
Chapter 307 Number of Auction House Robberies (Top)

Hawaii Hills was razed directly, Scar did not spare any of his enemies, the whole hill was surrounded by old tree demons water leaked, none of them escaped.

The head of Master Shaozhuang was preserved by Yang Chen, and he was going to take it back to his master to relieve him. But the mess here in Hawaii Hills needs to be cleaned up.

It is impossible for the bodies of thousands of people, as well as their possessions, to disappear with their deaths. Therefore, under Scar's insistence, Yang Chen and others began a grand feud.

Over the years, the people of Hawaii Hills have robbed a lot of good things in the 100,000 Great Mountains. In just over a decade, the young owner alone has robbed at least several fine spiritual stone high-end materials and Fabao, not to mention the four brothers of the more greedy owners.

Yang Chen's magazine needs a large number of flying swords to enrich it, and he didn't have much courtesy. He directly asked for all the flying swords he could collect. In addition, the Chiyang Ironclad Yang Chen did not let go. It was painstakingly searched for Yang Chen by Gao Yue. In any case, you have to get it.

All that's left is for everyone to share. Hawaii Mountain Estate is rich and generous, and what you find is filled with hundreds of ordinary kankun bags. At the end of the day, no one has the pleasure you pushed me to, directly according to the number of kankun bags, directly divided equally, whatever is divided, nobody loses, nobody takes advantage.

Finally, the revengeful scar ended with a fire that razed the entire Hay Hills to the ground. Since then, there has been no Hay Hills in the world.

Scar also kept his promise to divide the eight flaming swords from the armor of Nanming and give them to Yang Chen as a spark from the fire of Nanming.

To be honest, Scar did not initially believe that Yang Chen could teach him how to restrain the Voldemort Four Elephant Array. But what Yang Chen later told him was only reasonable, and he saw the hope of complete revenge.

There are old tree demons sitting in town, with the help of Xuexiesha and Yang Chen, Scar confidently greeted the four owners of Haoyi Village. As soon as they came up, they seemed to have noticed the scar's dilemma and directly activated the Voldemort Four Elephant Array.

This Voldemort Four Elephant Array is the ultimate survivor of the four owners' boxes. It was also found in the bags of a master after the four owners attacked a master early in life. Once activated, it has infinite power, and the enemy has no power to fight back, even if it is a master of the early times, unless it escapes at high speeds.

But Scar found this time that the way Yang Chen taught him seemed to work. Not only does it work, but it does.

Yang Chen did not ask Scar to look for the bust of the Voldemort Four Elephant Array and destroy it directly, but let him take his place first. Once launched, the Voldemort Four Elephant Array is powerful, but it also has a fatal weakness that it cannot be robbed. Few people know this secret, but Yang Chen understands.

Perhaps one or two robberies doesn't matter, but every time you expect an enemy to take the lead, you can do a fatal injury to the Voldemort Four Array, or to someone who lays down the Voldemort Four Array.

Continuous repetition of formation power caused by force emptying will accumulate on the arrayer step by step. When the scar began to be implemented according to Yang Chen's method, the fate of the four owners of the estate was already set.

None of the four owners knew for themselves that there would be such serious consequences, but simply thought that one missed hit was simply because the enemy was hiding quickly. After half an hour in a row, it finally accumulated so much that the four owners of Yuan Baby Peak also died from the burning of an internal fire.

Ecstatic, shocked, unbelievable, Scar was a very complex mindset after seeing four owners defeated by their own hands and then torn to pieces.

Now Scar can no longer see the young man Yang Chen, obviously a descendant of the foundation period, but he understands more than a few yuan babysitters present combined. And because Yang Chen let Scar himself avenge the doom, Scar almost had a blind worship for Yang Chen, and went to the point of obedience.

The great revenge has come, and Scar suddenly feels he has no incentive to move forward, not knowing what he should do in the future. Whether to pursue Flying Avenue or continue to hang around 100,000 mountains, Scar feels confused.

“Don't think about it, there's another big enemy that's not up against it!” Yang Chen seemed to understand Scar's current mentality, patted him on the shoulder and walked away first: “The auction house in Magic Flame Valley is also a behind-the-scenes culprit, and they must not be let go! ”

Scar, as an inside man, of course knew what role the auction house played in this series of financial murders. Promising, he followed Yang Chen honestly and walked in the direction of Magic Flame Valley.

Shekyu and Shesha were very addicted this time, even when they were in the desert sand valley, they didn't kill as much as they did. Indiscriminate killings of innocents and revenge and hatred to eradicate the bad guys are completely different, at least in their hearts, and they are still calm.

The auction house is also maintained by a large force, but as long as it is human, there will be a hundred thoughts. More than half of the news from the Shao Zhuang owner of Hao Yi Mountain Estate came from a small auction house hosting power. The young master is responsible for providing information, and the young master organizes people to kill more goods here, and the benefits are divided equally between the two sides.

That alone has broken the rules of the auction house, and they have set their own rules. The Young Master even deliberately provided a compass for tracking specific cloaks of invisibility, the rules they had set themselves, which they had destroyed behind their backs.

Yang Chen wants the old tree demon to do it, it is the auction house. Before Hawaii Hills, it was just friendship, and the auction house was the beginning.

The auction yard is obviously more tightly protected and versatile than Hawaii Hills. And if it's not handled well, it's the result of the entire demon flame valley.

The most troublesome thing is the pharmacopoeia of the auction house itself, a huge auction house can not only provide the place for the auction, but also a very protective pharmacopoeia at that time, people can withstand a powerful attack if they hide in it. If you can't destroy or solve this treasure in a short period of time, you simply can't hurt anyone.

An important reason for the auction house to stand is because the auction house itself is a treasure. Yang Chen's request to Lao Gui Tree Demon was also to deal with the auction house itself.

Three days later, Yang Chen had already arrived outside the Valley of Magic Flame. Yang Chen's purpose was simple. The owner of the auction house and the young owner all had a direct relationship with the master's serious injuries. He wanted the two men to die.


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