kraw, for being so rude. Dear Elena, please proceed."
Nicarag apologizes and encourages progress. Icona continues to stare abominably at Nicarag silently.
It is a famous story in the church that the two are friends of the dog monkey. It's not like something happened, but the opposite doesn't really fit.
"… proceed with the conversation. Earlier, nearly a hundred adventurers received information that they had lost their message in the territory of the oak. With each guild, you may already know the situation."
"Oh, it would be an oak flower hunting inmate. Unfortunately, my guild would be the most. Some idiots blinded by greed. My education didn't seem to be enough."
Rob puts his arms together and speaks tongue-in-cheek as to whether this has happened. A dozen warrior guilds have not returned towards the Labyrinth.
And we already have information that Excel is missing.
"My adorable children I took the time to nurture with care. These are the talented young men who will carry the guild from now on. That is instantly pruned. Destiny is fate."
Mage Guildmaster Emerald. An ageless sorceress.
He has bound silver hair, wearing a highly exposed demonic outfit, and various tattoos on his white skin.
She is a young luscious woman, but no one knows her real age.
His appearance hasn't changed at all over the last few decades. As a matter of fact, rumors are circulating that the demons may be turning into things.
It is not strange to be certified heretically, but it has been missed because of its significant contribution to the Star Church.
"Even though it's self-inflicted, isn't the mage's damage huge? I'm guessing you'll be a warrior."
"We just plant and grow new seeds again. That's my job."
Emerald with a thin laugh. He didn't seem interested in dead plants.
"Is this the 'oak flower' that's been soaring here lately? Though I wanted to study it in detail once. But jumping into the nest from oneself, no, no, young people have a lot to lose."
When the old man in the scholarly guild groans, other delegates nod.
"So, a missing person's associate asked me to go to the rescue."
Elena's words are annoyed by the faces she gathers. Because it's extremely unusual. I've never sent a rescue unit for an adventurer.
"You want us to go help those dumb bastards? It must have been the Church's way not to interfere in the labyrinth."
Elena nodded at Rob's point.
"Indeed. Our church is unaware of the events in the labyrinth. I can't go and get the missing one at a time. Seems harsh, but that's the way it's always been and it's insensitive."
"So what did we get together for? Please don't tell me it's to pray for the blessings of poor adventurers. I'm busy even when I look like this."
When Klau taps lightly, Icona sends a bitter gaze. Because I recognize that Crowe is close to Elena, but it seemed too disrespectful.
Elena continues the conversation without worrying.
"Of course we didn't get together for that. Reports indicate that the sons of leading men in one country were mixed up in the news. I've been crying for help. Abandoning without doing anything can be a diplomatic problem."
"This is ridiculous. How many people like us can die if we are to help the noblemen bonbong? I'm sorry, but we're saying no."
"It's a really good reply and I just want to apprentice it too. - But this is an order, not a request, Guildmaster Rob. If you don't want to, you can get off that seat now. Instead, it's as much as you want."
"- Huh."
When Elena quietly intimidates her, Rob distorts her face.
"… but even when it comes to rescue, the orcs in front of the feast are very dangerous. If we're going to make a breakthrough, we need to put in a massive battle force. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the subject is still alive."
Nicarag wrinkles between his eyebrows, expressing concern. If we are serious about helping, we must mobilize a large number of skilled people.
Dropping an oak nest is equivalent to falling a single fort. You can't sneak in with a few people and rescue them quickly.
"Regardless, I know that. What matters is the fact that we turned our power. You understand what I'm saying? … entrust any rescue operations to the judgment of the scene. I want you to show your strength as“ witnesses. "... Timor, how are you getting ready to go?
"Ha, we are currently sharply prepared. I was wondering if I could get in tomorrow morning. We have selected the most elite interrogators, as well as La Florencia. It's a face that can handle any unforeseen situation."
"Great. Later, choose from each guild to help you fight. The decision on the rescue operation shall be taken tomorrow morning. La Florencia and each Selected Battle Force into the Oak Nest. Rescue the detained adventurer, and withdraw after confirmation of life and death. If it is clear that he is already dead, there is no need to commit danger. - Is this good?
Elena gives an overview. Simply put, they want us to head to the front of the nest, confirm the implementation of the feast and withdraw it immediately. I have absolutely no intention of helping the captive sacrifices. But for once, we can argue that the power was directed. That was enough.
It is not necessary to carry out rescue operations or anything else, but it is possible to face the other party and make a bigger loan. The presence or absence of life or death is irrelevant.
Each of the Alliance Masters convinced agrees. Because I decided that would not cause any extra casualties.
Rob was complicated considering the face of the warrior guild, especially about Excel, but he nodded silently.
"Just be careful, but you never have to force yourself. Like acting on your life first. The decision to withdraw shall be left to the site. I'll annoy you, thank you."
Elena lowers her head gently. The contents of the operation were then immediately compiled and the meeting concluded in a short time.
- The operation is as follows:
Rescue operations run the next day, early in the morning.
La Florencia, and each Alliance Selection Force moves to the Fifty Hierarchy using a Transfer Stone.
After the Rangers disguised as "Orcs" confirmed the life and death of the detained adventurer, the main unit began entering.
to sweep the oak and rescue the adventurers.
If it can be determined that the rescue object is already dead, it shall be withdrawn promptly without entering.
The brave men who have successfully mowed the grass and returned from the labyrinth. I didn't fight to the limit, so I can afford more strength than usual. Matari hasn't snapped today either. Immediately returning to Extreme Pavilion, it became a process of eating first.
Three people who order a lot of booze and food with rewards and get a lot of excitement. It's very noisy, but the master also looks at it a lot because the money is paid well. One line of brave men is like a specialty of the Extreme Pavilion, so no one complains. Together it is the usual sight to make noise.
"Pu Ha! It's like you're making money for this one! Yummy."
The brave man drinks up the ale poured into the jock and pounds it to the table with momentum.
The cold liquid moisturizes my throat. The stimulation is most comfortable.
"Dad, you stink, brave man. Be a little more discreet. You're a woman, too."
"Shut up. I haven't bothered anyone, so it's good."
"Brave men aren't very alcoholic, so you can't impose them. Because I'm going to get hungover again. It's hard after that!
Matari gets older and more cautious, but the brave don't have the ears to listen. Alcohol is about the same strength, and mostly matari falls when the brave man falls. The last thing left was mostly Edel.
"- It's empty. Pinky, please go and order a lot of alcohol. Please hurry up."
"Say your bedtime words after you go to sleep, my sweet little brave. See, go yourself."
After Adele smiled like a prank, she poked at the brave man's forehead. Vision swings up and down.
"Oh, this pink year -"
I just stood up to fight back, and the alcoholic dish is served in front of me.
"Yes, thank you for waiting -. I always take care of you, so this is my luxury. Don't hesitate to eat."
"Thank you so much... what are you doing?"
"Ahaha, I thought I'd get mixed up too because it sounds fun. My work for the day is done! I'm not working anymore, so it's not a good idea."
Remonsie, the clerk, brought her own liquor and mixed it up. I even have a chair. Looking back at the master, he nods as he realizes with his tired face.
"If you want to drink, drink alone over there."
"Don't tell me that's not true. How dare you? I'm a friend of Edel's. It's good to have a drink with you."
"For once. Well, maybe it's like a rotten edge."
When Adele whines, Limonsie laughs.
"Really, it's good to see you, Edel. I have such a wonderful company. I envy you."
"I don't know if it's nice, but I'm not bored. Just looking at these kids, something that can kill time for a day. It's great for free time."
"I see. You sure are a cute little animal. Like a cat I don't miss."
"It's like a squirrel when you're eating. I'm a little busy with the beads."
He says all he wants, so the brave go in, but they're both drinking with strange faces.
"Yeah, yeah, that's it. I found what Adele was asking me to do, so I thought I'd show you. I had a hard time finding it. But that was worth it. Woof."
Remove the rectangular one wrapped in cloth as Limonsea smiles creepily. Apparently framed, but the picture at the heart is hidden.
"Then say it quickly. Huff, that's great for a booze knob. I wanted to make sure you had a look at me, brave guy."
"I don't look forward to it. Now, enjoy what comes out -"
I don't think so, Adele. Hands on cloth while Limonsea hangs a lot. But I don't try to open it inside.
"If you want me to show you, just do it!
"Don't rush it. Then we can finally open the account. - What is it?"
When Limonsea tries to get rid of the cloth, a noise is heard from behind the tavern. Is it from the receptionist?
"Sorry. Looks like some trouble. I'm sorry, but I'm not waiting."
Limonsea walks away with a painting and fast feet. The brave man drops off in disdain when she is a noisy woman.
Besides, I didn't show the painting by pulling just pulling.
"It's just thriving, and Limonsea seems busy. I'm glad you've been busy since you got here."
"I'm not a visitor. Oh, if you don't want it."
The brave man decided to scratch enough food. Take a chunk of meat from a large plate.
Matari also beat the beaten and boned meat. Dirt sticks to my mouth.
"……… I think I'm going to have a full stomach just watching"
"It's delicious. I wonder if the secret to deliciousness is free. Oh, happy and full of breasts."
"I was stunned. You've got a lot of money, you really stink of ass."
"That's not what I'm talking about. Hey, Matari."
"Oh, yeah, right. You're a brave man, aren't you?"
All of a sudden a chaotic pig woman shoots me in the mouth. The brave man narrows his eyes and stares.
"You've got a good heart, Matari. I'll twist your cheeks around later, so look forward to it."
"Oh, no! What the hell am I..."
Matari trying to shout. A strange sight pops in as the brave man tries to tease him even more.
The group I was rubbing earlier walked in on the zorro. Whatever it is, it seems like it's moving in a straight line towards this seat.
The odd thing is that it's a bunch of kids who don't look like a liquor store. Is there about ten of them?
Other customers are starting to bother with something.
Looking at Limonsea in the distance, he was dropping his shoulder with some confused expression.
"… what the hell is going on? Brave man, did you do something to him?
"I don't know. There's no way I'm involved with a kid."
"Well, for example, you said you took away the kids' treats. If I'm hungry, you're going to do it. No, if you take people's things."
To Adele's nasty speculation, the brave man accidentally abhors his voice.
"A, you are. What do you think I am? There's no way you're taking a kid's treat!
"Look, if you shout so loud, the kids will be surprised."
"- Whoa."
During such interaction, the brave seats were surrounded by a group of children.
He seems to be the leader of a kid with a nasty face who leads the way.
Most of the others are covered with half-breasted or mostly soaked. Clearly, the tavern is completely out of place.
The brave man decided to ask because he had no choice.
If I say I want a dime, they're all going to be punished. With an intense decopin, I always decide to cry to my heart.
"What the hell is Zorro and Zorro? This isn't a kid's playground. If you want to explore, do it outside."
"It's not exploration.... Is your sister really a brave man? When I asked the old ladies here, they said my sister did."
"Yes, all of a sudden it's abrupt. Well, that's good. Yes, I'm the brave one."
The brave man stretches his chest.
"Do you have proof?
"I don't have any proof. But I'm the brave one. I don't care what anyone says."
"……… hmm."
A nasty kid turns his suspicious gaze toward me. Brave men get frustrated, but beating up children is not very popular, so they put up with it.
But my mind got worse, so I decided to downgrade it to a bad kid.
"Brother, let's ask this guy. And nothing else."
"But you're so tiny. I wonder if you're okay with this."
"I'm a brave man, so I'm fine. Maybe."
A grown-up girl tells an evil kid as she hugs a thick book. I get the impression that it looks serious to see.
"Well, I can't help it. Even if it's tiny, braves are brave!
"Yeah, size doesn't matter to the brave. Maybe."
"Come on, you little shit."
Together with the shitty kids who don't want ten, they call themselves small. I don't know where to hit this anger and accidentally drink it up.
Pinky next door is holding his mouth and laughing. Matari is clearly out of sight, but his face is in a red tide.
If you want to laugh, brave men stare at you as long as you honestly laugh. Naturally, I will accept the reward.
"So, after all, you've come to make fun of me? Go home now if you're satisfied. I don't have as much free time as you do."
When I do a trick to get rid of it snugly, the girl with the book takes half a slice.
The evil kid gives a small sachet on the table after he has finished the face. It seems to contain copper coins, and the rubbing sound sounded slight.
"I need to ask you something. When I asked Limonsea, she told me that there was no one to take such a dangerous request. That's why I want to ask my brave sister."
It's a mess. Definitely from previous experience. The brave must do all they can for the people, free of charge.
There's no such decision, but that seems to be the case. The brave exhale unexpectedly.
"... I'll just ask you once. What the hell?"
"Yeah. Actually -"
The story was simple.
Adventurers on their way to picking oak flowers are not coming back.
Some of those adventurers seem to have mixed acquaintances from the orphanage. It's the same orphanage as the kids, so they say it's like a brother or sister.
Orcs of this period make humans alive without killing them. Until the Feast, the prisoners are alive, so I want them out by then at all costs.
But there is no such thing as a lover to take such a dangerous request. And the reward is only "100 Copper Coins" packed in this sachet.
There was no one to take the request, and the feathered kids heard rumors of the 'brave'.
'The Brave' will help people in need.
These guys who thought about it told Limonsea they showed up before the brave men after taking their last confirmation.
"- I see. So with this hundred pieces of copper, you tell them to get in the oak nest. He told me to come alone to the ferocious orcs."
The brave man distorts his mouth and stares at the evil kid's face. Did you get barometric pressure from that, the evil kid deflects his gaze?
"Ugh, yeah. But a brave man would take it no matter how dangerous. It said in the book that you can help people in need."
When the evil kid looks next to him, the girl with the book that shakes her head vertically.
"Yeah. The brave say it's everyone's hope. So it says you can't abandon people in need. Here, here, here."
Turn the book the girl has and try to show it to the brave. When I pay for it by hand, I throw up in a cold tone.
"This is ridiculous. You're not going to take such a joke request. Why do you have to help the idiots who pushed themselves into a dangerous place? You deserve it all, though."
"So, but!
"Yu, brave man, they're still small. I could tell you a little softer."
Matari forgives me, but I can't stop being harsh.
"Because you're a brave man, you're not free enough to help all the idiots. Brave men are not gods. If you ask me, it would be a big mistake to ask anything. I don't care what happens to them when they die!
If you fist the table, the dishes on the plate will be scattered.
Adele is silent and begins to pick them up and collect them.
"Your sister is a brave man, isn't she?!? Why aren't you going to help me! Everyone's gonna die from eating like this!
An evil kid screams in tears.
"They made their own choices, didn't they? That's not what I found out. Give up if you understand. Even if you cry like that, no one will help you. That's what the world is like."
Crying won't help anyone. He was skewered through his body, pierced through his throat, but he couldn't reach out for salvation.
So the brave have grown stronger. By the time you can fight alone. Until you can kill demons, kill them, and kill them.
"- It's not"
A bad kid whines about something. My voice is so small that I can't hear it.
"What? I can't hear you with your voice down. Talk more clearly if you're a man."
"You're not a brave man."
"Brave man. No matter what anyone says, I'm a brave man."
"- Whoa! You, you're not brave!
When the evil kid took Yale's jock, he called me for bravery.
Apply ale to the body. I got all wet from my hair.
I could have avoided it, but the brave ones didn't.
"…… So, are you ready?
"Shit, we're all going home! I can't help but ask such a phony! Ask someone else!
The surrounding children leave the tavern after the leading evil kid.
The girl with the book said something. She looked at this one so she said something, but after a while she went after it.
"... That was tough. Hey, brave man. This is a famous tax, too."
Edel deliberately begins to tear up and talk. He seems concerned.
Matari began to wipe the brave man's body as he put out a beautiful cloth. The brave thought he was a caretaker even though he could do it himself.
"The smell will remain. You'll have to wash it later. In the meantime, you might want to get dressed."
"…… yes."
"But are you sure you're not going to help? Well, the kids were kind of pathetic."
Matari whines in a small voice. The brave man shook his head.
"Should I have taken it? You asked me to put my people at risk, right? I don't have the right to help. Or should I have gone for a little self-satisfaction and a little reward?"
"It's pathetic, but you're right about the brave guy. The other adventurers have not received several rescue requests. If you have a suicidal desire, though you may go. If I were you, I'd politely say no."
Nothing to say back, Matari dropping his gaze.
"You don't seem convinced. I ask the other way around, but if you were a leader, would you take it? Whether to take a request for a cheap reward until you involve me and Adele. Will you let me hear that?
"Wow, is that me?
"That's right. Sometimes it's important to think with your own head. I want your opinion."
Arm up and start thinking Matari. After a while, I begin to state my thoughts.
"…… I'm sorry, Mr. Brave. Mr. Adele. After all, I think I'll say no, too. You can't get your people involved."
"Yes, that's the right thing to do. If I didn't think about it later, and I was taking on anything, I wouldn't have it. Anybody can think about it for a second."
"…… is, yes. That's right."
"I'm sorry, but that's the guy you call an adult judgment. I don't really like the word" no choice, "but I can't help it."
Adele whines. The brave man nodded small after wiping his face with a cloth.
The brave man then returns one foot away and enters the bed after dressing.
Matari and Edel eventually come back and the lights in the room are turned off.
If you go to bed, you'll forget everything. I have done so before.
- So let's get some sleep today. That should do it.
The brave man slowly meditated his eyes.
Late at night, the idle Extraordinary Pavilion. The usually noisy tavern is also quiet today. The master is already working on the planting, and Limonsea, which should be his turn to replace, has already traveled to the world of his dreams. There were not many guests sitting in a tavern without a clerk without meaning.
The girl slowly closes the door as she glances at the signs around her and goes outside to avoid making any noise. He covers his face with a cape so that he doesn't know what he looks like.
"............... Okay, let's go"
"On a night like this, going out alone?
All of a sudden, the girl accidentally hangs her hand on the sword. When I know who they are, I tongue them and let go of their hands.
"... don't surprise me. Just a little walk into a drunken awakening."
"With such full armour? This city is a lot of noise."
"Hung, you're so loud all the time. Whatever you do, you're on my own, you birdhead."
When you take the cape off rampantly, the girl - the brave man pounds his tongue.
In front of me is a white crow. A colour that stands out in the dark. It may be subtly emitting light.
'Long time no see. I haven't talked like this in years.'
"I don't feel like it's been too long though. Looks like you've been doing well."
"Ma 'an. Because I've always lived with ease. Others may return to the wild, vanish, or die of frenzy. There are a lot of monsters that have become sneaky."
When the brave man answers without hesitation, a white crow flies over his shoulder.
'- Hey, should I call you by name?
"…… maybe because I don't feel like me. Besides, I really forgot."
"Oh well. That's sad. So, the brave man is going somewhere now."
"Yes, for a little walk. Because it feels good when it hits the wind at night."
'As always, that's sweet. It's really too sweet. Not at all the same as back then. That's why...'
When the bird is busy winging, the white wings fall.
"Keep your birds quiet. Well, I'm busy, so I'll go."
'... hey, don't do this anymore. It's time. "
"I know. But you can't help it."
"Is that because, after all, you're a brave man?
"That's right."
The brave man whines only one word, wears his cape and starts running again.
I think I'm an idiot myself. But I have no choice. I can't change it now. It's not sweet.
Because I felt like I would regret not making this choice.
Start flying ahead, as if the bird would even guide the way.
As easy and floating as ever. The brave thought it was each other who remained the same.
Will it not change, or will it not change? The brave man even kept running, thinking which was the right answer.