
Chapter 1431 Causes and Consequences (top)

For the time being, only Yang Chen knew that even the target he was waiting for would not know that he would pass through here. It's not a deep mountain old forest, it's a hidden valley peak, it's a very obvious road.

It's not official, but there are a lot of people walking, more people walking, and a clear path has been formed over time. It's not spacious, but it walks smoothly.

Yang Chen is located in a large area on this road, built several rooms, and Kwon Chung is a small guest shop. Said it was a guest shop, but even the owner brought a buddy, only Yang Chen. Anyway, the people passing on the road are not particularly frequent. Ten and a half days and one or two months, Yang Chen alone, also came completely busy.

Nobody knows the world's famous five-grade alchemist, and Yang Chen, a major multiplier, would have done such a small business in such a remote corner.

Only Yang Chen knew that he was waiting for someone. Though he doesn't know exactly what day that person is going through here, he can be sure that it will be in the next decade or so.

A misty day had no idea how he could have appeared in this shithole. Anyway, when he woke up from a coma, he found himself already here.

He was originally planning to join the army, and he was unconscious on his way to join the army. Of course, Easy Heaven did not join the army to serve the king or anything, it was entirely his own intention.

Easy Heaven is from a family of monastic practitioners. It is also a family legend. But from childhood until age, until now, Easy Day has not practiced any kind of work. It's not that he doesn't have the gift to practice, it's that his grandfather won't let him practice.

Hundreds of years ago, the practice world had the afterlife spiritual root, said to have been proposed by Master Yang Chen Yang. Subsequently, Master Yang presented a series of theories on Acquired Heavenly Spirit Root, including how to improve some of the spirits of Acquired Heavenly Spirit Root, and so on.

After the appearance of Tianling Root, Yi's contemporary homeowner, Yi Tian's grandfather began to conduct in-depth research based on Master Yang's theories.

Yijia is a native of the monastery. It doesn't matter what the rules of cleansing are. If you think of any method, you need to test it. Under this unconstrained and unbridled drilling method, it is true that the ancestors of the Yi family have been asked to develop a rather harmful method that can be used to upgrade the afterlife root.

The spirits that can elevate the roots of the post-Heavenly Spirit, which can be encountered but not desired, did not think from the beginning that future generations of their own could have such bad luck. So, he studied a method of sucking on the essence of human life.

There is a fatal defect in the success of the study, but this method can only be practiced before it begins to be practiced in order to achieve the purpose of the elevated Heavenly Spirit Root. As long as training begins, it will never be possible to succeed again.

For the cultivating family, pillaging a large number of mortals to uplift their own children's spiritual roots is not a big deal. How can an Ejia of demonic origin care about the lives of mortals in the district? Fatally, the news that the ancestors of the Yi family had studied this magic work was somehow leaked by one of the common descendants of the family.

This kind of magic works to kill tens of thousands of monks or hundreds of thousands of mortals to become a disciple of the whole family. To avoid the wind of the tree, it is certainly not possible that all disciples are qualified to use it. Thus, a distressed common son secretly leaked the news that the owner had studied the kung fu under his own hopeless practice.

Yi Jia is just a small family of demons, not even a third-class sect. Soon, Yijia was blocked by demonic masters who had received information. Of course, the owner was reluctant to hand over his kung fu, so, without any ripple, Yijia was easily extinguished.

The whole Yijia family escaped from Yitian one. It is also the visionary vision of the ancestors of Yijia, the long arranged back road. Easy to remember the ancestral methods, one person embarked on a difficult cultivation path.

To practice, you have to kill first, kill somewhere, it is easy to leak the sound, and no one can do it easily. So he intends to join the army and take the opportunity to practice in the army. On his way to join the army, when he hit his fingertips in a small shop on the side of the road, he unwittingly fainted and woke up to find himself in this strange place.

Yang Chen waited here for Easy Heaven. Before his death, he and Easy Heavenly Demon had been talking for a while. Easy Demon told him a lot of things at the time. There was the kind of magic that Easy Demon practiced, as well as some things that he started practicing. This includes one's own passage down the road.

Here, Yang Chen has waited for almost seven years and finally waited for the young Elder Demon. The appearance of Easy Heaven and the Elderly Devil of the Hereafter did not change much. Yang Chen recognized it at a glance.

In this life, Yang Chen relied on the magic teachings taught to him by the Elder Demon to complete the five spiritual roots of Yin and Yang. Anyway, it was Yang Chen who accepted the love of the Elder Demon. Yang Chen has been thinking about how to break this cause and effect with the Elder Devil. When he had tens of thousands of Taitianmen disciples to kill, he naturally remembered the Elder Devil.

Counting the time, it happened that this time was the day of the birth of Yitian, so Yang Chen did not hesitate to bring the tens of thousands of Taitianmen disciples here and waited until Yitian.

In the previous life, Yitian killed in the army, but he was so notorious that he was directly regarded as a demon head before practicing. On several occasions, he was almost directly exorcised by the Demon Guardian. The path of cultivation is also a rough road, and with the destruction of the whole family, the Elderly Devil has the kind of good character of future generations, becoming the Elderly Devil that people are afraid of.

Yang Chen did not intend to change the character of the Elderly Demon, he was just going to give back the person who the Elderly Demon told himself about his kung fu. These tens of thousands of Taitianmen disciples must die. If they are going to die, why not become an old devil? First, Yang Chen did not use his own hands, and second, Yang Chen and Yi Lao Demon did the same, which made Yi Lao Demon lose a lot of ferocity at the beginning, which is kind of Yang Chen's interest to Yi Lao Demon.

When Yi Tian woke up, he found himself in an unknown space. All but a few huts and some households are empty and empty.

In the midst of suspicion, hundreds of people suddenly appeared in an open space ahead. Strangely, all these people were lying motionless on the ground, and if they hadn't seen their breasts moving and breathing, it might have been easy to think they were all dead.

“Kill them, you can leave!” A clear voice rang in Etienne's ear.