Zhuang Fu Lang

Chapter 26

Everyone had been busy for a few days and finally finished planting the land. Shen Yanbei was relieved and took Gu Changfeng and Shen Laifu to find someone to renovate the restaurant in the county to prepare for the opening of the restaurant.

The owner was really stingy. After the wine estate was given to Shen Yanbei, the tables, chairs and stools in the restaurant, the pots and pans in the kitchen, and the backyard households were all moved away. It was empty!

Shen Yanbei was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't care.Here he originally planned to re-plan the decoration, he did not plan to use those dilapidated configurations, and he had to redesign the stove in the kitchen.

After Shen Laifu had been in the county for so long, he was familiar with many things, and he immediately found skilled plasterers and carpenters.

The restaurant has two floors, the lobby on the first floor and the private rooms on the second floor.Shen Yanbei has not changed the layout of the restaurant, but has spent more time on decoration.

It takes too much time and money to make carved furniture and leaves. Shen Yanbei keeps carpenters simple, and the customized tables and chairs are simple and elegant.

The majority of the decoration cost was on hardware, and the rest was mainly spent on buying kitchen utensils and tableware. In addition, Shen Yanbei also bought some half-person tall green plants and potted flowers.

Different from other restaurants and restaurants, several tables are set up at random in the lobby for guests to eat. Shen Yanbei refers to the restaurants with various modern decoration styles and makes full use of space. Plants and wooden boards divide the lobby into three spaces.There are one row of seats against the wall on the left and right, and an aisle, with two rows of seats separated by wooden boards.The seats are separated by wooden boards to form a deck, and then decorated with plants and flowers.

Shen Yanbei in the elegant room on the second floor did not take the elegant names like those very tall and elegant restaurants. For spring, summer, autumn and winter plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, he divided five elegant rooms, which were named sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty. name.

Sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, with the same taste as you, joy, anger, sorrow and shame, crossing with you; wealth and longevity in spring, with you.

The overall decoration style of the restaurant is set, and you have to find the second person, the shopkeeper, and the kitchen helper.Shen Laifu directly recommended the guys whom he had worked with before to Shen Yanbei. After Shen Yanbei inspected, he appointed the personnel and trained after signing the contract.


Here is busy decorating the restaurant, and Shen Yanbei did not put down the crops in the fields.Small seedlings of corn, soybeans, etc. all grew up to half a foot tall, and the seedlings returned to green and took root, and they were covered with greenery.

The ducks can be put down in half a month. There are a lot of ducks to be stocked in the eight-acre paddy field. Shen Yanbei asked someone to find out who had ducks nearby, and asked someone to order a batch of ducklings.

Tomb-sweeping is here during the busy time.

Tomb-sweeping Festival has been a very important festival since ancient times, and everyone is cautious about sweeping tombs and offering ancestor incense.

In modern times, Shen Yanbei would go to the cemetery to pay homage to his mother regardless of the Qingming Festival or the anniversary of his mother's death.Now that time and space have been changed, and the bodies of other people's children have been taken up, Shen Yanbei is even more attentive to the Qingming Festival.

There was a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival. The weather was still fine in the first two days, but on the day of Qingming, a drizzle suddenly appeared in the sky.

Shen Yanbei and Gu Changfeng walked side by side.The rain was not heavy, and the two of them were holding umbrellas. Shen Yanbei was holding a bamboo basket with incense, candles, and paper in his hand. Gu Changfeng was carrying a hoe, and a food box was hung on the hoe. It is food and wine for worship.

The parents of the original owner were buried at the foot of Huaqiu Mountain. The area around this area is full of burial areas. At first glance, they are all graves of different sizes or simple or neatly repaired.

The white paper is flying, and the white flags are surging. It looks strange and bleak in the rainy weather.

The ancients pay attention to death in the same cave. The tomb where Shen's father and Shen's mother were buried together was a small tomb bag, with a tombstone standing on the side. The tombstone was written with cinnabar on the tomb of Shen Wang's Shuya, the tomb of father Shen Changqing.The soil bag has been washed away by rain all the year round, and it has become a lot low, with green weeds growing over it.

The two put down the food basket in their hands and proceeded to clean up the weeds.

"I'll do it." Gu Changfeng quickly grabbed him when Shen Yanbei was about to pull the weeds with his hands.

Shen Yanbei smiled and said, "It's okay, two people should do it faster."

Thinking that this was the tomb of Shen Yanbei's parents and his parents-in-law, Gu Changfeng's face flushed slightly, and he didn't speak any more, but he was weeding much faster.

The weeds around the tomb were also cleaned, revealing dark brown soil.Gu Changfeng levelled the ground, piled up the rest of the soil, turned the small soil pack into a big one, and hoeed a large piece of turf nearby, padding it with yellow paper, and pressed it on the soil pack according to what Shen Yanbei said.

Shen Yanbei took out three sharp bowls of white rice, a chicken and fruit plate from the food box and placed them in front of the grave, then took out three wine glasses and placed them, and filled them one by one.

On the other side, Gu Changfeng took out the joss stick paper etc. from the basket, and lit the joss stick with the fire fold.

Putting the red candle on the head of the grave respectfully, Shen Yanbei bowed down with the incense, and Gu Changfeng knelt beside him without hesitation.

"Daddy, I came to see you." Shen Auntie Shen, hello, I am Shen Yanbei.Although it wasn't my intention, now I do occupy your son's body.For this, I am deeply sorry.Since everyone is the Shen family, please forgive me for continuing to live with your son's body and identity.

"This is my husband Gu Changfeng." This is my wife Gu Changfeng, and the daughter-in-law of your Shen family.

"I have taken the land back and planted the crops. Although I am not rich now, my life is going well. Please don't worry." The deal is done, and I shamelessly occupy your family's resources.I don't have much abilities, but I will let my daughter-in-law live a good life, and will not discredit your Shen family.

After talking about it, Shen Yanbei inserted the incense, and then sternly knocked his head three times.

"Father, mother, I will take good care of my husband, please rest assured."

A man's low and serious voice came from his ears. As soon as Shen Yanbei looked up, he saw the dark back of Gu Changfeng's head, and his dull mood immediately improved.

A igniting tongue rolled over the Ming paper, and the wind helped the fire burn. The paper money and ingots piled in front of the grave burned. The fiery flames warmed Shen Yanbei's cold palms.

When the waiting paper burned to ashes, Shen Yanbei held up a wine glass and spilled the wine.This tomb sweep is even complete.

"Okay, wife, pack your things and go back." Shen Yanbei smiled slightly at Gu Changfeng who had been staring at him.

Gu Changfeng nodded gently.

The two walked side by side as they did when they came.The drizzle was flying, and it was a bit cold on the face, but the temperature from the palm of the hand was warm to Shen Yanbei's heart.

"Husband, don't be sad, I will always be with you in the future."

The man beside him clasped his hand tightly, comforting him awkwardly and sincerely.Shen Yanbei wanted to say that he was not sad, but felt regretful.He found someone with whom he had been hand in hand for the rest of his life, but he couldn't bring him to his mother's grave to show him.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he has a good life, the god of the gods will be happy!

The gloomy mood was swept away, Shen Yanbei hooked his wife's warm palms and said with a smile: "It is said that the ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see the in-laws. Since you have met the in-laws now, that is my Shen family! "

The other party was not ashamed and embarrassed, but looked directly at him with those quiet black eyes, and solemnly said "Uh".

The heart suddenly became too soft.

Shen Yanbei directly stretched out his hand to grab the skirt of his clothes and pulled him over, and kissed the lip fiercely.

"Don't say such nice things in the future!"

Gu Changfeng's ears were red, and his eyes were a little blank.

What did he say?