
Chapter 497: Find a Channel of Information (top)

Who would have thought that Yang Chen, a descendant of the foundation period, could have passed through restraint under the eyes of a group of great multiplier masters, and listened clearly to what they had discussed?

Of course, the passage through restraint is somewhat exaggerated. After all, Yang Chen's wisdom silk was arranged first. The restraint of several masters is only based on this, and does not prevent Yang Chen from clearly understanding their movements.

Everything is based on the point that Sanqing's trick is the role of a powerful sarcophagus. Taishang Laojun's kung fu is certainly not an ordinary cultivation method.

Someone pays for themselves, but Yang Chen can't go too far, otherwise there are some things that can make the master of Liu Shichang spiritual stone.

In order to give everyone a focused image of Alchemy, Yang Chen had only three more things on his body when he left the auction. One is the Spirit Springs, one is the Spark of Extremely True Fire, and the other is the final auction of an Alchemy material, which is not expensive.

Even so, three things before and after cost nearly ten kilograms of the finest spirit stones. There is no way, even if no one and Yang Chen compete for a very real fire spark, but the base price is still there. Just that item alone, there are eight kilograms of the finest spirit stone, and Yang Chen just added one kilogram directly to the base price, which is already cheap.

Ten pounds of the finest spirit stone is enough to empty the pockets of your superior officers. Don't look at her, she is a master of Qingyun Zongzheng, accumulated for centuries, if you count as a spirit stone, this is just the home.

When Yang Chen learned that someone had already paid the bill, the fake smile on his face made people want to punch him. I've never seen such a cheap seller. Fortunately, it's just this once, and everyone can stand it.

Spirit springs are directly into the gourd. The gourd is really amazing. The springs with their roots are all directly loaded in. There is only a small pond inside, but it can flow out of the fountain at any time.

At the auction site, each owner was given a glass of spring water to test to see if it suited their needs. Yang Chen and Sun Ling both tasted it and thought it was good. This was only filmed.

Sparks of true polar fire are not suddenly absorbed or even rushed into the hearth furnace. Anyway, it is very safe to put it in the Kung De ring. Yang Chen still doesn't want to expose his own spiritual furnace in Qingyun Sect.

The purpose of Qingyun Sect has basically been fully achieved. Now we need to give the palace master an explanation, take Sun Light Snow around and practice.

However, before leaving, Yang Chen ran into an interesting guy.

The liquor fairy came to the door on his own initiative. There were no two words to meet. He put out a nice drink and put it in front of Yang Chen: “Little brother, I found a circle that matched the taste. You try these wines and see which one works best for you and your bartender. ”

Almost a dozen days have passed since that tiny pot of fresh water opened into the belly of the wine fairy. After tasting that wine, where can a wine fairy drink the so-called wine of the past, it only tastes like that little jug of wine in her head?

When Yang Chen said that opening with alcohol was more appropriate than opening with water, the wine fairy immediately scraped around. And thanks to his ability to find a place, in just over a dozen days, he actually found a dozen different types of wine that he thought would suit him.

Sure, it's from the liquor store, but it's very appetizing to Yang Chen. Nor did Yang Chen refuse, picking up these wines, pouring them out one by one, and starting to taste them one by one.

Liquor fairy eyes stared at Yang Chen to taste, looking forward. The point in his mind that he intends to see even Sun Light Snow is that he can find the right wine to melt the winemaker and then taste the wine again.

Finally, Yang Chen tasted one lap before picking out two of them. This move surprises and surprises the fairy, and if there are two things, it means he can have two flavors of wine to unravel.

“The two barely fit together, and the others don't.” Yang Chen didn't have much disgust with this good gambling predecessor. It was just sharing two drops of wine. For a huge wine maker with a lake, it could only be nine bulls out of ten.

Besides, Yang Chen has another consideration for the wine fairy. Senior wine fairy is a scattered fairy, and from what Yang Chen has learned over the past few days, he has a good reputation at all gates. The Five Sects and the Qingyun Sect even gave him the qualifications of guest secretary. In his capacity, he was able to keep abreast of some of the latest news in the practice, sometimes more intelligent than even those who were specializing in snooping.

As long as Yang Chen seduces her with wine, she will not be saddened to receive some news from the wine fairy. And the wine fairy is Yuan Baby Cultivation, let him exchange news or something else for wine, the wine fairy absolutely loves it.

This time the wine fairy learns to be a good boy, and every good wine is served in a jar, not a tiny bottle. After Yang Chen picked it out, he took out two large wine balls. At least 40 pounds per serving, depending on the size of the bowl.

The wine fairy took out the bar and looked at Yang Chen with some embarrassment. Yang Chen didn't say anything about breaking his mind. In every jar, he still dripped so much wine. Of course, this drop is a little bigger than the last one, but it does exactly what a pot of wine needs.

Soon, the aroma dissipated. The wine fairy can't help but squeeze his eyes and smell the wine in the air, but Yang Chen hasn't moved yet, and he hasn't had the nerve to open his mouth to drink.

Yang Chen took two large jade cups, all three for one cup, and one for Sun Qingxue. Little girl had a good amount of alcohol, she didn't get smoked, she could drink some.

“Senior, do as you please!” Yang Chen held a liquor bar and poured it on himself and Sun Qingxue, respectively, and made a gesture of invitation to the liquor fairy. The liquor fairy of course has its own guy, take out a cup immediately, then fill it up as well, touch Yang Chen gently.

Sun Qingxue certainly won't brush Yang Chen's face. He also took a glass and touched Yang Chen. The three of them were in Sun Qingxue's small courtyard and slowly tasted the wine.

“It's delicious! Better than last time.” After a sip, the wine fairy sighed once again, satisfied with the divine colour of her face.

“Just a little bit worse.” Yang Chen smiled and said: “Wait for the younger generation to make some supplementary wine themselves, then invite the younger generation to try it again. ”

“What's better?” Senpai's eyes lit up on the spot. Good wine man, can't hear good wine, can't see good wine, started scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks. If it weren't for Yang Chen's need for brewing, it is estimated that the wine fairy would be able to ask for it directly.


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